[FROM THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1884, THROUGH JULY 3, 1884.]


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884. Front Page.

Mr. Plumb has introduced a bill forfeiting unearned lands granted theAtlantic & Pacific railroad to aid in the construction of a railroadand telegraph line from the States of Missouri and Arkansas to the Pacificcoast, and restore the same to settlement.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Secretary Teller's plan of educating the Indian through the agency ofhis stomach, rather than by the high grade text book, appears to strikethe popular mind as being a very sensible proposition. The Indian is moreeasily reached through his mouth than through his brain. The mouth is usuallythe larger of the two.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.


The "boom" is certainly abroad in Kansas, especially in CowleyCounty, yet to us the only evidence of the fact is the swollen conditionof the COURIER as it comes with its budget of weekly news. If the distendedcondition of the COURIER is a true exponent of the "boom" in SouthernKansas, we are compelled to admit that Prohibition is no great injury tothe state and that her industries continue to thrive and prosper.

But Kansas is not the only section that is enjoying such a "boom."This Territory is also receiving its share of immigration. All trains onthe Northern Pacific are crowded with persons coming west to grow up withthe country. Old and young, rich and poor are alike crowding into the Northwest.The other day I traveled with a man who had come from Dakota and was goinginto Idaho. He informed me that he was 82 years of age. It seems strangethat persons of such an age should desire to go into a new country to undergothe inevitable inconveniences of frontier life yet it seems that the westernfever differs from the whooping cough or measles in that it continues throughlife. All over this coast are men who have suffered for years from thisdisease. As the leprosy of old, it has kept them beyond the influences ofcivilization and now that the settlements are spreading out and fillingthe land, these victims are washing hither and thither seeking some avenueof escape.

Next to this disease is that known as the mining fever of gold hunting.All over the coast are men who by this have been driven out from comfortablehomes and a competence to endure privation, suffering, and trials of nosmall magnitude. The miner is a peculiar character, all his former traininggoes for naught and he dates his life from the time he entered the mine.His desires for the precious metal have led him from one camp to another.If he finds a placer or load where he can make good wages, he gives it up,packs his "kit," and starts for the first new discovery or campof which he may hear, ever controlled by the belief that someday he shallstrike it rich. Thus he roams from one place to another. Perhaps after atime he concludes to take a homestead and settle down to agriculture. Hegets his land broken and utensils and stock gathered around him, but alas,to his retreat comes the news of some rich discovery, or an old comradeon one of his tramps, comes by the "ranch"; the old fire is rekindled,the next morning the quondam farmer packs his goods and moves away, landand everything left for the hopes of a new find. I know an old miner whohad settled down, cultivated his land, had a good farm, stock, and everything,a pleasant family, and good home, though a man advanced in years, he istoday a wanderer. When the snow melted instead of planting his crop, heleft all and started on the old pursuit of hunting for gold. Though we maythink such men foolish, yet it is but another illustration of the forceof habit.

In regard to immigration to this country, I wish to say that those whoare making a good living in Kansas, or the east, had better remain there,and those who cannot make a living there may as well starve there and beburied among friends as to do so here or elsewhere in the west and be buriedby strangers. My opinion is that the man who cannot gain a living in Kansasor the eastern states cannot do so here.

In the Northwest we have some peculiar disadvantages, some of which promiseto be permanent. The great markets of this country are in the east, thelarger part of our exports go to European countries. This being the case,we are so far from the trade centers and as we are compelled to competewith the fertile western states, we are at a great disadvantage, the freighton all our products being so much greater. Then farming in eastern Washingtonis much more difficult and expensive than in the level prairie countriesof the west. The surface is very broken and hilly, there being but littlelevel land. When you stand on a high hill and look over the country, ithas the appearance of a sea in a storm, if you could imagine the hills tobe huge petrified billows. The country is beautiful to look at, especiallywhen covered with green, but it seems to me it must be difficult to work.Here we can see the cattle on a thousand hills, only it seems to me we mightpluralize the numeral and say thousands of hills.

The grain is looking well and promises a bountiful harvest. The wheatsown here is spring wheat, but little of the fall variety being planted.All the small grains do well and almost everything common to the westernstates can be grown except corn. The nights are too cool for this thoughthe farmers say that they are satisfied that corn will do well if only givena fair trial. The hardier fruits do well in Eastern Washington, and almostall can be grown in western Washington. E. T. TRIMBLE.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

It was reported yesterday that A. E. Touzalin, of the Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fe road, had tendered is resignation as vice president. Therecent election of Mr. Strong to the presidency has probably shown Mr. Touzalinthat his policy, which has conflicted with Mr. Strong's all along, wouldnot be acceptable to the directory hereafter. It has been given out by theofficials of the road that Mr. Touzalin was going away on a three month'svacation, but it is pretty generally understood that he will not returnto Topeka, Kansas, as an official of the road. Chicago Herald.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.


There seem to be more fools coming west this spring than ever before.Every few days somebody gets "worked" and robbed by sharpers onthe trains that leave Kansas City and Atchison, and they all bite at thesame old bogus bond, freight bill, and three card monte gamestricks thathave been played for years, and are being exposed every day almost in thenewspapers. But as a general rule the men who get robbed are men who neverread a newspaper, never travel much out of the township in which they live;consequently, know but very little about the world.

