My HD Austria | HD Austria (2024)

My HD Austria | HD Austria (1)

"; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); saveHistory(his); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } $(document).on('click', '.highlightdiv img', function () { $('.highlightdiv img').removeClass('highlightemoji'); $('.highlightdiv img').removeClass('highlightemojigreeen'); var getimageid = parseInt($(this).attr('imgid')); if (getimageid <= 2) { $(this).addClass('highlightemoji'); } else if (getimageid >= 3) { $(this).addClass('highlightemojigreeen'); } getImage(getimageid); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); }); function continueno() { if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "hdaustria") || (localStorage.getItem("company") == "canaldigitaal") || (localStorage.getItem("company") == "directone")) { var dispositionId = 106; var subdispositionid = 0; var today = new Date(); var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&subDispositionId=" + subdispositionid + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { var tt = result; var repl = ''; repl += "

  • "; let no_reply = tt.filter(dis => (dis.DispositionId == 107 || dis.DispositionId == 112) || dis.DispositionURL == "No")[0]; repl += '

    ' + no_reply["Name"] + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (2)'; let continue_chat = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 108 || dis.DispositionId == 113)[0]; repl += '

    ' + continue_chat["Name"] + '

    '; repl += '
  • '; let main_menu = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 109 || dis.DispositionId == 114)[0]; repl += '

    ' + main_menu["Name"] + '

    '; let cancel_chat = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 110 || dis.DispositionId == 115)[0]; repl += '

    ' + cancel_chat["Name"] + '

    '; if (val == "0") { let something_else = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 111)[0]; repl += '

    ' + something_else["Name"] + '

  • '; } else { repl += ''; } repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; localStorage.setItem("mainmenu", "mainmenu"); $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatcz") || (localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatsk")) { var dispositionId = 120; var subdispositionid = 0; var today = new Date(); var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&subDispositionId=" + subdispositionid + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { var tt = result; var repl = ''; repl += "

  • "; let no_reply = tt.filter(dis => (dis.DispositionId == 121 || dis.DispositionId == 126) || dis.DispositionURL == "No")[0]; repl += '

    ' + no_reply["Name"] + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (3)'; let continue_chat = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 122 || dis.DispositionId == 127)[0]; repl += '

    ' + continue_chat["Name"] + '

    '; repl += '
  • '; let main_menu = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 123 || dis.DispositionId == 128)[0]; repl += '

    ' + main_menu["Name"] + '

    '; let cancel_chat = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 124 || dis.DispositionId == 129)[0]; repl += '

    ' + cancel_chat["Name"] + '

    '; if (val == "0") { let something_else = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 125)[0]; repl += '

    ' + something_else["Name"] + '

    '; } else { let something_else = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 130)[0]; repl += '

    ' + something_else["Name"] + '

    '; } let continue_contact = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 131 || dis.DispositionId == 132)[0]; repl += '

    ' + continue_contact["Name"] + '

  • '; //if (val == "0") { // let something_else = tt.filter(dis => dis.DispositionId == 125)[0]; // repl += '

    ' + something_else["Name"] + '

    '; //} //else { // repl += ''; //} repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; localStorage.setItem("mainmenu", "mainmenu"); $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } } function getImage(id) { var repl = ''; imageID = id; if (imageID >= 3) { repl += '

  • '; repl += '

    Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Schön, dass wir Ihnen weiterhelfen konnten.

    Was können wir tun, um uns weiter zu verbessern?

    '; repl += "

    "; repl += "

  • "; } else if (imageID <= 2) { repl += '

  • '; repl += '

    Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Schade, dass wir Ihnen nicht weiterhelfen konnten.

    '; repl += '

    Was können wir tun, um uns weiter zu verbessern?

    ' repl += "

    "; repl += "

