Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)

Acid Splash
Cantrip Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2)Action

1~6 Damage
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (3)1d6Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (4)Acid

Throw a bubble of acid that damage each creature it hits.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (5)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (6)DEX SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (7)INT

Bone Chill
Cantrip Necromancer Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (9)Action 1~8 Damage
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (10)1d8Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (11)Necrotic

Prevent the target from healing until your next turn. An undead target receivesDisadvantageonAttack Rolls.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (12)1 turn
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (13)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (14)INT

Fire Bolt
Cantrip Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (16)Action

1~10 Damage
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (17)1d10Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (18)Fire

Hurl a mote of fire.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (19)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (20)INT

Poison Spray
Cantrip Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (22)Action 1~12 Damage
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (23)1d12Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (24)Poison

Project a puff of noxious gas.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (25)3mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (26)CON SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (27)INT

Ray of Frost
Cantrip Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (29)Action

1~8 Damage
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (30)1d8Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (31)Cold

Reduce the target'sMovement Speedby 3m.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (32)1 turn
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (33)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (34)INT

Shocking Grasp
Cantrip Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (36)Action

1~8 Damage
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (37)1d8Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (38)Lightning

The target cannot use reactions. This spell hasAdvantageon creatures with metal armour.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (39)1 turn
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (40)MeleeFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (41)INT

Blade Ward
Cantrip Abjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (43)Action

Take only half the damage from Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing attacks.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (44)2 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (45)INT

Cantrip Enchantment Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (47)Action

GainAdvantageonCharismaChecksagainst a non-hostile creature.
Once the spell ends, the creature knows it was Charmed and might accuse the spellcaster.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (48)10 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (49)9mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (50)ConcentrationFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (51)INT

Dancing Lights
Cantrip Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (53)Action

Illuminate a 9m radius.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (54)10 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (55)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (56)ConcentrationFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (57)INT

Cantrip Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (59)Action
Mage Hand
Cantrip Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (65)Action

Create a spectral hand that can manipulate and interact with objects.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (66)10 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (67)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (68)INT

Minor Illusion
Cantrip Illusion Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (70)Action Create an illusion that compels nearby creatures to investigate
10 turns

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (71)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (72)INT

True Strike
Cantrip Divination Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (74)Action GainAdvantageon your nextAttack Roll.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (75)2 turns

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (76)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (77)ConcentrationFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (78)INT

Charm Person
Level 1 Enchantment Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (80)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (81)
Level 1 Spell Slot Charma humanoidto prevent it from attacking you. You gainAdvantageonCharismaChecksin dialogue and prevent it from attacking.
Enemies have Advantage onSaving Throwsagainst being Charmed.
When the spell ends, the target might accuse you of Charming them.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (82)10 Turns

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (83)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (84)WIS SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (85)INT

Burning Hands
Level 1 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (87)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (88)
Level 1 Spell Slot

3~18 Damage
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (89)3d6Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (90)Fire
Each flammable target ish*t with3∼18 Fire damage.

  • On Save: Targets still take half damage.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (91)5MFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (92)DEX SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (93)INT

Chromatic Orb
Level 1 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (95)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (96)
Level 1 Spell Slot

3~24 Damage
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (97)3d8 Thunder

Hurl a spherethat deals 3-24 Thunder damage and possibly creates a surface on impact. Alternatively, choose a different type of damage.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (98)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (99)INT

Colour Spray
Level 1 Illusion Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (101)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (102)
Level 1 Spell Slot

Blindcreatures up to a combined33 hit points.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (103)1 Turn
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (104)5mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (105)INT

Disguise Self
Level 1 Illusion Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (107)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (108)
Level 1 Spell Slot Magically change all aspects of your appearance.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (109)INT

Enhance Leap
Level 1 Transmutation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (111)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (112)
Level 1 Spell Slot Triplea creature's jumping distance.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (113)10 Turns

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (114)MeleeFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (115)INT
Expeditious Retreat
Level 1 Transmutation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (117)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (118)
Level 1 Spell Slot GainDashimmediately and as a bonus action on each of your turns until this spell ends.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (119)UntilLong Rest

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (120)ConcentrationFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (121)INT