One day last week an old grayo living at Arkansas City, who had beenup in northern Missouri with his wife and two daughters, came down on theAtchison train, going home. There happened to be five of the sharpers onthat same train. At Rock Creek one of the girls wanted Conductor Jones tosend a telegram back to Atchison and say that she had left her hair waveslying on a window sill in the depot. By overhearing this the gang spottedher father and at once selected him for a sucker. In a few minutes one ofthem sat down by the old man and before they reached Topeka he had borrowed$60, giving as security a worthless $1,000 bond. After finding out thatthe old man lived at Arkansas City, Mr. Thief was very greatly delightedto know it, and said that he was the Treasurer of Cowley County. Also, heexpressed regrets that he could not go on through with them that night,but on account of having a bill of goods at Topeka with $60 freight chargesdue on them, he would be compelled to stay there until next morning, andwait until the bank opened to get some money. For the pleasure of such anice gentleman's company, the old "gray" pulled out his roll,handed over the amount asked for, and took the bond in return. When he gotoff at the depot, he went up to Pat Sherman and said: "You know moreabout these things than I do. Is that all right?" showing Pat the bond.

Pat replied, "That is right, but it isn't worth a cent."

Then the old woman jumped up and down and wildly exclaimed: "Goodenough for the old fool. I am glad he got it that way. I have told him ahundred times about being an idiot, and am glad now that he has a lesson."

The two daughters, young women, sucked their thumbs and looked silly.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The Kansas City & Southern Kansas proposition has been revived, andit is the intention of Winfield and the various townships intervening betweenEureka and Winfield to vote aid to this project at once. The townships ofHickory and Union, in this county have been asked to give $15,000 each,in 6 percent bonds, to go toward building the line, and we learn that thepropositions are to be voted on soon. Many of the voters and taxpayers inthat portion of the county are desirous of securing a line of railway thatwill give them an outlet to Kansas City; and as this seems to be the mostfeasible, they favor voting to it. Will have more to say on these propositionswhen they are submitted. El Dorado Republican.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mr. A. N. Deming of this city has formed a partnership with Mr. Criley,proprietor of the leading hotel in Carthage, Missouri, and together haverented the new hotel at Fort Scott, which will probably be run under thesupervision of the former. These are both old hotel men, Mr. Criley fora long time having had charge of the Hotel Cooledge, at Emporia, where hemade an enviable reputation. Fort Scott people have every reason to congratulatethemselves that their new and commodious hotel has fallen into such goodhands. Eagle.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Donnell, Lawson & Simpson, late local agents of the state of Kansasof New York have paid over to state treasurer Howe $101,196, it being theamount belonging to the state and municipalities of Kansas. The same isdeposited with the First National Bank of New York, which has been appointedstate fiscal agent, it having made a bond of $500,000 with four securitiesoutside the bank, each justifying in the sum of $500,000.

It is now considered that Donnell, Lawson & Simpson will pay allliabilities and have about $1,000,000 left to go on.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

S. G. King, general merchant of Cedarvale, has failed and made an assignmentto John Johnson. His liabilities are unknown; assets about $10,000. Thereis about $8,000 due him from farmers. His accounts are regarded as good,and his creditors will probably be paid in full.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

It is proposed by the City school board to submit to the voters of thisdistrict a proposition to vote $10,000 bonds for the purpose of buildinga new four room schoolhouse. There is not room in our present twelve schoolrooms for near all the pupils that would have to attend our city schoolsand something must be done to make more room and that immediately.

It is concluded that four more rooms will be sufficient for the present,possibly for three or four years, but without doubt in the not distant future,another 4 rooms will be needed and still another.

It is, therefore, important in locating a new schoolhouse this summerthat it should be done in reference to the future location of at least twomore schoolhouses. At present there are the most pupils in the east andsoutheast part of the district who are distant from a schoolhouse, and thefirst new house should be built in that direction. We should say that aboutin the vicinity of Judge Torrance's ten acre tract and Senator Hackney'sresidence would be a proper location.

When other schoolhouses are to be built, the northeast and southwestparts of the district would naturally be the locations. It is probable thatthe wards of the city will be increased in number as fast as schoolhousesare built and the house to be built this year will be known as the thirdward schoolhouse.

There is a considerable area in the east and southeast that ought tobe included in the corporation limits and will be at no distant day, andwe know of no reason why it should be insisted that a schoolhouse to bebuilt this year should be located within the present city limits. It isenough that it be located in the most suitable place within the districtwhether outside or inside the city limits.

We should say that the school board should first locate the site andcontract for the ground subject to the approval of the voters at the election.Then submit the bonds, stating the location in the proposition and thenan approval of the bonds will be an approval of the site and every voterwill vote with a full and fair understanding of the situation.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

During the storm of Tuesday afternoon, the sod schoolhouse in District93, near Covert, was struck by lightning, and a six-year-old son of R. L.Hamil was struck and instantly killed, and four or five other pupils wereso badly stunned by the strikes as to require medical treatment to restoreconsciousness. Osborne Farmer.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Rev. Harris will hold basket meetings as follows: In his own grove twomiles northeast of Arkansas City, June 1st; near Science Valley schoolhouseJune 8th; at Maple City June 15th; south of Odessa schoolhouse on PoseyCreek June 22nd. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and at 2 p.m., dinner at 12 m.All are requested to bring Gospel hymns and provide chairs and spring seatsas far as convenient.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Remember the meeting of the board of equalization on the 3rd of June.All complaints in regard to assessments must be made at this meeting.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.


"Our esteemed contemporary, last week, took have a column to bemoanthe sad results which followed the reduction of the tariff by the law of1883, and attributed to that reduction all the calamities arising from theindustrial depression through which the country has been passing.

"Considering that the reduction complained of lessened tariff dutiesjust 1.74 percent on an average, neighbor Millington must feel some exhaustionafter his severe strain. We now insist upon explaining how the possiblereduction of war taxes, provided for by the Morrison bill, caused the panicin Wall Street." Telegram.

Though we have not taken the time to look up the matter and though weare aware that Democratic free trade statements are not usually facts, yetwe are willing for the sake of the argument to accept as a fact the abovestatement that the reduction of tariff rates of 1883 did not lessen theamount of duties actually paid more than one and three fourths percent,which is practically no reduction of the revenues at all.