  • "; } if ($(".sent-time .emojisent").length > 0) { if ($('li .hidefeedback.chatbot-hide').length > 0) { $('li .hidefeedback.chatbot-hide').remove(); } if ($(".sent-time .emojisent").length >= 1) { $(".sent-time .emojisent:last-child").html($.parseHTML(repl)); } else { $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); } } else { $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); } var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); }; $("#outlog").click(function () { $('.hidefeedback').addClass('chatbot-hide'); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if ($('li.sent-time .hidefeedback.chatbot-hide').length > 0) { $('li .hidefeedback.chatbot-hide').remove(); } var hh = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(hh); $('.chat-bot-icon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-popup').addClass('chatbot-hide'); localStorage.removeItem("usernamevalue"); localStorage.removeItem("chatsessoin"); }) $('#txtEmail').bind("cut copy paste", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $('#txtName').bind("cut copy paste", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $('#txtUserName').bind("cut copy paste", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $('#txtPassword').bind("cut copy paste", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $("#hidechat").click(function () { localStorage.setItem("loginbrowser", "loginbrowser"); $('.chat-bot-icon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-popup').addClass('chatbot-hide'); localStorage.removeItem("usernamevalue"); localStorage.removeItem("chatsessoin"); }); function loginchatDetails(model) { localStorage.removeItem("usernamevalue"); localStorage.removeItem("chatsessoin"); // $("#loadingMask").css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#Homebtnflag').val('1'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/loginchatdetails/", type: "POST", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", data: JSON.stringify(model), success: function (result) { var n = result.includes(":"); var res = result.split(":"); var customervalues = res[0]; var email = res[2]; username = ''; $('#label1').text(''); localStorage.setItem("customerid", customervalues); localStorage.setItem("email", email); //set emaiid to localstorage also. if (n == true) { $('.chat-popup').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.btnChat').removeClass("inprogress"); $('#errormessage').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent-tags').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#label1').text(res[1]); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); username = res[1]; localStorage.setItem("usernamevalue", username); localStorage.removeItem("CustValue"); var sessionvalue = ''; // if (customervalues != 1) { if (/^P\d+$/.test(customervalues)) { //debugger // User ID starts with "P" and consists of only digits console.log(`User ${customervalues} is a prospect customer.`); // Add your logic for special users here $(".sent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", "prospecthistory"); localStorage.setItem("mobile", $("#txtEmail").val()); localStorage.setItem("prospectname", $("#txtName").val()); localStorage.setItem("loginprospect", loginprospect); var url = window.location.href; location.assign(url); } else if (/^\d+$/.test(customervalues)) { // //$.ajax({ // url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getchathistory", // type: "GET", // contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", // cache: false, // datatype: 'json', // async: true, // success: function (result) { // var tt = result; // //alert(tt) // // var lastedupdateddate = tt.LastUpdated; // var chathistorysession = tt.History; // alert(chathistorysession) // } //}) // //debugger // User ID consists of only digits console.log(`User ${customervalues} is a logged in customer or existing customer.`); // Add your logic for regular users here dataLayer.push({ event: 'trackEvent', eventCategory: 'Chat', eventAction: 'User logged in as customer' }); localStorage.setItem("loginsuccess", "loginsuccess"); localStorage.setItem("loginchatdetails", customervalues); localStorage.setItem("CustValue", customervalues); var url = window.location.href; location.assign(url); } //else if (customervalues == 1) { //} else { //debugger // Invalid user ID format console.log(`Invalid user ID: ${customervalues}`); // Handle the invalid format as needed } } else { var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(); $('.btnChat').removeClass("inprogress"); $('.forgotbtnChat').removeClass("inprogress"); $('.submit-form').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent-tags').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); if (forgotnoflag == "1") { $('#errormessage1').text(result); $('#errormessage1').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(0); } else { $('#errormessage').text(result); $('#errormessage').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } $('.prospect').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-icon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-popup').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); if (model.UserType == 1) { $('.submit-form').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.prospect').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $("#txtUserName").val() == ""; $("#txtPassword").val() == ""; $('.repliesyes').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#txtUserName').val(''); $('#txtPassword').val(''); $('#txtforgotUserName').val(''); $('#txtforgotPassword').val(''); } else { $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.prospect').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $("#txtName").val() == ""; $("#txtEmail").val() == ""; $('.repliesyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesno').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } } if (model.forgotLogin == "yes") { $('#chatbot-Mainsubmit').addClass('chatbot-hide'); } else { $("#forgotlog").css("display", "none"); } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); // $("#loadingMask").css('visibility', 'hidden'); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } //to hide chat icon home function hidehomeicon() { $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } $(document).off('click', 'p.offclick'); $(document).on('click', '.sent-tags p', function () { if ((!$(this).parent().hasClass('expand') && !$(this).hasClass('offclick')) || (!$(this).parent().hasClass('hello') && !$(this).hasClass('offclick'))) { $(this).parent().addClass('expand'); $(this).parent().find('p').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('li.sent-tags.dis.expand').find('br').replaceWith(""); var dispositionId = $(this).attr('id'); var subdispositionid = $(this).attr('subdisid'); var name = $(this).attr('name'); var model = $(this).attr('modelvalue'); var url = $(this).attr('dispourl'); var callagentname = $(this).attr('callwithagentname'); var getmobilevalue = $(this).attr('getmobilenovalue'); if (callagentname != null) { callwithagent(null, callagentname); } if (getmobilevalue != null) { getmobileno(getmobilevalue); } if (url != undefined && url != null && url===" ") { url = url.replace(" ", ""); } if (dispositionId != undefined && (url == null || url ==="" || url ===" ")) dispositionsclick(dispositionId, subdispositionid, name, model); if ((url != undefined || url != null) && url!="") { // $("#loadingcenter").css('visibility', 'visible'); loadDispositions(dispositionId, subdispositionid, url, name, model); // $("#loadingcenter").css('visibility', 'hidden'); } // $("#loadingcenter").css('visibility', 'hidden'); if ($(this).hasClass('sharefeedback')) { sharefeedback(); } if ($(this).hasClass('continueno')) { continueno(); } } }); function dispositionsclick(dispositionId, subdispositionid, name, model) { exist = 0; var prospeectval = localStorage.getItem("prospecthistory"); var val = ''; var nameavalue = localStorage.getItem("usernamevalue"); if (nameavalue == null || nameavalue == " ") { nameavalue = $('p.extra').text(); } if (model == 0) { val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); } else { val = model; } if (model == undefined) { val = 0; } var dynamicHtml = ''; if (name != null) { dynamicHtml += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; if (name == "Hauptmenü" || name == "main menu" || name == "Hoofdmenu" || name == "Main menu" || name == "Hlavní menu") { var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); dynamicHtml += '

    ' + time + '

    '; } $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(dynamicHtml)); } $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&subDispositionId=" + subdispositionid + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { var tt = result; var i; for (var i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) { if (tt[i].Name === "ContinueNo") { tt.splice(i, 1); } } var url = window.location.href; var splitURL = url.toString().split("/"); urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2]; if (dispositionId == 0 && subdispositionid == 0) { var maindispositions = ''; var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); maindispositions += "

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (4)

    Hallo" + " " + nameavalue + "

    "; if (prospeectval != null) maindispositions += "

    Was interessiert Sie besonders?

    "; else maindispositions += "

    Wie können wir Ihnen helfen?

    "; maindispositions += "
  • "; for (i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) { if (tt[i].DispositionURL != null) { if (tt[i].DispositionURL == 'Çancel') { tt[i].DispositionURL = Cancel; } var xxvalue = tt[i].DispositionURL.includes('/') == true ? (urlvalue + tt[i].DispositionURL) : tt[i].DispositionURL; maindispositions += '

    ' + tt[i].Name + '

    '; maindispositions += "\n"; } else { maindispositions += '

    ' + tt[i].Name + '

    '; maindispositions += "\n"; } } maindispositions += "
  • "; maindispositions += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(maindispositions)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } else { var dynamicHtml = ''; var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); dynamicHtml += '

    ' + time + '

    '; dynamicHtml += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (5)'; if(tt.length > 0) { if (tt[0].ResponseText != null) dynamicHtml += "

    " + tt[0].ResponseText + "

    "; } dynamicHtml += "
  • "; for (i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) { if (tt[i].DispositionURL == "Last") { if (tt[i].Name.includes("
    ")) { var st = tt[i].Name.split("
    "); for (var i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { dynamicHtml += "
  • " + st[i] + "

  • "; } } else { dynamicHtml += "

  • " + tt[i].Name + "

  • "; } $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(dynamicHtml)); var repl = ''; repl += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (6)

    Konnten wir Ihnen weiterhelfen?

  • '; repl += '

  • Nein

  • '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); dynamicHtml = ''; } else if (tt[i].DispositionURL != null) { var xxvalue = tt[i].DispositionURL.includes('/') == true ? (urlvalue + tt[i].DispositionURL) : tt[i].DispositionURL; dynamicHtml += '

    ' + tt[i].Name + '

    '; } else { dynamicHtml += '

    ' + tt[i].Name + '

    '; } } if (result[0].DispositionURL != "Last") dynamicHtml += '


    '; dynamicHtml += '

    ' + time + '