False Life
Level 1 Necromancy Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (123)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (124)
Level 1 Spell Slot Gain7 temporary hit points.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (125)UntilLong Rest
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (126)INT
Feather Fall
Level 1 Transmutation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (128)Bonus Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (129)
Level 1 Spell Slot You and nearby alliesImmunityto Falling damage.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (130)10 Turns

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (131)9mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (132)INT
Find Familiar
Level 1 Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (134)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (135)
Level 1 Spell Slot Summon a familiar, a fey spirit that takes an animal form of your choosing.Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (136)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (137)INT
Fog Cloud
Level 1 Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (139)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (140)
Level 1 Spell Slot The cloudBlindsandHeavily Obscurescreatures within it.
10 Turns

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (141)5mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (142)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (143)ConcentrationFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (144)INT

Level 1 Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (146)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (147)
Level 1 Spell Slot Cover the ground in grease, slowing creatures within and possibly making them fallProne.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (148)10 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (149)4mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (150)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (151)DEX SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (152)INT

Ice Knife
Level 1 Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (154)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (155)
Level 1 Spell Slot
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (156)1d10Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (157)Piercing +2d6Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (158)Cold
Throw a shard of ice that deals1∼10 Piercing damage. It explodes and deals2∼12 Cold damageto anyone nearby. It leaves an ice surface.
2 turns
  • On Miss: The shard of ice still explodes.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (159)2mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (160)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (161)DEX SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (162)INT
Level 1 Transmutation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (164)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (165)
Level 1 Spell Slot Increase a creature‘s movement speed by 3m.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (166)UntilLong Rest
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (167)MeleeFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (168)INT

Mage Armour
Level 1 Abjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (170)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (171)
Level 1 Spell Slot Protect a target from attacks: increase itsArmour Classto 13 + its Dexterity modifier.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (172)Until Long Rest

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (173)MeleeFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (174)INT
Magic Missile
Level 1 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (176)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (177)
Level 1 Spell Slot
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (178)3d4+3 Force
Shoot 3 magical darts, each dealing2∼5 Force damage.Theyalways hit their target.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (179)Range: 18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (180)INT

Protection from Evil and Good
Level 1 Abjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (182)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (183)
Level 1 Spell Slot Protect an ally against the attacks and powers of aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (184)Until Long Rest
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (185)MeleeFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (186)ConcentrationFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (187)INT

Ray of Sickness
Level 1 Necromancy Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (189)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (190)
Level 1 Spell Slot Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (191)2d8Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (192)Poison

PossiblyPoisonsthe target.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (193)2 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (194)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (195)CON SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (196)INT

Level 1 Abjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (198)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (199)
Level 1 Spell Slot

When you are about to be hit by an enemy, increase yourArmour Classby 5. You take no damage fromMagic Missile.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (200)UntilLong Rest
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (201)INT

Level 1 Enchantment Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (203)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (204)
Level 1 Spell Slot Put creatures into a magical slumber. Select targets up to a combined24 hit points.Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (205)2 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (206)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (207)INT
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Level 1 Enchantment Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (209)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (210)
Level 1 Spell Slot Leave a creaturePronewithlaughter,withoutthe ability to get up.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (211)10 turns

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (212)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (213)WIS SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (214)ConcentrationFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (215)INT

Level 1 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (217)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (218)
Level 1 Spell Slot

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (219)2d8 Thunder

Release a wave of thunderous forcethat pushes away all creatures and objects.

  • On Save: Targets still take half damage.
    Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (220)5mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (221)CON SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (222)INT
Witch Bolt
Level 1 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (224)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (225)
Level 1 Spell Slot

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (226)1d12 Lightning

Link yourself to a target with a bolt of lightning. Deal anadditional1∼12 Lightning Damageeach turn by activating it.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (227)10 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (228)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (229)ConcentrationFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (230)INT

Arcane Lock
Level 2 Abjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (232)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (233)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Close a door or container with a magical lock. It can no longer be lockpicked or opened with Knock.
10 turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (235)Melee

Level 2 Necromancy Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (237)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (238)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Limit a foe's sight range. It is easier to hit, and the creature will miss more often.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (239)10 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (240)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (241)CON Save

Level 2 Illusion Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (243)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (244)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Attackers have Disadvantage onAttacks Rollsagainst you.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (245)10 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (246)Concentration

Cloud of Daggers
Level 2 Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (248)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (249)
Level 2 Spell Slot

4~16 Damage
4d4Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (250) Slashing

Conjure a cloud of spinning daggers that attack anyone inside.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (251)10 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (252)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (253)Concentration

Crown of Madness
Level 2 Enchantment Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (255)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (256)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Instil madness in a humanoid enemy, making them attack the creature closest to them (other than you), even if it's allied.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (257)3 Turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (258)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (259)WIS SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (260)Concentration

Level 2 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (262)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (263)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Create a dark shroud that Heavily Obscures and Blinds creatures within.
Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of it.

