Consequences of the Past - Chapter 3 - CharmGirlLove (2024)

Chapter Text

AO3 community denies me Gray taking care of a sick Lyon so i shall create my own! Mwahahahahahaha!

Ok so here's the next chapter! Honestly i'm still not satisfied, has anyone else ever had the issue of writing a story but unable to write it in a way you like it? Like you can get the idea out there but think someone could write it better? I feel like this all the time, if anyone feels like they can either Beta this or even rewrite it into their own story i welcome them to it!

Lyon woke up feeling incredibly heavy and sore all over, he was on a soft bed, not his own he immediately noted,the blanket was a bit too thick and the mattress a bit too thin to be his own. He didn't think he was in the hospital since there were no beeping sounds or feeling of wires hooked to him. He groaned slightly tilting his head and he heard a voice. "Lyon-Sama?"

Chelia, she sounded worried, about him? But why?

He then remembered the events of before where Chelia was healing him of a headache when the most unimaginable pain ripped through him like there was lava mixed with broken glass through his veins.

He remembered hearing voices and the sensation of being carried but after that nothing. sh*t he probably worried his GuildMates, better wake up now and comfort them.

He squinted his eyes open seeing Chelia's teary eyed form standing over him. "Lyon-Sama!" She said in relief.

"Give him some room Chelia." Yuka said, gently pulling the girl back.

"Sorry…." Chelia said.

"It's alright…." Lyon said trying to move into an upright position but his limbs weren't listening to him shaky and unsteady, especially his left arm that wouldn't seem to move. Someone carefully helped him sit up with a hand on his back putting a pillow behind him. Lyon turned to thank them when he realized who it was.

"Gray?! What are you doing here?" Lyon asked.

"You're in the infirmary in my Guildhall dumbass." Gray said.

Lyon blinked in surprise and looked around, it did indeed look like an infirmary, it was probably upstairs since Lyon's only been downstairs in the Guildhall before. "Ok why am I in the Fairy Tail infirmary?" He asked.

"Cause you ended up getting yourself poisoned." A voice of a pink haired woman said, stepping closer.

"Poisoned?" Lyon asked skeptically.

"Yes, look at your left shoulder." She said and Lyon did and saw to his surprise a green splotch that went halfway down his arm to his shoulder.

"The hell…."

"It's a poison that reacts to magic, it gets worse at the use of it and could have torn your body apart if you hadn't been brought here in time." The woman explained.

How in the utter hell did he get poisoned? He couldn't recall a situation where that would have happened.

"It's a latent effect one and can take weeks to manifest itself." The woman explained as if she read his mind.

Ok that partially explained it but he still couldn't think of any way he could have been poisoned. He felt a pulsing headache go through his head and he brought his right hand up to his head closing his eyes. "Hey you ok?" Chelia said.

"Yeah, just a headache, it's gone now." Lyon said, opening his eyes and noticed a cuff on his hand. "What's this?" He asked

"Even though it's no longer deadly at the moment there are still side effects. It will be a couple of weeks until it's gone, that cuff is an anti magic cuff we didn't want you to wake up panicking and using your magic." She explained.

"...wait, I cant use magic for a few weeks?" Lyon asked in shock.

"That's what I said stupid human!" The woman snapped. "Magic can't be used on you either so neither Wendy or Chelia can heal you."

Wow, talk about bad luck. "Ok so no magic for a few weeks got it." Lyon said trying to hide the irritation in his voice, he was going to go insane. Magic was a huge part of his life! He clench his fists…..fist he realized that his left arm still wasn't cooperating with him. He looked at his arm trying to move it…..nothing. He tried to hide the immediate panic but sadly he didn't fool anyone, must be losing his touch.

"Lyon what's wrong?" Gray said, having noticed the panic in Lyon's gaze.

"I can't move my left arm…." Lyon said using his right arm to lift it up then it flopped on the bed.

Gray's eyes widened and before everyone could panic Porlyusica said "Probably a side effect, it should be back to normal in a few days." She explained and Lyon sighed in relief, good it wasn't permanent, but no magic and no use of his left arm for a few days this was going to suck.

Moving to a more upright position his body was still sore and his mind still foggy but not as bad as before. "Well when can I get out of here then?" He asked.

"You can leave this room tomorrow but you can't leave Magnolia until the poison's gone." Porlyusica said.

"What?!" Lyon exclaimed and got smacked on the head for his troubles.

"I need to check up on you every day and no way in hell am i traveling to Margeret town every day, too many stupid humans. Plus someone needs to be near you if any symptoms pop up."