    '; dynamicHtml += ""; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(dynamicHtml)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } var hh = $("li.sent-time").html(); localStorage.setItem("chatsessoin", hh); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", hh); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } var his = ''; his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); // $("#loadingMask").css('visibility', 'hidden'); }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } function loginprospect() { dataLayer.push({ event: 'trackEvent', eventCategory: 'Chat', eventAction: 'User submitted contact data' }); localStorage.removeItem("loginprospect"); $('.btnChat').removeClass("inprogress"); $('#errormessage').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent-tags').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $(".sent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $(".sent-time").html(''); localStorage.removeItem("prospecthistory"); localStorage.setItem("prospectlogedin", "prospectlogedin"); localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", "prospecthistory"); var mobileno = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); $('.chat-popup').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); dispositionsclick(dispositionId, subdispositionid, null, mobileno); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } function reloadlogin() { //$("#loadingcenter").css('visibility', 'visible'); var customerval = localStorage.getItem("loginchatdetails"); localStorage.removeItem("loginchatdetails"); var sessionvalue = ''; var lastedupdateddate = ''; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getchathistory", type: "GET", cache: false, datatype: 'json', contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, success: function (data) { var tt = data; lastedupdateddate = tt.LastUpdated; sessionvalue = tt.History; var today = new Date(); var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0! var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); today = yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; var st = lastedupdateddate; var ss = st.split("T"); var s = ss[0]; if (today == s) { $('.chat-popup').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.btnChat').removeClass("inprogress"); $('#errormessage').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent-tags').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.messages').removeClass('increasescroll'); $(".sent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(sessionvalue)); if (sessionvalue != "" && sessionvalue != null) { var repl = ''; repl += 'Die vorhergehende Chat Unterhaltung wurde beendet.
    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var hh = $("li.sent-time"); $('.connectwithagent').prevAll('li.sent-tags').find('p').addClass('offclick'); $('.hidefeedback').remove(); } $('#txtupdatenumber').remove(); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); localStorage.setItem("chatsessoin", his); dispositionsclick(dispositionId, subdispositionid, null, customerval); } else { dispositionsclick(dispositionId, subdispositionid, null, customerval); } // $("#loadingcenter").css('visibility', 'hidden'); }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } function cancel() { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var repl = ''; repl += "

  • Chat schließen

  • "; repl += 'Danke, dass Sie uns kontaktiert haben.
    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $('.hidefeedback').addClass('chatbot-hide'); if ($('li.sent-time .hidefeedback.chatbot-hide').length > 0) { $('li .hidefeedback.chatbot-hide').remove(); } if (val != "0") { var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); } if (val == "0") { localStorage.removeItem("prospectlogedin"); localStorage.removeItem("reload"); localStorage.removeItem("chatsessoin"); localStorage.removeItem("url"); localStorage.removeItem("storehistory"); localStorage.removeItem("prospecthistory"); localStorage.removeItem("usernamevalue"); localStorage.clear(); } localStorage.setItem("cancel", "cancel"); localStorage.setItem("isCancelClicked", "true"); localStorage.removeItem("prospecthistory"); $('.chat-bot-icon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-popup').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').addClass('chatbot-hide') // localStorage.setItem("isChatPopupEnable", "false"); } function loadDispositions(dispositionId, subDispositionId, url, name, model) { url= $.trim(url); // $("#loadingcenter").css('visibility', 'visible'); var prospeectval = localStorage.getItem("prospecthistory"); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); if (url == "Cancel"){ return cancel(); } public_holidays().then(isvalida_holidays => { if (url == "Agent" || url == "Something else") { var isvalida_timings = windows_timings(); //var isvalida_holidays = public_holidays(); if (isvalida_timings) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Unser Team steht Ihnen außer an Feiertagen von Montag bis Samstag zwischen 8:00 und 19:00 Uhr zur Verfügung. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns während der Geschäftszeiten erneut.
    "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } $('.sent-time-current1').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); return } else if (isvalida_holidays) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Unser Kundenservice-Team hat heute auch frei. Wir sind nach dem Feiertag wieder für Sie erreichbar.
    "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } $('.sent-time-current1').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); return } else { if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatcz") { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (7)

    ' + infoText + '

    '; rep += "
  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (8)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } return } else { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += "

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (9)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } return } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatsk") { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (10)

    ' + infoText + '

    '; rep += "
  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (11)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } return } else { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += "

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (12)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } return } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } else if (localStorage.getItem("company") != "freesatsk" && localStorage.getItem("company") != "freesatcz") { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += "

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (13)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } return } } } if (url == "Chat") { var isvalida_timings = windows_timings(); //var isvalida_holidays = public_holidays(); if (isvalida_timings) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Unser Team steht Ihnen außer an Feiertagen von Montag bis Samstag zwischen 8:00 und 19:00 Uhr zur Verfügung. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns während der Geschäftszeiten erneut.
    "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } $('.sent-time-current1').removeClass('hide'); } else if (isvalida_holidays) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Unser Kundenservice-Team hat heute auch frei. Wir sind nach dem Feiertag wieder für Sie erreichbar.
    "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } $('.sent-time-current1').removeClass('hide'); } else { if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatcz") { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (14)

    ' + infoText + '

    '; rep += "
  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (15)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } } else { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += "

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (16)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatsk") { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (17)

    ' + infoText + '

    '; rep += "
  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (18)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } } else { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += "

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (19)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } else if (localStorage.getItem("company") != "freesatsk" && localStorage.getItem("company") != "freesatcz") { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += "

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (20)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; //rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } } } } //End WithOut Call Back //ticket:487 changes// if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "hdaustria") && ((dispositionId == "19") || (dispositionId == "20"))) { var isvalida_timings = windows_timings(); //var isvalida_holidays = public_holidays(); if (isvalida_timings) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Unser Team steht Ihnen außer an Feiertagen von Montag bis Samstag zwischen 8:00 und 19:00 Uhr zur Verfügung. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns während der Geschäftszeiten erneut.
    "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } $('.sent-time-current1').removeClass('hide'); } else if (isvalida_holidays) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Unser Kundenservice-Team hat heute auch frei. Wir sind nach dem Feiertag wieder für Sie erreichbar.
    "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } $('.sent-time-current1').removeClass('hide'); } else { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var mainmenuval = "Hauptmenü"; var rep = ''; rep += "

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (21)

    Wir leiten Sie jetzt weiter zu unserem Team. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten: Endweder Sie bleiben im Chat oder wir rufen Sie zurück.