10 Turns

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (265)5mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (266)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (267)Concentration

Level 2 Transmutation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (269)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (270)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (271)Until Long Rest
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (272)Melee
Detect Thoughts
Level 2 Divination Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (274)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (275)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Focus your mind to read the thoughts of certain creatures while talking to them.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (276)Until Long Rest
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (277)Concentration

Level 2 Transmutation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (279)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (280)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Make a creature larger or smaller to affect their weapon damage and Strength.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (281)9mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (282)CON SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (283)Concentration

Flaming Sphere
Level 2 Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (285)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (286)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (287)2d6Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (288)Fire

Summon a flaming sphere that damages nearby enemies and objects. You can move the sphere. It emits a bright light.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (289)10turns
On Save: Targets still take half damage.
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (290)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (291)DEX SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (292)Concentration

Gust of Wind
Level 2 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (294)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (295)
Level 2 Spell Slot Summon a strong wind that clears all sounds and pushes creatures back 5m, forcing themOff Balance.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (296)1 turn
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (297)12mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (298)STR Save

Hold Person
Level 2 Enchantment Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (300)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (301)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Holda humanoid enemy still. They can't move, act or react. Attacks from within 3m are always Critical Hits.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (302)10 turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (303)Range: 18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (304)WIS SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (305)Concentration

Level 2 Illusion Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (307)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (308)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Touch a creature to turn it Invisible.
Attacks against it have Disadvantage. It attacks with Advantage.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (309)10 turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (310)MeleeFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (311)Concentration

Level 2 Transmutation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (313)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (314)
Level 2 Spell Slot Unlockan object that is held shut by a mundane lock.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (315)18m

Magic Weapon
Level 2 Transmutation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (317)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (318)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (319)Until Long Rest
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (320)MeleeFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (321)Concentration

Melf's Acid Arrow
Level 2 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (323)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (324)
Level 2 Spell Slot

4d4Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (325)Acid + 2d4 Acid (Delayed)

Shoot a green arrow that covers the target and the ground with acid.
Deals4-16 Aciddamage immediately and2-8 Aciddamage at the end of the target's turn.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (326)1turn
On Miss: Target still takes half the initial damage

Mirror Image
Level 2 Illusion Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (328)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (329)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself that distract attackers. Each duplicate increases your Armour Class by 3.
Whenever you successfully evade an attack, one of the duplicates disappears.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (330)10 turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (331)Range: 18m

Misty Step
Level 2 Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (333)Bonus Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (334)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Surrounded bysilver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (335)Range: 18m

Phantasmal Force
Level 2 Illusion Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (337)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (338)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Deal damage to a creature each turn. The type of damage changes to the last type the creature suffered.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (339)10 turns
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (340)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (341)INT SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (342)Concentration

Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 2 Necromancy Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (344)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (345)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Weaken a foe: they deal half damage with weapon attacks using Strength.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (346)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (347)Concentration

Scorching Ray
Level 2 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (349)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (350)
Level 2 Spell Slot

6d6Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (351)Fire

Hur1 3 rays of fire. Each ray deals2∼12 Fire damage.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (352)18m

See Invisibility
Level 2 Divination Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (354)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (355)
Level 2 Spell Slot Become able to see invisible creatures, and possibly reveal them to others.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (356)Until Long Rest
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (357)9mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (358)DEXSave

Level 2 Evocation Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (360)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (361)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Damages all nearby creatures and objects. Creatures made of inorganic material such as stone have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw.

On Save: Targets still take half damage.
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (362)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (363)CON Save

Level 2 Conjuration Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (365)Action
Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (366)
Level 2 Spell Slot

Cover an area in thick, flammable webbing that slows creatures within and possiblyEnwebsthem.

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (367)18mFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (368)DEX SaveFighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (369)Concentration

Fighter | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Last Updated:

Views: 6145

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.