This illustrates our often repeated statement that reductions of tariffrates do not always reduce the revenue.

Take wool, for instance. The former tariff on wool was about an averageof thirty-seven and one third percent valuation, producing a revenue of$3,854,652 during the year ending June 30, 1882.

The tariff of 1883 reduced the average rates 18 percent, which is a reductionon valuation of about 6-2/3 percent, to about 30-2/3 percent. Now if theamount of wool imported under this tariff had been the same as under theformer tariff, the revenue from wool would have been reduced $687,866, toa total of $3,166,785.

But instead of a falling off of the revenue from wool, it increased itnear a million and a half in the first year of reduced tariff. This wascaused by the stimulus it gave to importation, increasing the amount importedabout seventy-five percent.

The average reduction of the tariff of 1883 on the whole scale of commoditieswas about 20 percent, and it is evident that this reduction would have increasedthe revenues considerably instead of reducing them even 1-3/4 percent wereit not for the fact that many articles, such as chemicals, oils, spices,pepper, minerals, fruits, nuts, etc., which formerly paid a revenue, wereput upon the free list by the tariff of 1883, thus actually and certainlyreducing the revenue to that extent, and offsetting the increase of revenuecaused by the reduction of rates on other things.

This is also another illustration of the remarks we made last week thatthe free trade theories are very fine and plausible, but are disputed bythe facts. It appears to be self-evident that a reduction of tariff rateswould always reduce the revenue, but the facts prove the contrary.

Now it is a fact, demonstrated by the records and statistics, that the20 percent reduction of tariff rates by the act of 1883 did stimulate andincrease importation very largely, while there was no increase in exportsbut a diminution instead. It is not only a sound theory but a fact thatthis increase of importation made necessary a change in the trade balancesand our country had to ship money to Europe to pay the difference or excessof our imports over our exports and for the last three months these shipmentshave become quite heavy; while under the former tariff our exports exceededour imports and specie was constantly and in large sums shipped to thiscountry from Europe to pay this difference in the balances. While in thiscondition, the volume of money in this country was constantly increasingand easy to get. Since the reduction of the tariff, the increased importationof foreign goods has been sending money to Europe, reducing the volume ofcurrency in this country and making money scarcer and harder to get. Thishas caused many kinds of securities and other kinds of property to declinein the market or to fluctuate largely and made a large field for gamblingin stocks and the conditions of the money markets have been unsettled andpanicky. The late flurry in the east is but an incident in this state ofthings and the whole matter seems to be plainly traced to the tariff reductionof 1883.

It is true that this financial condition and late flurry has not beena general smash-up, breaking down all sorts of business, banks, and everythingelse, as did the panics of 1837 and 1857, produced by tariff reductionsthree or four times as great. It is true that only a few gamblers have failedleaving the general business of the country still sound and healthy, butthis is simply because the tariff reduction was not so very great. If wehad now passed the Morrison bill and reduced the tariff another 20 percent,or had the act of 1883 reduced the tariff 40 instead of 20 percent, thispanic would evidently have been far more serious and have shattered thelegitimate business interests of the country.

It is ruin to any country as with any individual to buy more than itsells, causing an outflow of its cash, as long as it has any to flow out,and then going in debt to foreign countries for goods. A tariff for revenueonly stimulates buying abroad and importation and produces just this stateof things. A high protective tariff acts as a great discouragement to importationand a partial prohibition. It causes men to buy American products instead,pay their money to Americans, and keeps it in America.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Order of Exercises, Formation of Procession, etc.


Col. Wm. Whiting, Chief Marshal.

Aids De Camp: H. H. Siverd, James McDermott, James H. Finch, W. O. Whiting,and Frank W. Finch.

Medical Director: Homer L. Wells, M. D.

The procession will form at 1 o'clock.

The following is the position assigned to the different societies inthe procession, which have signified their acceptance to take part in thememorial exercises.

1. Chief Marshal and staff mounted.

2. Courier Band.

3. Cowley Legion No. 16 and Knights of Pythias No. 70.

4. I. O. G. T. No. 20.

5. A. O. U. W. No. 18.

6. Fire Department.

7. Girls and Flowers.

8. Juvenile Band.

9. Grand Army of the Republic.

10. Ambulance Corps.

11. City Government in carriages.

12. Citizens in carriages and wagons.

13. Citizens on horseback.

Formation of the Procession.

The Grand Army of the Republic will form on the west side of Main Streetfacing east, right resting on 10th Avenue.

The other societies will form on Main Street, west side facing east,right on 9th Avenue according to their position in the procession.


The column will march south on Main Street to 10th Avenue, then countermarchnorth on Main Street to 7th Avenue, then east on 7th Avenue to Gray Street,north on Gray Street to city limits, and thence to Union Cemetery, wherethe decorating of the graves of the deceased soldiers will take place, underthe auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic.

By Order of the Executive Committee.

H. H. SIVERD, Chairman.

J. E. SNOW, Adjutant and Secretary of Committee.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

CHEAP TEXAS PONIES FOR SALE. The undersigned will have at Winfield, Kansas,for sale, a nice drove of CHOICE MARES WITH FOAL. Also, a number of twoand three- year-old horses, on or about the 2nd of June.