    "; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; rep += '
  • Mit unserem Team chatten

    '; rep += '

    Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

    '; rep += '


    '; rep += "
  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } } } if (url == "NULL" && subDispositionId != null) { var ss = $("p.customer").text(); var s = $.trim(ss); dispositionsclick(dispositionId, subDispositionId, name, s); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } else { if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "canaldigitaal") { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "canaldigitaal")) { if (infoText != null) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var repl2 = ''; repl2 += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (22)

    ' + infoText + '

  • '; repl2 += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl2)); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } } } } else { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "hdaustria") { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "hdaustria")) { if (infoText != null) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var repl2 = ''; repl2 += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (23)

    ' + infoText + '

  • '; repl2 += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl2)); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } } } } else { //answerOption(prospeectval, url); var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } //freeSATCZ Answer Posting Code if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatcz" && (url != "Chat" && url != "Agent" && url != "Something else")) { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatcz")) { if (infoText != null) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var repl2 = ''; repl2 += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (24)

    ' + infoText + '

  • '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl2)); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } //answerOption(prospeectval, url); } } } else { //answerOption(prospeectval, url); var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } //freeSATSK Answer Posting Code if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatsk" && (url != "Chat" && url != "Agent" && url != "Something else")) { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatsk")) { if (infoText != null) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var repl2 = ''; repl2 += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (25)

    ' + infoText + '

  • '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl2)); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } //answerOption(prospeectval, url); } } } else { //answerOption(prospeectval, url); var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } //DirectOne - Answer Post Code if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "directone" && (url != "Chat" && url != "Agent" && url != "Something else")) { var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var infoText = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getdispositions?dispositionId=" + 0 + "&subDispositionId=" + dispositionId + "&modeltype=" + val, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, success: function (result) { if (result.length > 0) { infoText = result[0].Name; if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "directone")) { if (infoText != null) { var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var repl2 = ''; repl2 += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (26)

    ' + infoText + '

  • '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl2)); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } } } } else { //answerOption(prospeectval, url); var repl = ''; repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); if (prospeectval != null) { localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); } localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else") { location.assign(url); } } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } //var repl = ''; //repl += '

  • ' + name + '

  • '; //repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; //$(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); //$("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); //var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); //if (prospeectval != null) { // localStorage.setItem("prospecthistory", his); //} //localStorage.setItem("reload", "reload"); //localStorage.setItem("storehistory", his); //if (url != "Cancel" && url != "Something else" ){ //location.assign(url); // } } // $("#loadingcenter").css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); } function getmobileno(obj, name) { $('.hello').addClass('chatbot-hide'); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); var repl = ''; repl += '

  • Einen Rückruf von unserem Team erhalten

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); updatemobilenumber(name, "test"); } function updatemobilenumber(name, test) { localStorage.removeItem("chatsessoin"); var val = $("p.customer").text(); val = $.trim(val); var hasnumber = localStorage.getItem("hasnumber"); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); if (test == "test") { var repl = ''; var telephoneNumerTranslation = 'Telephone number'; if (localStorage.getItem("company") == "directone") { // TODO: move this to CMS telephoneNumerTranslation = 'Telefonszám'; } repl += '

  • ' repl += '

    Bitte geben Sie uns Ihre Telefonnummer bekannt.

    '; repl += '' repl += '' repl += '' //repl += "

    "; repl += "

    "; repl += "

  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); } var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); country_codes(); saveHistory(his); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } function postMessage(models) { localStorage.removeItem("chatsessoin"); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(); var sessionValue = localStorage.getItem("forgot_session"); var forgotjson = JSON.stringify(sessionValue); var modeljson = JSON.stringify(models); var forgotpostmodel = { "Message": models.Message, "Mobile": models.Mobile, "SessionValue": sessionValue }; localStorage.removeItem("forgot_session"); if (forgotnoflag == "1") { $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/forgotloginpostmessage/", type: "POST", cache: false, data: JSON.stringify(forgotpostmodel), contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", success: function (result) { if (result == "true") { var repl = ''; if ($("#txtMessage").val() != "") { repl += '

  • ' + $("#txtMessage").val() + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; var his = ""; $(".Forgotsenttime").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.Forgotsenttime").html(); $("#txtMessage").val(""); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $("#txtMessage").val(""); //saveHistory(his); $(".Forgotsenttime").html($.parseHTML(his)); } } else { $("#ChatErrorMessage").removeClass("chatbot-hide"); } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#ChatErrorMessage").removeClass("chatbot-hide"); } }); } else { $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/postmessage/", type: "POST", cache: false, data: JSON.stringify(models), contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", success: function (result) { if (result == "true") { var repl = ''; if ($("#txtMessage").val() != "") { repl += '

  • ' + $("#txtMessage").val() + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; var his = ""; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.sent-time").html(); $("#txtMessage").val(""); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); } } else { $("#ChatErrorMessage").removeClass("chatbot-hide"); } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#ChatErrorMessage").removeClass("chatbot-hide"); } }); } } $('.forgotbtnChat').click(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("inprogress")) { $(this).addClass("inprogress"); if ($("#txtforgotUserName").val() == "" || $("#txtforgotPassword").val() == "") { if ($("#txtforgotUserName").val() == "") { $("#txtforgotUserName").css("border", "1px solid red"); $('.forgotbtnChat').removeClass("inprogress"); } else { $("#txtforgotUserName").css("border", "1px solid black"); } if ($("#txtforgotPassword").val() == "") { $("#txtforgotPassword").css("border", "1px solid red"); $('.forgotbtnChat').removeClass("inprogress"); } else { $("#txtforgotPassword").css("border", "1px solid black"); } } else { var model = { "UserName": $("#txtforgotUserName").val(), "Password": $("#txtforgotPassword").val(), "ZipCode": "", "ReturnUrl": "", "RememberMe": false, "UserType": 1, "forgotLogin": "yes", "Email": $("#txtEmail").val() }; loginchatDetails(model); $('#forgot').css('display', 'none'); $('.forgotreplyyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); } } }); var lastScrollTop = 0; $('#msg1').scroll(function (event) { $("#ChatErrorMessage").addClass("chatbot-hide"); $("#ErrorMessage_messagevalidation").addClass("chatbot-hide"); $("#ErrorMessage_invalidnumber").addClass("chatbot-hide"); $("#invalid_file_error").addClass("chatbot-hide"); var st = $(this).scrollTop(); if (st > lastScrollTop) { scrolled = true; } else { scrolled = false; } lastScrollTop = st; }); scrolled = false; $("#msg1").on('scroll', function () { }); $(document).on('click', "p.yes", function () { dataLayer.push({ event: 'trackEvent', eventCategory: 'Chat', eventAction: 'User starts chat session', eventLabel: '{{Ja}}' }); localStorage.removeItem("prospecthistory"); $('.chat-bot-icon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.submit-form').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.prospect').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotlog').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesyes').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#txtUserName').val(''); $('#txtPassword').val(''); $('#errormessage').addClass('chatbot-hide'); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) $('#message-time-3').text(time); $("#message-time-3").css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#message-time-1').text(time); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); }); $(document).on('click', "", function () { dataLayer.push({ event: 'trackEvent', eventCategory: 'Chat', eventAction: 'User starts chat session', eventLabel: '{{Nein}}' }); localStorage.removeItem("prospecthistory"); $('.chat-bot-icon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.prospect').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesno').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#txtName').val(""); $('#txtEmail').val(""); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) $('#message-time-4').text(time); $("#message-time-4").css('visibility', 'visible'); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); }); $('.btnForgotnoSubmit').click(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("inprogress")) { localStorage.setItem("prospectname", $("#txtForgotnoName").val()); localStorage.setItem("mobile", $("#txtForgotnoEmail").val()); var email = $("#txtForgotnoEmail").val(); var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; $(this).addClass("inprogress"); if ($("#txtForgotnoName").val() == "" || $("#txtForgotnoEmail").val() == "" || $("#txtForgotnoName").val().length <= 3 || $("#txtForgotnoEmail").val().length >= 1) { if ($("#txtForgotnoName").val() == "" || $("#txtForgotnoName").val().length <= 3) { $("#txtForgotnoName").css("border", "1px solid red"); $(this).removeClass("inprogress"); } else { $("#txtForgotnoName").css("border", "1px solid black"); } if ($("#txtForgotnoEmail").val() == "") { $("#txtForgotnoEmail").css("border", "1px solid red"); $(this).removeClass("inprogress"); } else { if (regex.test(email)) { $("#txtForgotnoEmail").css("border", "1px solid black"); $('#errormessageforgotno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); } else { $('.btnForgotnoSubmit').removeClass("inprogress"); $('#errormessageforgotno').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); } } if (regex.test(email) && $("#txtForgotnoName").val().length >= 3) { $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); var v = $('#forgotnoflag').val(1); callwithagentforgotlogin(1, "Forgot login"); $('#forgotlog').css('display', 'none'); $('#forgotyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.forgotnoflow').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $("#txtForgotnoName").val(""); $("#txtForgotnoEmail").val(""); $('.forgotreplyno').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.btnForgotnoSubmit').removeClass("inprogress"); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) $('#message-time-8').text(time); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } } } }); } //on window load localStorage.setItem("isChatPopupEnable", "true"); function country_codes() { var countrycodes = "0043 Austria,0032 Belgium,00359 Bulgaria,00385 Croatia,00420 Czech,0033 France,0049 Germany,0030 Greece,0036 Hungary,0039 Italy,00352 Luxembourg,0031 Netherlands,0048 Poland,00351 Portugal,0040 Romania,00421 Slovakia,0034 Spain"; var codes = countrycodes.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { $("#ddlcountrycodes").append($("