Lyon stared at her in disbelief, he wasn't a child that needed to be taken care of he was 28 geesh!

"I can't leave my guild hall alone for a few weeks." Lyon said.

"We already called Jura. He's going to take a break from his duties on the council to be at the guild." Yuka said and Lyon gave him a glare for taking away an excuse to get out of here but Yuka just looked at him calmly.

"I know you want to go back to your guild Lyon-San but right now you need to take care of your health." Wendy said walking over grabbing his good hand…..when the hell did she get here? He looked up and noticed that the rest of Gray's team was standing near the door.

Either they had been here the whole time or Lyon didn't notice them coming in. Lyon thought he was pretty good at being aware of his environment but he guessed he was still pretty out of it.

He looked back at Wendy who gave him the puppy dog eyes, Chelia next to her doing the same thing and sighed. "Fine. Where have you guys been staying? I'll crash there." He said he could never win with the two Sky Sisters double teaming him.

"We've been staying in a hotel, Chelia's been staying with Wendy." Yuka said.

Before Lyon could say he would stay in the hotel room with those two when Erza spoke up. "Why don't you stay with Gray?"

"Huh?" Both Ice Mages said.

"Great idea since Lyon knows Gray better and Gray can get a hold of Porlyusica if something goes wrong." Chelia said.

"And Gray doesn't have anyone living at his place other than him." Lucy noted.

"Wai…." Lyon started to say but was interrupted.

"So it's agreed." Erza said.

"Hold o…." Gray started to say but everyone nodded in agreement.

Both Ice Mages stared at each other in disbelief at the situation they were in.

The next day Lyon was faced with a dilemma, he couldn't put a freaking shirt on, with his left arm currently unable to move it was an impossible task, since they had to cut his shirt off previously to get to the injury he had been shirtless for the time, not that he particularly minded but he would prefer to walk around a public place with a shirt, he wasn't Gray after all. He might not have a choice though if this kept up.

Groaning as he took the shirt off his head looking at his currently useless arm. He didn't notice the sound of footsteps until he heard a familiar voice saying. "Having some trouble?"

Lyon looked over and saw Gray crossing his arms leaning against the door. Lyon looked away not wanting to respond to it and Gray sighed walking over. "Here let me help." He said.

Lyon really wanted to say no but he knew that would be a dumb idea, and it was either Gray or his GuildMates, and he rather not have them see how pathetic he was at the moment.

He allowed Gray to help him put his arm through the shirt sleeve so Lyon could pull the rest of the shirt on. Ironically enough the shirt was Gray so it was a little baggy on Lyon and slightly short but it would work, he wasn't going to complain he already lost some dignity points by being helped getting a shirt on.

"Thanks…." Lyon said.

Gray looked at him and said "Oh the high and mighty Lyon can say thank you? Where's a recording Lacrima, this must be documented."

Lyon gave an annoyed look. "Nevermind then asshole."

Gray snickered at that and Lyon rolled his eyes but gave a small smile, at least it wasn't too awkward with him.

Lyon got up with a grunt standing still for a moment to make sure he wouldn't collapse, he honestly felt exhausted even if all he did here was sleep with one clumsy trip to the bathroom. He wished that he wasn't going down when the Guild Hall sounded so crowded but he also wanted to get out of here soon so he'd deal with it. Taking a breath he walked out of the room Gray followed.

He held onto the railing to get down the stairs, which took a lot more effort then he'd care to admit. He was waiting for a teasing remark from Gray about him looking like an old man or something but it never came.

His team hurried to him when they saw him heading down the stairs. "Are you sure you're ok to move?" Chelia asked when he reached the bottom.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Lyon said, patting her head.

"You have to tell Gray if anything is wrong don't try to hide it or play it off like you do with us." Chelia explained giving him the wide eyed puppy dog stare that she was so good at.

"Gray also does that, so he may be able to tell when Lyon does it." Erza said from nearby.

"I do not." Gray protested

"Yeah you do." About 20 members of Fairy Tail chorused, making Gray glare at them and Lyon chuckled under his breath at that.

"Hahaha you're all real comedians." Gray muttered and started heading out Lyon following.

"Bring him back tomorrow for a check up in the morning!" Porlyusica called from upstairs. "I rather do it when there's less of you stupid humans to deal with."

"Fine!" Gray called back before heading out of the guild Lyon following.

"...does she not realize she's also human?" Lyon asked when they were out of earshot.