Or at Bobbitt's Feed Barn on East 9th Avenue.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Eggs 10 cents, Butter 12 ½ cents, chickens, live, 5 ½ centsper lb. or $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen; turkeys, 10 cents per lb. or $12.00to $24.00 per dozen. Potatoes 75 cents; Hogs $4.25 to $4.50 per cwt. Cornis booming along lively and today (Wednesday) is worth, for yellow 36 cents,and for white, 45 cents. Wheat sells at 90 to 95 cents, which is ten centshigher than Chicago price.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Go and hear Miss Gable Tuesday evening at the Baptist Church.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

A Hodges Header for sale. In good running order. H. H. Martin.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

My Down Binders and Harvesters are in. Don't fail to see them. W. A.Lee.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Parties in Vernon Township ask Mr. Gaulk what he thinks of the PlanoBinder.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Udall's newspaper, to be started by Will C. Higgins, will be a five columnquarto and appear next Friday.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Wanted to rent, house of five or more rooms. Address or apply to A. P.Burtram care McDermott and Johnson.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

J. H. Byrne's hand made cur kid shoe at Prather's for $5.00. It's a beauty,ladies.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Elections on the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad propositions werecalled in Union and Hickory townships in Butler County, last week.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mr. Tom Harris has lost a bunch of keys: post office, door, and drawerkeysno corkscrew; name on ring. The finder will receive thanks by leavingat Mr. Harris' real estate office.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The "Active" Base Ball Club, of Arkansas City, hereby challengesany club in Cowley County to play a match game of ball, to be played onthe grounds of the "Active" Club at Arkansas City. E. C. Gage,Secretary.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Wellington missed her guess when she counted on a "division"in Winfield on the new railroad proposition. Our people realize the necessityof a united pull on these public enterprises, and henceforth they will pullthat way.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

A basket social will be given at the Holland schoolhouse, in PleasantValley, on next Tuesday evening by the Young Ladies Aid Society. It is apleasant drive and a number will probably attend from town.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

W. H. Albro's carriage factory is turning out a large number of finevehicles. A large bus was sent to Oxford last week and much work is beingdone for parties abroad. The buggies and carriages manufactured by Mr. Albroare gaining a wide reputation for beauty and durability.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

We have heard, lately, much complaint regarding the carelessness of engineerson the Santa Fe in whistling at crossings. Several teams have had narrowescapes at the crossing near the south bridge, and on Saturday Mr. S. H.Sparks, of Pleasant Valley, came within a hairs breadth of having his teamand wagon demolished. The law requires engineers to whistle within a hundredyards before approaching a crossing, and evidence shows that it is beingdisregarded in this case. The officials should look into the matter at once.The lay of the land at the crossing referred to makes it impossible to seea train until you are right at the crossingtoo late to govern a tiny team.The engineers on the passenger trains seem to be especially derelict inthis particular.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

BIRTHS. If there is one thing more than another that the COURIER is delightedto chronicle, it is the arrival in the city of handsome, rosy-cheeked youngladies. And such pleasure is not confined to our sanctum, for the enjoymentof Mr. B. F. Wood occasionally goes beyond the bounds of joy and becomesa matter of personal pride. His pride Monday on the arrival of two of thesefair ones was such as to make him step extremely high. They are twins andhave come to put up permanently with B. F. Being young and bashful, theywon't appear in society circles for some time. In addition to these youngladies, Mr. Wood has a pair of bright four-year-old twin boys.



Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

A Prohibition meeting, to be held at Mr. Bradbury's Grove, Beaver Township,Friday, June 6th, was announced, but after a conference on the subject onMay 26th, it was unanimously agreed to call the said appointment, in considerationof the farmers being so driven in cultivating their crops and preparingfor the coming harvest and advised the holding of as many Sabbath meetingsat the schoolhouses may be possible. The work is great and important andshould be presented in the most effectual manner.

J. F. Martin, J. W. Browning, H. Harbaugh, J. W. Millspaugh; DistrictCommittee.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Miss Gable will give an Elocutionary Entertainment at the Baptist ChurchTuesday evening, June 3rd. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats without extracharge at the Post Office book store.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The Young People's Public Reading Room, over Wallis & Wallis grocery,was opened Monday evening and will be open hereafter from one to ten p.m.of each day. The tables are well filled with choice periodicals, and therooms are neatly and comfortably furnished. The young folks have taken holdof this enterprise in a way which deserves encouragement; and if our peopleshow their usual enterprise in the advancement of matter beneficial to thecity, no trouble will be experienced in making this Reading Room a permanentinstitution.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Boarders are becoming so numerous at the county bastille that LandlordFinch has had to cast about for more room. The single "cots" heretoforeused for the weary criminal to lay himself upon for slumber, have been replacedby "bunks" on the penitentiary planone above the other againstthe wall. Seven disregarders of law are now county guests. There is nothingDemocratic about Sheriff McIntire's administration.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

That a little fun now and then will attract the best of men was demonstratedMonday. A man in a struggle to keep his seat on a bucking mustang, followedby a hilarious crowd, came near "quashing" the dignity of theDistrict Court. Lawyers, clients, witnesses, and even the Judge, rushedto the windows to see the show. Even dispensers of law are admirers of theequestrian fetes of the festive cowboy.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Things look at present as though this would certainly be a "yearof Jubilee" for Cowley farmers, and when the immense crops are gatheredin, the country boy can look way down on the eight-dollar-a-week "citychap," who lives in fifteen-dollar-a-week style. The debtless farmersare the only true independents. They can laugh in the face of the bigotwho threatens them with financial ruin if they do not believe just as hedoes.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Cowley's wheat crop is now assured. It is heading out nicely, with norust, bugs, or anything to injure, unless nature interferes with a hailstorm. The prospects are even better than last year, which means the heaviestcrop ever grown in Kansas. The average yield last year was over twenty-fivebushels per acre; with the present outlook, it will average over thirtythis year.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Talk about this being no blue grass country! Mr. Jacob Hackney has leftin our office a bunch taken from the yard of his residence, which is fullythirty inches long, and loaded with seed. The grass of the whole yard willaverage two feet. Considering the backward spring, this is a remarkablegrowth. Blue grass in all parts of the city is doing finely this season.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Dr. Capper has returned from the National Physio-Medical convention atCincinnati. While in that city he purchased a new stock of medicine, alsosome valuable surgical instruments. He says Kansas stands in the front rankand Cowley County crops are far ahead of anything he saw on the route.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company have the contract for furnishingthe stone and brick for the Wellington water-works. It will require aboutone hundred and fifty cars of the various kinds of stone and cars of brick.Thirty cars of stone have already been shipped and the brick were billedtoday.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The postmaster is highly pleased with his new money order clerk who "catcheson" to the intricacies of the business with facility and pleases thepatrons of the office.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The Ladies Library Association has ordered seventy-five dollars worthof the latest publications in books. The library now contains about eighthundred volumes.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