    ").val(codes[i].split(" ")[0]).html("+" +codes[i].slice(2))) } } function callme(name) { localStorage.removeItem("chatsessoin"); var validatenumber = /^[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4,6}$/im; $('.btnProspect').removeClass("inprogress"); if ($("#txtupdatenumber").val() == "" || $('#ddlcountrycodes').val()=="") { $("#txtupdatenumber").css("border", "1px solid red"); $("#ddlcountrycodes").css("border", "1px solid red"); } if (validatenumber.test($("#txtupdatenumber").val())) { if ($('#ddlcountrycodes').val() != "") { $("#txtupdatenumber").css("border", "1px solid black"); var s = $('#ddlcountrycodes option:selected').val() + $('#txtupdatenumber').val(); callmeback(name, s); $(".call").prop('disabled', true); } else { $("#ddlcountrycodes").css("border", "1px solid red"); } } else { $("#txtupdatenumber").css("border", "1px solid red"); $("#errormessagenumber").removeClass("chatbot-hide"); } } function callmeback(name, mobile) { if (!$('.call').hasClass("inprogress")) { $('.call').addClass("inprogress"); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/callmeagent?dispositionname=" + name + "&mobile=" + mobile, type: "GET", cache: false, contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", success: function (result) { if (result == "true") { if ($("li.sent.number").length > 0) { $(".number").remove(); $("#txtupdatenumber").remove() } var repl = ''; repl += 'Wir haben den Rückruf notiert. Unser Team wird Sie zum gewünschten Termin zurückrufen.'; // repl += 'Danke, dass Sie uns kontaktiert haben.
    '; $('.hidefeedback').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var rep = ''; rep += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (27)

    Konnten wir Ihnen weiterhelfen?

  • '; rep += '

  • Nein

  • '; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); // $(this).addClass("inprogress"); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } else if (result == "false") { $('#errormessagenumber').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.call').removeClass("inprogress"); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); $('.call').removeClass("inprogress"); } } function forgotpassword() { var urlvalue = ''; var url = window.location.href; var splitURL = url.toString().split("/"); if (url.includes("canaldigitaal")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/mijn-canaldigitaal/wachtwoord-vergeten/";, "_self"); } if (url.includes("hdaustria")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/myhdaustria/passwort-vergessen/";, "_self"); } if (url.includes("freesat") && url.includes("cz")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/muj-freesat/zapomenute-heslo/";, "_self"); } if (url.includes("freesat") && url.includes("sk")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/moj-freesat/zabudnute-heslo/";, "_self"); } if (url.includes("directone")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/mydirectone/elfelejtett-jelszo/";, "_self"); } } function nocredentails() { var urlvalue = ''; var url = window.location.href; var splitURL = url.toString().split("/"); if (url.includes("canaldigitaal")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/mijn-canaldigitaal/account-aanmaken/";, "_self"); } if (url.includes("hdaustria")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/myhdaustria/account-anlegen/";, "_self"); } if (url.includes("freesat") && url.includes("cz")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/muj-freesat/vytvorit-ucet/";, "_self"); } if (url.includes("freesat") && url.includes("sk")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/moj-freesat/vytvorit-ucet/";, "_self"); } if (url.includes("directone")) { urlvalue = splitURL[0] + "//" + splitURL[1] + splitURL[2] + "/mydirectone-regisztracio/";, "_self"); } } function forgotlogin() { //harsha changes $('.Forgot').css('display', 'block'); $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#chatbot-Mainsubmit').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotyes').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotno').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotyes').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotno').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) $('#message-time-6').text(time); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); //return false; }; function forgotyes() { var v = $('#forgotnoflag').val(1); $('.forgotreplyyes').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#forgotlog').css('display', 'block'); $('#forgotlog').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) $('#message-time-7').text(time); $('#message-time-5').text(time); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); }; function Continue() { dispositionsclick(dispositionId, subdispositionid, null, 0) $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } function isName(event) { var regex = new RegExp(/[\p{L} ]+/ug); var strigChar = String.fromCharCode(!event.charCode ? event.which : event.charCode); if (regex.test(strigChar)) { $("#txtName").css("border", "1px solid black"); return true; } return false } function isEmail(event) { var regex = /^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/; var strigChar = String.fromCharCode(!event.charCode ? event.which : event.charCode); if (regex.test(strigChar)) { $("#txtEmail").css("border", "1px solid black"); return true; } return false } function isNumber(evt) { evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event; var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode; if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) { return false; } else { if ($("#txtEmail").val().length > 14) return false; } if (charCode === 13) { $(".btnProspect").click(); } return true; } function getmeesage(timeStampInMsec) { var timestampdata = ''; var lastedupdateddate = ''; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getchathistory", type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, datatype: 'json', success: function (result) { var tt = result lastedupdateddate = tt.LastUpdated; var today = new Date(); var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0! var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); today = yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; var st = lastedupdateddate; var ss = st.split("T"); var s = ss[0]; if (localStorage.getItem("lastmessagetimestamp") != null && today != s) { localStorage.removeItem("lastmessagetimestamp"); } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); if (timeStampInMsec != null) { timestampdata = timeStampInMsec; } var prospectmobile = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); intervalId = window.setInterval(function () { if (scrolled) { $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } var timeStampInMs = window.performance && && window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart ? + window.performance.timing.navigationStart :; var msgtimestmap = (timeStampInMs,; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getchatmessage?newtimestamp=" + timestampdata + "&messagetimestmap=" + msgtimestmap + "&mobile=" + prospectmobile, type: "GET", cache: false, contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", success: function (result) { if (result != null) { var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); var repl = ''; var objLength = Object.keys(result).length; for (key in result) { var str2 = "This conversation has been resolved"; if (key.indexOf(str2) != -1) { repl += 'Ihre Anfrage wurde erfolgreich gelöst.
    '; var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(); if (forgotnoflag == "1") { $(".Forgotsenttime").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } else { $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); } $('.message-input').addClass('chatbot-hide'); clearInterval(intervalId); if ($('li.replies.user-clicked').length > 0) { $('.messages').addClass('increasescroll'); $('li.replies').removeClass('user-clicked'); } var rep = ''; rep += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (28)