"Dare you to bring that up to her." Gray remarked.

"I value my life so no thank you." Lyon replied.

"Damn was hoping to see you get smacked." Gray said with a sigh in disappointment.

"After living with Obaabaa-sama for 9 years i have learned the art of not pissing temperamental old women off." Lyon noted.

"...damn has it been that long already." Gray muttered.

"Well for you it's only been 2." Lyon noted and saw the slight downcast on Gray's face at the 7 year difference that had happened.

Lyon decided to be quiet as they walked through the public, he tried to hide it but the more he was up and about the tireder he got. He was holding back gasps of air when they finally arrived at Gray's apartment…why did it have to be upstairs. Before he could start the steps Gray wrapped an arm around him. "Wha…."

"I could literally see you struggling on the way here, no one's around so your ego shouldn't be too damaged." Gray noted and Lyon glared at this.

"I can…"

"You're trembling." Gray added and Lyon looked, seeing his hand was indeed shaking, sh*t. He shut up and Gray led him upstairs Lyon trying not to put his weight into him…only partially succeeding as they made it to the top. Gray let him go and formed in his hands a small key opening the door.

"Don't destroy anything or mess anything up too much." Gray said letting Lyon go in first.

"Gee, such an accommodating host." Lyon said with heavy sarcasm as he headed inside, this wasn't Lyon's first time in Gray's apartment so he knew his way around.

"Feel free to sleep outside." Gray said.

"I would but then my teammates would kill me and your teammates would kill you." Lyon added as he went and sat on the couch slumping slightly. His head was pounding and it felt like he ran 100 miles without stopping and he could tell he was trembling even more. sh*t this poison was really affecting him.

Lyon liked to think that he kept in pretty good physical health so feeling so weak was a big irritation to him. "Well guess I'll make dinner since you need to eat with that potion…you know we could have eaten at the guild." Gray noted.

"...yeah me eating with one arm in front of a bunch of Fairy Tail members, not gonna happen." Lyon noted.

"But think of the entertainment." Gray called out as he disappeared inside the kitchen.

"Doesn't your guild have enough entertainment from Salamander? Or better yet your strip shows?" Lyon asked and smirked when he heard Gray muttering under his breath probably very unflattering things at him.

Lyon rested his head against the couch biting his tongue against a groan as he felt a jolt of pain went through his head and he put a hand on his forehead wishing he could summon some ice for it. But that would break the no-magic rule and he rather not see what could happen if he did that so soon. He listened to Gray mess around in the kitchen closing his eyes to try to stop the headache.

He didn't realize he dozed off until he was shaken awake. Blinking up he saw Gray whose expression was surprisingly blank. "What you didn't draw on my face did you?" Lyon asked, sitting up.

"...No, I only do that to Natsu or in a guild prank war." Gray stated.

"...guild prank war?" Lyon asked.

"Yeah every random day a year Master picks a day for a prank war sometimes 2 to throw us off, so none of us can prepare for it and it's an all out war, magics used to track who's pranks got who winner gets to boss around the person who was pranked the most. I've been the winner 6 times." Gray said with a victorious smirk.

"Considering you never won a prank war against me, that's saying something." Lyon noted.

"When you're better I challenge you to another one."

"While we're in different cities?" Lyon asked.

"What too chicken?"

"Oh you're on, just don't come crying to me if you lose like you did last time." Lyon stated.

"We'll see…now eat your dinner." Gray commanded.

"...yes mom." Lyon said, smirking at Gray's annoyed look as he picked up a fork.

It was simply pasta and some green beans, at least Gray picked things he could use one handed and things Lyon was ok with eating.

Gray had his own plate and sat in a nearby chair as they ate. Lyon had to force himself to eat his headache and his stomach churning made him have no appetite but he had to take a potion at night and in the morning with food. So he could at least choke a good portion of it down. Both were used to being the quiet members of the table unless a sarcastic remark was needed so they ate in a comfortable silence. Lyon finally decided he couldn't stomach more after eating about a third of it.

If Gray thought anything weird about it he didn't say instead he took Lyon's plate to the kitchen and came back with a spoonful of potion which Lyon accepted and swallowed down. "Wow, I'm amazed you can swallow that without making a face." Gray noted.

"Cause i'm not a 5 year old that complains about taking medicine." Lyon noticed.

"I resent that."

"Oh please, anytime you got sick with Ur you threw the biggest fit about taking your medicine saying it tasted like sewer water." Lyon said.

"I was not that bad!"