W. A. Lee has ordered the third car load of harvesters & bindersand one carload of Headers and two car loads of steam engines and threshers.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

T. K. Johnson went to Kansas City Monday.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

J. W. Curns went to Fort Scott Monday on business.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

W. J. Hodges is improving his residence with another story on the front.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mrs. L. Schaffhousen and family left Tuesday for Chicago, their futurehome.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Dr. A. F. Henry and family left Tuesday for their old home, Crawfordsville,Indiana.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

J. L. Hodges is adding a fine two story front to his residence on eastNinth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Forrest Rowland visited his sister, Mrs. Lewis Billings, near Cherryvale,last week.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Ed. G. Gray, of the Traveler, and Geo. E. Wright were up fromthe Terminus Saturday.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mr. Jas. D. Lee, one of the businessmen of Fort Scott, was in the cityWednesday.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

E. C. Gage, one of the bright young men of the Terminus, was in the metropolisSaturday.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mrs. W. L. Webb left Monday for a visit in Lexington, Mo. W. L. is nowa lone "widdy."

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

J. C. Topliff, postmaster of Arkansas City, and Virginia Walton droveup to the capital Sunday.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Miss Pearl Friend left Monday morning for Independence, Missouri, tovisit some time with relatives.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

R. E. Wallis is keeping up with the improving procession by putting ona neat addition to his residence.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mr. Leonard Farr came down from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, last week, to lookafter his property interests in this county.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mrs. J. C. Curry, nee Miss Ellen E. Bosley, remembered the COURIER witha very aesthetic bouquet, Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

W. W. Smith, now one of the mercantile men of Douglass, was in the cityFriday. He also has a store at Udall.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mort Tanner, J. S. Mann's sprightly young salesman, left Monday for arecreating trip to Topeka and Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Miss Ella Kelly closed her winter and spring work in the Douglass publicschools last Friday and is again at home.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mr. H. H. Albright, brother of our P. H., was over from Sedan Saturday,taking in the liveliest town in the southwest.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Frank Barclay has sold his beautiful residence on east 10th avenue toThos. Hemphill, of Dallas County, Iowa, for $3,000.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Our sanctum was brightened Tuesday with a large, exquisite bouquet ofodorous flowers, the compliment of Miss Ella Trezise.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Misses Julia Deming and Clara Jenkins and Mr. R. Israel came down fromWichita Saturday and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

H. G. Fuller has gone into the cow business on a small scale, havingbought one of Mr. Meech's fine Jerseys. These Jerseys take the lead as milkers.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Joe Kenell, now a liveryman of Oxford, was perambulating our streetsSaturday. Joe, like the pretty little village in which he has cast his lot,is prospering.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Col. H. C. Loomis left yesterday for Danville, New York, to be absentfor some months. The Colonel takes life about as pleasantly and easily asanybody possibly could.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown, of Pleasant Valley Township, entertained Mrs.A. B. Sykes and family Sunday. The table fairly gogosh, how the delicaciesdisappeared.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

James Stansberry was brought before Justice Kennedy, of Richland, Monday,charged with burglarizing a house in that township, and bound over to theDistrict Court.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

MARRIED. Married, on the evening of May 23rd, a884, at the residenceof Dr. Knickerbocker, Udall, Kansas, Mr. Lincoln McKinley and Miss JennieKnickerbocker. Rev. P. B. Lee officiated.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Dr. C. A. Allen, of Chillicothe, Illinois, was visiting in the city lastweek. He met many old friends here, among whom were Messrs. S. S. Holloway,H. E. Silliman, Gus Lorry, and others.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

One of Judge McDonald's fine trotting horses got frightened Tuesday,kicked Mr. Subble off the Sulkey, ran away and tore things all to pieces.He could have been easily managed had he kept his heels still.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Master James Bullene, of Leavenworth, is here visiting his uncles, aunts,and cousins, the families of James and Augustus Bullene. The young folksgave a pleasant picnic in the part Monday in his honor.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mr. Joseph Park left Tuesday for his home in Cassville, Pennsylvania,after a short visit with friends in Fairview Township. He has owned a farmin Fairview for some years, and added several more to his possessions thistrip.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Superintendent Kretsinger has been busily engaged during the past weekwith a large force of hands erecting new stalls on the fair grounds forthe use of the large number of blooded horses which are in training there.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Our delegation to Chicago leaves Saturday. Cowley will be representedby Hon. W. P. Hackney, T. H. Soward, Judge Gans, D. A. Millington, J. W.Wilson, M. G. Troup, Capt. J. B. Nipp, J. D. Maurer, E. A. Henthorn, andSpence Miner.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Drs. Park & Mills, with the assistance of Dr. C. C. Green, removeda cancerous tumor from the breast of Mrs. Johnson, of Richland Township,some weeks ago. The patient has entirely recovered without serious troubleor inconvenience.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Nellie, the bright little two-year-old girl of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Jennings,was attacked with membranous croup Monday. No hopes were entertained forher recovery until Tuesday night, when the physicians expressed a faintchange for the better.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

W. R. Vaughn and J. W. Dunlap were brought up from the Territory, Sunday,by Deputy Sheriff Rarick, charged with post stealing. The parties interestedlive in the State, and the preliminary trial comes before Justice Bonsallat Arkansas City today.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Dr. A. P. Kenny, Superintendent of the Topeka Insane Asylum, was in thecity Monday. Sam'l L. Gilbert, Secretary of the State Board of Charities,accompanied him to Arkansas City on business connected with the asylum,returning the same day.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Dr. F. G. Armstrong, of Camden, Indiana, spent a few days this week withthe family of Jonathan Stretch. On Monday Mr. Stretch drove him down tothe Saratoga of the West. The Doctor, like all our visitors, thinks Winfieldis a beautiful city.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Matrimonial certificates have been granted by the Probate Judge sinceour last as follows.