    Konnten wir Ihnen weiterhelfen?

  • '; rep += '

  • Nein

  • '; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(); var his = ""; if (forgotnoflag == "1") { his = $("li.Forgotsenttime").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".Forgotsenttime").html($.parseHTML(his)); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } else { $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); } $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); return; } else { repl += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (29)

    ' + key + '

    '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; if (!--objLength) timestampdata = result[key]; localStorage.setItem("lastmessagetimestamp", result[key]); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } } } var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(); var his = ""; if (forgotnoflag == "1") { $(".Forgotsenttime").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.Forgotsenttime").html(); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); localStorage.setItem("Forgotsenttime", his); } else { $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.sent-time").html(); } saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); if (scrolled) { $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); }, 5000); } function callwithagent(selectType, name) { $('.hello').addClass('chatbot-hide'); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); var repl = ''; var his = ""; public_holidays().then(isvalida_holidays => { if (selectType == 1) { var isvalida_timings = windows_timings(); //var isvalida_holidays = public_holidays(); if (isvalida_timings) { var repl = ''; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden"; repl += "Unser Team steht Ihnen außer an Feiertagen von Montag bis Samstag zwischen 8:00 und 19:00 Uhr zur Verfügung. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns während der Geschäftszeiten erneut.
    "; $(".Forgotsent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); // his = $("li.Forgotsent-time").html(); $(".Forgotsent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); return } else if (isvalida_holidays) { var repl = ''; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Unser Kundenservice-Team hat heute auch frei. Wir sind nach dem Feiertag wieder für Sie erreichbar.
    "; $(".Forgotsent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); // his = $("li.Forgotsent-time").html(); $(".Forgotsent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); return } else { var repl = ''; repl += "
  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (30)

    Wir sehen, dass Sie Probleme beim Anmelden haben. Wir werden Sie jetzt mit einem Agenten verbinden.

    "; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Wir verbinden Sie jetzt mit unserem Team. In der Zwischenzeit erzählen Sie uns bitte kurz, wie wir Ihnen helfen können.
  • "; $(".Forgotsent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); // his = $("li.Forgotsent-time").html(); $(".Forgotsent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } } else { var repl = ''; repl += "

  • Mit unserem Team chatten

  • "; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Wir verbinden Sie jetzt mit unserem Team. In der Zwischenzeit erzählen Sie uns bitte kurz, wie wir Ihnen helfen können.
    "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.sent-time").html(); } saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); var mobileprospect = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); //var prospectname = localStorage.getItem("prospectname"); var prospectname = localStorage.getItem("usernamevalue"); var customerId = localStorage.getItem("customerid"); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var timeStampInMs = window.performance && && window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart ? + window.performance.timing.navigationStart :; var msgtimestmap = (timeStampInMs,; // var mobileprospect = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); var email = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); var session_Id = null; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/createsession?messagetimestmap=" + msgtimestmap + "&mobile=" + encodeURIComponent(customerId) + "&propsectname=" + prospectname + "&dispositionname=" + name + "&email=" + encodeURIComponent(email), type: "GET", cache: false, contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", success: function (result) { if (result != null) { session_Id = result; SignalR_Hub(false, session_Id); } localStorage.removeItem("prospectname"); }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); $('.message-input').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.messages').addClass('increasescroll'); var timeStampInMs = window.performance && && window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart ? + window.performance.timing.navigationStart :; var timeStampInMss = (timeStampInMs,; //getmeesage(timeStampInMss); }); } function callfeedback() { var feedback = ''; feedback += "

  • Ja

  • "; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(feedback)); var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); var feed = ''; feed += "