"Oh yes you were, and it was impossible to get you to stay in bed, you were always saying you were fine…." Lyon trailed off remembering what else Gray always said.

'And I need to get stronger to defeat Deliora. I don't have time to lay around here!'

Pretty sure that wasn't a good idea to continue, if Gray had noticed him trailing off he didn't show it.

"I'm just saying Porlyusica's medicine tastes like absolute sh*t." Gray noted.

"Try Toby's cooking once and you'll learn how to eat foods without tasting them." Lyon said feeling nauseous at the reminder.

"It's that bad?" Gray asked.

"Oh yeah." Lyon said, muffling a yawn.

They sat and chatted for about another half an hour before Gray said. "Ok i'm tired of watching you act like you're not about to fall asleep, go to bed." Gray said.

"It's hardly 8." Lyon protested looking at the clock.

"Obviously your body disagrees." Gray noted.

"Are you always this bossy?" Lyon asked standing up only to stumble as he felt lightheaded and Gray hurried forward to steady him.

"Are you always this stubborn?" Gray retorted.

Lyon pulled away and muttered under his breath but headed to the spare bedroom Gray had. Obviously Gray had cleaned up in here since he rarely had guests, the sheets had been changed and any random items that had been around the room had been cleaned up. With a 'Night' towards Gray he closed the door and headed to the bed slipping off his socks and shoes before lying down staring at the ceiling.

Great he'd be living here for the next few weeks, hopefully he wouldn't catch Fairy Tail's madness. Hopefully he could convince his Team Mates to go home so they weren't stuck here with him. At least for a little bit so one of them could grab some of his stuff so he wouldn't have to keep borrowing Gray's. He closed his eyes feeling a pulse of pain go through his head and his stomach churning.

Hopefully he'd be a bit less exhausted tomorrow. He didn't want to look pathetic in front of everyone.

Gray was laying on his bed dozing when he was fully awoken by the sound of the door to the guest bedroom being slammed open, then the sound of another door being open and retching. sh*t.

Gray got up and walked to the bathroom to see Lyon over the toilet bowl hurling. He honestly wasn't surprised. Porlyusica warned him that probably the first week or 2 he'd be facing some pretty bad symptoms. Throwing up was one of them along with headaches, fevers, weakness, trembling, coughing up blood, fainting and a lot of pleasant things. He was to call her if he coughed up a ton of blood or had seizures,couldn't breath or if the mark had grown.

He had noticed that on the way here that Lyon had grown paler and was trembling on the walk here. The moron was not as well as he pretended to be. Gray left the room and came back with a glass of ice water.

Putting a hand on Lyon's shoulder who was panting over the water bowl. "Here," He said.

Lyon looked at him, his eyes half focused and reached for the water. If Gray hadn't kept a grasp on it when Lyon had grabbed it, it would have fallen to the floor. He helped Lyon hold the glass to his lips so he could take a sip and rinse his mouth out, spitting it into the toilet bowl before taking another drink.

He helped Lyon to his feet, letting him flush the toilet before helping him to the bedroom, having to take it slow as Lyon's trembling made it hard to walk. They arrived at the guest bedroom and Gray helped Lyon lie down. The elder Ice Mage obviously felt too sick to protest the help. Gray put a hand on Lyon's forehead, sh*t it was hot. "Be right back." He said before Lyon could say anything and Gray headed to the kitchen getting a rag and rinsing it with cold water before freezing it with his magic. Since he froze the water not entrapping the cloth in his own ice it should be fine to put it on.

He went back to Lyon's room and put the rag on his forehead and Lyon closed his eyes at the coolness. "Need anything?" Gray asked sitting on the edge of the bed near Lyon's head

"...who are you and what have you done to the asshole known as Gray." Lyon said with a small chuckle.

"Yeah yeah…." Gray said, rolling his eyes but putting a hand on Lyon's cheek the ice mage immediately leaned into the coolness.

"Sorry…" Lyon muttered.

"Don't worry you can pay me back later." Gray said.

He sat there and watched as Lyon's breathing evened out and the elder man fell asleep. Gray felt his shoulders untense in relief. He probably stayed there for about an hour recooling the rag on Lyon's head and checking his arm to make sure that the mark hadn't expanded.

Finally some of the color seemed to return to Lyon's face and Gray took that as a good sign and stood up. "Night Lyon." Gray said heading out of the room to attempt to get some sleep before tomorrow came.

Consequences of the Past - Chapter 3 - CharmGirlLove (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.