Henry B. Hallowell and Clara Scott.

W. S. Stewart and Eva Garrett.

Willis Allen and Iona Hutchison.

L. McKinley and Jennie Knickerbocker.

David M. Sprankler and Sarah A. Klingman.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The semi-annual election of officers of Chevalier Lodge No. 70, Knightsof Pythias, occurred Tuesday night, when the following were elected forthe ensuing term.

C. C., W. H. Dawson.

P. C., G. H. Buckman.

V. C., M. G. Troup.

P., C. C. Green.

M at A., J. Finkleburg.

K. R. & S., L. H. Webb.

M. of F., Q. A. Glass.

M. of E., P. H. Albright.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

MARRIED. J. W. Tyree, one of the popular young clerks of J. B. Lynn'sdry goods establishment, left Tuesday for Wichita, where he lead to thematrimonial altar yesterday, Miss S. B. Fleshman, late of Virginia. Jameshas succeeded in keeping this thing extremely quiet, as no one even suspectedhim of such intentions. He is one of our best young men and will receivethe hearty congratulations of a large circle of friends.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. D. M. Sprankle, of Lawrence, and Miss Alice Klingman, ofthis city, were married at the residence of Mr. J. W. Curns, by Rev. B.Kelly, Wednesday of last week. They left Thursday for Lawrence, their futurehome. Miss Klingman has been a resident of our city for many years, wasan efficient and popular teacher in the city schools, and one of our mostvalued ladies. The well wishes of a large number of friends accompaniedher to her new home.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

BIRTH. George Corwin now apprehends no difficulty in the election ofthe whole Republican ticket this fall. A new accession to the grand oldparty has arrived, who is bound to be heard, and shows positive signs ofcarrying the Republicans forward to victory. His political speeches aresomewhat misty in language, but might effectiveinspiring George to electioneernightly in the neighborhood of the paregoric bottle with the greatest agility.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mr. E. M. Reynolds and lady are off for a visit to their old home inIowa and Wisconsin. E. M. will attend the reunion of his old battery, the6th Wisconsin, which will meet at Lone Rock in June. The people of the placehave presented the surviving members of the battery with a plot of groundfor a Cemetery, and a portion of the ceremonies will consist of the unveilingof a Monument. Mr. Reynolds, since coming to Cowley six years ago, has steadilyascended pecuniarily and otherwise, and is in good shape to thoroughly enjoythe long visit anticipated in this trip.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Putting in Wheat.

Last Thursday the writer went out with Mr. S. S. Holloway to the ThomasYoule farm north of town for the purpose of examining a wheat field, partof which was put in with a common drill and part with the same drill witha roller attachment. It will pay every farmer in Cowley County to go outand see this field. The difference in the two pieces is most striking. Theywere put in at about the same time.

With the drill alone a bushel and a peck of seed was used to the acre.When the roller attachment was put on, the amount of seed was reduced tothree pecks per acre. The piece which was drilled without the roller isthin and uneven and will yield probably fifteen bushels per acre. The piecelying right along side of it put in with the same drill and the roller attachment,but with only 3/5 of the amount of seed, is thick, strong, and the headsall even, and is the finest piece of wheat we have ever seen growing onCowley's soil. It will go forty bushels to the acre.

This visit and examination has convinced us that the roller attachmentfor wheat drills is the best thing for Cowley County ever yet invented.Instead of the seed being dropped in a drill furrow, with only such slightcovering as might sift in on it, the rollers follow along and press seeddown deep into the ground and the dirt compactly over it, leaving everyseed down where it can get moisture and will germinate, and come up fromstrong and healthy roots.

The great trouble here with wheat has been to get the seed into the ground,where it would find moisture and get sufficient root to stand the fall andspring winds. That this roller attachment effectually solves the difficulty,no one who will take the trouble to examine the field of wheat on the Youleplace can deny. These rollers weigh thirty-five pounds each; one followsjust behind each shovel and can be attached to any drill. They cost, webelieve, thirty-five dollars for a set. We regard it, in the light of itsactual results, as the best investment a farmer can make. Mr. S. S. Hollowayis the agent for the sale of the roller attachment for this county.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Our Bands.

A COURIER reporter took in the band practices Monday evening. The JuvenileBand under the efficient leadership of Mr. Ed. Farringer has made wonderfulprogress. Considering the fact that this organization is composed entirelyof young Americans between the age of eight to sixteen, their performancesare most creditable. They have a neat band room built for the purpose, frontingon Twelfth Avenue west of Main Street.

The Courier Cornet Band holds its weekly meeting in the Courthouse, buton Monday evening transferred its labors to the Opera House. It has grownto be a very large and strong organization, and every member is a thoroughmusician. Their instruments are of the famous "Cohn" make, triplesilver plated, and perhaps the finest set in Kansas. The band handles everygrade of music and plays on sight the most difficult compositions. It isthe equal of any organization of the kind in the state and is an honor anda credit to our city. In the way of Bands, Winfield beats them all.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Blind Tiger.