  • Bitte um Feedback

    "; feed += "
  • Nein

  • "; feed += ""; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(feed)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } function windows_timings() { var now = new Date(); var time = now.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) var dayOfWeek = now.getDay(); var timing_key_value ="08:00|19:00|00:00|00:00"; var chat_Start_time = timing_key_value.substr(0, 5).toString(); var chat_End_time = timing_key_value.substr(6,5).toString(); var Chat_Start_Time_Sat_Sun = timing_key_value.substr(12, 5).toString(); var Chat_End_Time_Sat_Sun = timing_key_value.substr(18, 5).toString(); if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "hdaustria")) { if (dayOfWeek > 0 && dayOfWeek < 7) { if ((time >= chat_Start_time && time < chat_End_time)) { return false; } } return true; } if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "canaldigitaal")) { if (dayOfWeek > 0 && dayOfWeek < 7) { if ((time >=chat_Start_time && time < chat_End_time)) { return false; } } return true; } if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatcz")) { if (dayOfWeek > 0 && dayOfWeek < 6) { if ((time >= chat_Start_time && time < chat_End_time)) { return false; } } if (dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6) { if ((time >= Chat_Start_Time_Sat_Sun && time < Chat_End_Time_Sat_Sun )) { return false; } } return true; } if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "freesatsk")) { if (dayOfWeek > 0 && dayOfWeek < 6) { if ((time >= chat_Start_time && time < chat_End_time)) { return false; } } if (dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6) { if ((time >= Chat_Start_Time_Sat_Sun && time < Chat_End_Time_Sat_Sun)) { return false; } } return true; } if ((localStorage.getItem("company") == "directone")) { if (dayOfWeek > 0 && dayOfWeek < 6) { if ((time >= chat_Start_time && time < chat_End_time)) { return false; } } if (dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6) { if ((time >= Chat_Start_Time_Sat_Sun && time < Chat_End_Time_Sat_Sun)) { return false; } } return true; } } function public_holidays1() { var today = new Date(); var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0! var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy; var dateHolidays = "26/10/2022,01/11/2022,08/12/2022,24/12/2022,25/12/2022,26/12/2022,31/12/2022,01/01/2023,06/01/2023,10/04/2023,01/05/2023,18/05/2023,29/05/2023,08/06/2023,15/08/2023,26/10/2023,01/11/2023,08/12/2023,24/12/2023,25/12/2023,26/12/2023,31/12/2023"; holidays = dateHolidays.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < holidays.length; i++) { if (holidays[i] == today) { return true; } } return false; } async function public_holidays() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var today = new Date(); var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0! var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); today = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy; var status=false; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getchatbotpublicholidays/", type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", datatype: 'json', success: function (result) { var dateHolidays = result; holidays = dateHolidays.split('|'); for (var i = 0; i < holidays.length; i++) { if (holidays[i] == today) { status = true; } } resolve(status); }, error: function (error) { status = false; reject(status); }, }); }); }; function notcustomer() { localStorage.removeItem("prospecthistory"); $('.chat-bot-icon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-popup').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.sent-tags').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.prospect').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.repliesno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('#txtName').val(""); $('#txtEmail').val(""); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) $('#message-time-4').text(time); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } function saveChatHistory(model) { $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/savechathistory/", type: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(model), async: true, cache: false, datatype: 'json', contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", success: function (result) { $("#txtComment").val(""); // $("#loadingmask").css('visibility', 'hidden'); }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } function saveHistory(history) { // $("#loadingmask").css('visibility', 'visible'); if (history == "submit") { var his = $("li.sent-time").html(); history = his; } var mobilevalue = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); var email = localStorage.getItem("email"); var model = { "ChatHistory": history, "Rating": imageID, "Comment": $("#txtComment").val(), "CustomerValue": mobilevalue, "Email": email }; saveChatHistory(model); // $("#loadingmask").css('visibility', 'hidden'); } function ismobile(evt) { $(".call").prop('disabled', false); $('#errormessagenumber').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.numbervalidationforproperformat').addClass('chatbot-hide'); var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode if (charCode != 43 && charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) { return false; } $("#txtupdatenumber").css("border", "1px solid black"); return true; } function iscounrycode(selectObject) { var value = selectObject.value; if (value == "") { $("#ddlcountrycodes").css("border", "1px solid red"); } else { $("#ddlcountrycodes").css("border", "1px solid black"); } } function btnsubmitclick() { if (!$(this).hasClass("inprogress")) { $(this).addClass("inprogress"); var hh = "submit"; $('.hidefeedback').addClass('chatbot-hide'); saveHistory(hh); $("#txtComment").val(""); localStorage.setItem("feedback", "feedback"); var repl = ''; repl += 'Danke, dass Sie uns kontaktiert haben.
    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } } function forgotgetchatmessage(timeStampInMsec) { var timestampdata = ''; var lastedupdateddate = ''; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getchathistory", type: "GET", contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", async: true, cache: false, datatype: 'json', success: function (result) { var tt = result lastedupdateddate = tt.LastUpdated; }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); var today = new Date(); var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0! var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); today = yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; var st = lastedupdateddate; var ss = st.split("T"); var s = ss[0]; if (localStorage.getItem("lastmessagetimestamp") != null && today != s) { localStorage.removeItem("lastmessagetimestamp"); } if (timeStampInMsec != null) { timestampdata = timeStampInMsec; } var prospectmobile = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); intervalId = window.setInterval(function () { if (scrolled) { $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } var sessionvalue = localStorage.getItem("forgot_session"); var timeStampInMs = window.performance && && window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart ? + window.performance.timing.navigationStart :; var msgtimestmap = (timeStampInMs,; $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/getForgotChatMessage?newtimestamp=" + timestampdata + "&messagetimestmap=" + msgtimestmap + "&sessionvalue=" + sessionvalue, type: "GET", cache: false, contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", success: function (result) { if (result != null) { var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); var repl = ''; var objLength = Object.keys(result).length; for (key in result) { var str2 = "This conversation has been resolved"; if (key.indexOf(str2) != -1) { repl += 'Ihre Anfrage wurde erfolgreich gelöst.
    '; $(".Forgotsenttime").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.message-input').addClass('chatbot-hide'); clearInterval(intervalId); if ($('li.replies.user-clicked').length > 0) { $('.messages').addClass('increasescroll'); $('li.replies').removeClass('user-clicked'); } var rep = ''; rep += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (31)

    Konnten wir Ihnen weiterhelfen?

  • '; rep += '

  • Nein

  • '; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; his = $("li.Forgotsenttime").html(); $(".Forgotsenttime").html($.parseHTML(his)); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); return; } else { repl += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (32)

    ' + key + '

    '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; if (!--objLength) timestampdata = result[key]; localStorage.setItem("lastmessagetimestamp", result[key]); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } } } $(".Forgotsenttime").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.Forgotsenttime").html(); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); localStorage.setItem("Forgotsenttime", his); if (scrolled) { $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); }, 5000); } function forgotfileUploadFn(fileValue) { var propectId = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); var fileUpload; if (window.FormData !== undefined) { if (fileValue != undefined && fileValue != null && fileValue != "") { fileUpload = $("#files").get(0); } else { fileUpload = fileValue; } var files = fileUpload.files; var fileData = new FormData(); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { fileData.append(files[i].name, files[i]); } fileData.append('username', 'Faisal'); $.ajax({ url: '/m7actions/myenvironment/forgotuploads/', type: "POST", cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, data: fileData, success: function (result) { var urlString = result.split("$")[0] var statusValue = $.parseJSON(result.split("$")[1])["error"]; var fileURL = urlString; var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) if (fileURL != "" && fileURL != undefined && fileURL != null && (statusValue == false || statusValue == "false")) { var repl = ''; if ($("#txtMessage").val() != "") { repl += '
  • ' + '' + $("#txtMessage").val() + '' + '

  • '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(); var his = ""; if (forgotnoflag == "1") { $(".Forgotsenttime").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.Forgotsenttime").html(); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } else { $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.sent-time").html(); } $("#txtMessage").val(""); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); } document.getElementById("files").value = ''; } else { $("#ChatErrorMessage").removeClass("chatbot-hide"); } }, error: function (err) { $("#ChatErrorMessage").removeClass("chatbot-hide"); } }); } else { alert("FormData is not supported in the browser."); } } function forgotno() { dataLayer.push({ event: 'trackEvent', eventCategory: 'Chat', eventAction: 'User starts chat session', eventLabel: '{{Nein}}' }); localStorage.removeItem("prospecthistory"); $('.chat-bot-icon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.submit-form').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.forgotreplyno').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.forgotyes').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.forgotno').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.forgotnoflow').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.forgotnoflow').css('display', 'block'); $('#txtforgotnoName').val(""); $('#txtforgotnoEmail').val(""); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }) $('#message-time-9').text(time); $("#message-time-9").css('visibility', 'visible'); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); }; function callwithagentforgotlogin(selectType, name) { $('.hello').addClass('chatbot-hide'); var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); var repl = ''; public_holidays().then(isvalida_holidays => { if (selectType == 1) { var isvalida_timings = windows_timings(); //var isvalida_holidays = public_holidays(); if (isvalida_timings) { var repl = ''; repl += "Wir verbinden Sie mit einem Mitarbeiter."; repl += "Unser Team steht Ihnen außer an Feiertagen von Montag bis Samstag zwischen 8:00 und 19:00 Uhr zur Verfügung. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns während der Geschäftszeiten erneut.
    "; $(".Forgotsent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var his = $("li.Forgotsent-time").html(); $(".Forgotsent-time").html($.parseHTML(repl)); $('.message-input').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $(".Forgotsent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } else if (isvalida_holidays) { var repl = ''; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden.."; repl += "Unser Kundenservice-Team hat heute auch frei. Wir sind nach dem Feiertag wieder für Sie erreichbar.
    "; $(".Forgotsent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var his = $("li.Forgotsent-time").html(); $(".Forgotsent-time").html($.parseHTML(repl)); $('.message-input').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $(".Forgotsent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } else { var repl = ''; repl += "Mit unserem Team verbinden"; repl += "Wir verbinden Sie jetzt mit unserem Team. In der Zwischenzeit erzählen Sie uns bitte kurz, wie wir Ihnen helfen können.
    "; $(".Forgotsent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); var his = $("li.Forgotsent-time").html(); $(".Forgotsent-time").html($.parseHTML(repl)); $('.message-input').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.messages').addClass('increasescroll'); $(".Forgotsent-time").removeClass('chatbot-hide'); } } var mobileprospect = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); var prospectname = localStorage.getItem("prospectname"); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); var timeStampInMs = window.performance && && window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart ? + window.performance.timing.navigationStart :; var msgtimestmap = (timeStampInMs,; var mobileprospect = localStorage.getItem("mobile"); let param = encodeURIComponent(mobileprospect) $.ajax({ url: "/m7actions/myenvironment/chatSessionForgotLogin?mobile=" + param + "&propsectname=" + prospectname, type: "GET", cache: false, contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", success: function (result) { if (result != null) { session_Id = result; SignalR_Hub(false, session_Id); localStorage.setItem("forgot_session", result); } localStorage.removeItem("prospectname"); }, error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); var timeStampInMs = window.performance && && window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart ? + window.performance.timing.navigationStart :; var timeStampInMss = (timeStampInMs,; //forgotgetchatmessage(timeStampInMss); }); } // session clear of 15mnts of idle function timerIncrement() { idleTime = idleTime + 1; if (idleTime > 19) { // 15 minutes var prospectval = localStorage.getItem("prospecthistory"); if (prospectval != null) { localStorage.clear(); localStorage.removeItem("prospecthistory"); $('.chat-popup').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); window.location.reload(true); } else { his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $('.chat-popup').addClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.chat-bot-Homeicon').addClass('chatbot-hide'); var myItem = localStorage.getItem('company'); // localStorage.clear(); localStorage.setItem('company', myItem); window.location.reload(true); } } } function SignalR_Hub(isStoped, session_Id) { $.connection.hub.url = ""; if (session_Id != null) { $.connection.hub.qs = { 'username': session_Id }; } var chat = $.connection.myHub; if (isStoped == true) { //chat.client.stopClient = function () { $.connection.hub.stop({ transport: ['webSockets', 'longPolling'], jsonp: true }); // }; } // Create a function that the hub can call to broadcast messages. chat.client.addMessage = function (message) { var data = JSON.parse(message); agent = data[0].content; var today = new Date(); var time = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', hour12: false }); var repl = ''; if (typeof agent == "string") { var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(); if (forgotnoflag == '1') { repl += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (33)

    ' + agent + '

    '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".Forgotsenttime").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.Forgotsenttime").html(); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); localStorage.setItem("Forgotsenttime", his); if (scrolled) { $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); } $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); return } else { repl += '
  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (34)

    ' + agent + '

    '; repl += '

    ' + time + '

    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $(".sent-time").html($.parseHTML(his)); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); return } } if (typeof agent == "object") { var forgotnoflag = $('#forgotnoflag').val(); if (forgotnoflag == '1') { repl += 'Ihre Anfrage wurde erfolgreich gelöst.
    '; $(".Forgotsenttime").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $('.message-input').addClass('chatbot-hide'); if ($('li.replies.user-clicked').length > 0) { $('.messages').addClass('increasescroll'); $('li.replies').removeClass('user-clicked'); } var rep = ''; rep += '
  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (35)

    Konnten wir Ihnen weiterhelfen?

  • '; rep += '

  • Nein

  • '; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; his = $("li.Forgotsenttime").html(); $(".Forgotsenttime").html($.parseHTML(his)); $('.Forgotsenttime').removeClass('chatbot-hide'); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); // SignalR_Hub(true, null); return; } else { repl += 'Ihre Anfrage wurde erfolgreich gelöst.
    '; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(repl)); $('.message-input').addClass('chatbot-hide'); if ($('li.replies.user-clicked').length > 0) { $('.messages').addClass('increasescroll'); $('li.replies').removeClass('user-clicked'); } var rep = ''; rep += '

  • My HD Austria | HD Austria (36)

    Konnten wir Ihnen weiterhelfen?

  • '; rep += '

  • Nein

  • '; rep += '

    ' + time + '

    '; var his = ""; $(".sent-time").append($.parseHTML(rep)); his = $("li.sent-time").html(); saveHistory(his); $("#msg1").scrollTop($("#msg1")[0].scrollHeight); return; } } }; $.connection.hub.start( { transport: ['webSockets', 'longPolling'],jsonp:true }) .done(function () { console.log("Connected, transport = " + $; }) .fail(function(){ console.log('Could not Connect!'); }); $.connection.hub.error(function (error) {console.log('SignalR error: ' + error) }); $.connection.hub.disconnected(function () { if (!isStoped && $.connection.hub.state != 0) { setTimeout(function () { $.connection.hub.start({ transport: ['webSockets', 'longPolling'], jsonp: true }); }, 3000); } // Restart connection after 5 seconds. }); };

    My HD Austria | HD Austria (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Delena Feil

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5395

    Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Delena Feil

    Birthday: 1998-08-29

    Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

    Phone: +99513241752844

    Job: Design Supervisor

    Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

    Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.