The case against a number of leading citizens of Arkansas City for destroyinga building and contents in which was kept a contrivance known as a "blindtiger" for dealing out whiskey, beer, and other noxious liquors secretlyand clandestinely, was decided in favor of the defendants. The citizensmade up their minds that the liquor business in that town had to stop, sothey went down one evening, upset the "Blind Tiger" house, destroyedthe liquor, and made it convenient for the owner to absent himself fromtheir community. He then brought this suit against them for damages, butthe jury seemed to think that a man who operates a "blind tiger"in Cowley County takes his own chances on being bitten.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Democratic Convention.

The Democrats met in convention Saturday at the office of S. L. Gilbert,in this city. The delegates elected to the State convention were S. L. Gilbert,C. C. Black, J. B. Lynn, T. McIntire, A. A. Jackson, H. S. Libby, and J.Vawter. The sense of the meeting was that Gov. Glick should lead the delegationto Chicago. They also passed a strong resolution in favor of the "OldTicket," Tilden and Hendricks. The delegates were instructed to votefor and use all honorable means to secure the election of Chas. C. Blackas a delegate to the National convention. A strong "Tariff for RevenueOnly," was passed.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The City's Sanitary Conditions.

Will the COURIER call attention to the sanitary conditions of the cityand urge the importance of keeping streets and alleys and cess pools thoroughlycleaned and also urge the importance of having wells cleaned and washedout? I am quite sure that we shall have an immense amount of sickness herethis summer unless we are careful on these points. I have several ugly casesof fever on hand nowthe result, undoubtedly, of the causes named above.Cleanliness is next door to Godliness. Respectfully, T. B. TAYLOR, M. D.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Kansas City and Southwestern.

The bond election on Tuesday to vote forty thousand dollar bonds to theKansas City and Southwestern Railroad passed off very quietly, there beingno division on the question. About three hundred votes were cast, all butfour being for the bonds. Winfield will now wait anxiously for the decisionof the other municipalities along the line. She has done her partif theywill do theirs, we will get the road.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The Manny Case.

The motion for a new trial in the Manny case was overruled by the courtand he was sentenced to thirty days in the county jail and to pay a fineof five hundred dollars and the cost of suit, and to give a bond of onethousand dollars conditioned on his good behavior for two years. The casewas appealed to the Supreme Court and the defendant released on bond untilits final hearing.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

A Special Bargain.

The Dr. Davis farm adjoining Winfield, with ten acres of orchard, fifteenacres of blue grass, one hundred acres in cultivation, a good house, springand well, suitable to be made into suburban lots. Twenty-five acres overlookingthe entire city. Price $10,000. This place is worth $16,000. Call on oraddress Limbocker & Albright.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Soldiers Graves in the Cemetery.

The public are requested to report the exact location of the graves ofdeceased soldiers in any of the Winfield Cemeteries to comrade J. H. Finch,A. D. C., prior to May 30th, 1884, or meet him at Winfield Cemetery after1 o'clock p.m., May 30th. By order of Executive Committee. H. H. SIVERD,Chairman; J. E. SNOW, Adj't and Sec'y.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Model School.

Those wishing to enroll pupils in the Model Department of County NormalInstitute will please do so before June 1st. Application should be madeto Miss Stretch or County Supt. Enrollment limited to forty, $1 per month.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The post office will be open on Friday, Decoration Day, from 8 to 9 o'clock,a.m., and from 1 to 2 o'clock p.m. D. A. MILLINGTON, P. M.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Notice. Persons are hereby warned not to buy any paper purporting tobe a note from me, as any such note or contract is a fraud. T. S. GREEN.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

A large meeting of citizens was held at the courthouse Monday eveningto take action on the proposed change of trains on the Southern Kansas road.The fact that a very large part of the passenger business of this road originateswest of Independence makes the people feel that they should have the benefitof the additional train. It should be run through to Harper and every townalong the line west will do some tall "kicking" unless they getit.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Mrs. Gougar will be, during the month, at the following places: Independence,5th; Burden, 6th, Winfield, 7-8-9th; Wellington, 10th; Wichita, 11th; Eureka,13th; Emporia, 14- 15th; Junction City, 16th. Further appointments willbe announced next week.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

A good many persons are injuring the blue grass in the park by grazingtheir horses on it, camping, and doing many other things which the rulesforbid. Everyone ought to take pride in preserving the beauty of this placeinstead of helping to destroy it.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The trustees of the several townships should be present at the meetingof the board of equalization commencing on June 2nd, so as to watch overthe interests of their respective townships.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Points of Local Interest Regarding Churches and Church Going People.

"Under the Palms," one of the finest cantatas extant, at theBaptist Church Friday night.

The monthly social of the Presbyterian Church will be held on Thursdayevening, May 29th. A good time is expected.

The nineteenth annual session of the Kansas State Sunday School Associationwill be held at Newton on June 18th, 19th, and 20th.

Prof. Stimson has given the participants in the cantata "Under thePalms," perfect training and they will give a splendid entertainment.

The Baptist Sunday School, under management of Prof. Stimson, will presentthe Cantata "Under the Palms or the Flower Feast" at the churchon next Friday evening, June 20th. Over one hundred voices will take part,assisted by an orchestra of six pieces. Admission 25 cents.

The Baptist Church at Udall was dedicated last Sunday, May 25, by Rev.J. Cairns, assisted by Rev. J. C. Post, of Wichita, Rev. J. Bunker of theCongregational church taking part. After raising the amount necessary tofree the meeting house from debt, the church and citizens covered themselvesall over with glory in raising $300 to build a parsonage on the beautifullots donated by the town company to the church. We have been at a loss toknow why Udall was growing so fast, but when we found the public spiritmanifested by the town company, backed as it is by the community, the wholematter was explained. The growth of the town is quite rapid and like everyother part of Cowley County, is improving quite fast, with the most desirableclass of citizens. The future is assured wherever such liberality manifestsitself. FRATER.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Memorial Day was celebrated in Winfield in a manner which highly honoredthe departed soldiers, did credit to those living, and exhibited the loyaltyand patriotism of our people. The M. E. Church was crowded to overflowingSunday morning. Seventy-eight old soldiers marched from the G. A. R. hallto the church and occupied reserved seats.

The church was beautifully decorated. At the right of the pulpit stooda large monument draped in flowers and flags, and appropriate mottoes andfestoons adorned the walls. Rev. Kelly's sermon was one of the best we haveever heard delivered from a Winfield pulpit. It bristled with unexaggeratedeulogies of the soldier and the Union and contained many truths which sunkdeep into the hearts of the audience. So intense was the interest that,Sunday as it was, he was several times heartily applauded. In eulogizingthe Nation he did not overlook the many discreditable things which exist,and pointed out strongly the necessity of a remedy. A special program ofmusic was beautifully rendered by the choir. In the evening equally as largea crowd assembled at the Baptist Church for memorial services. This churchalso bore evidence of the deft hand of woman in its decoration. Over thepulpit in large letters were the words: "Honors to the Fallen,"with the portraits of Lincoln, Garfield, and Sherman. The floral decorationswere very tastefully arranged. The old soldiers marched to the church, asin the morning, and occupied reserved seats. The sermon of Rev. Cairns wasone of those able, practical ones, characteristic of him; upholding thegood and condemning the wrong; free from anything partisan, and one whichdid full justice to the Union and its heroes. It was warmly received andappreciated by all present. The music was very appropriate; instrumentaland vocal, from the choir and orchestra.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Choice eating Potatoes at Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

I have two good Durham yearling bulls for sale. Lewis Conrad.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

For sale, on the railroad track at Torrance, 500 cords of mixed wood.W. L. Rigden.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Parties up Timber Creek ask Mr. Calvin what he thinks of the Plano Binder,after one year's use.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The "Chaplet" cigar is just now growing in popular favor. Trythem. Ask your dealer for them; take no other.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

The "Bouquet" is the cigar you want for ten cents. Full Havanafilled. Everybody likes them. Everybody smokes them.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Have your prescriptions carefully compounded by taking them to L. M.Williams, druggist, successor to Johnson & Lockwood.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

W. H. Grow, of Rock, wishes to hire a man with a good self-binder, toharvest for him through the coming harvest. Please apply soon.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. Watsonberger lost a fine hog last week.

Mr. Samuel Marling is building a new house.

Mr. Earnest Johnson is shelling and delivering corn for Mr. Nelson Peters.

A surprise party on Friday eve at Col. Jackson's. A happy time, I presume.

BIRTH. There is a young gent of eleven pound weight in the home of Mr.and Mrs. Sam Avis.

Messrs. Vance, Miller, and Joe Hoyland are off on a fishing expedition,success attend.

Mr. L. E. Dalgarn has returned home from College at Manhattan for thesummer months.

Mr. James Demaree is again a Salemite. Is making his home with Mr. McMillenand family.

The Curtis Brothers had a party in the home of their sister, Mrs. Miles,one eve last week, have not learned the program.

Mrs. Chapell Sen. was quite ill but is better at present. Her daughter,Mrs. Fitzgerald, spent a week in the old home west recently.

Mrs. J. J. Johnson has gone to Ohio on a visit to her mother, and otherrelatives and friends. We wish her a pleasant journey, an excellent trip,and a safe return to home and Salem friends.

Will Hamilton when shooting at a rabbit accidentally shot a calf, leavingtwo shot in it, but behold it was the calf of his brother, Curtis's, leg.No serious results, fortunately.

Mr. Starr is back from Harper, and reports our old time neighbors, Mr.Edgar and family, well and content and happy in their new home. Mr. C. Miller'sis headquarters for Mr. Starr at present. Mrs. Cansey has nearly five hundredlittle chickens, Olivia sends thanks for a nice bundle of asparagus.

There will be an ice cream social (for the building fund) at New SalemHall on Thursday eve, June the 5th. A good time is anticipated. Everybodycome that likes cream and cake, and bring your pockets full of money. Wouldlike to see the COURIER Company and all its correspondents there. What hasbecome of sister Flo?

There was a little social, or rather a reunion of relatives in the homeof Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hoyland on the 14th inst. All the relatives in thisvicinity were united but the families of Messrs. W. H. Funk and Irvin Franklinwere not present. Several were present that were not relatives, but twentyfour dined and everybody seemed happy after dinner. Mr. B. L. H____ of Wisconsinremarked at dinner that the table so bountifully filled did not look like"Poor Suffering starving Kansas"; that one reads about was likelyto starve every soon. He and his good wife were very much pleased with Kansasand its inhabitants and they purchased a farm two miles from Burden, inthe township of Sheridan, and they expect to return in August, and makethis their home.

On May 21st, Mrs. Franklin (sister of the Hoyland men Seniors) gave anexcellent dinner in honor of the Wisconsin guests: 32 partook of the manygood things provided and everything passed off lively. The men had a gameof quoits, then after that the late Wisconsin Hoyland taught his nephewsand younger half brother how to perform the Indian wrestle, and the wayhe made the young heels twinkle in the Kansas breezes was funny enough toalmost make the boys laugh. After a day passed with so many friends, Mr.and Mrs. H_____ returned to their Salem quarters, and on the 22nd startedfor their pretty home in the north. [SKIPPED REST INCLUDING POETRY.] OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Beaver Ridge Items.

The cultivations of corn is absorbing the attention of the farmers.

G. O. Barrier has been putting out a fine lot of fruit-trees.

R. King is making preparations for building a large addition to his house.

Allen Wood thinks of starting on a prospecting tour to Harper Countysoon.

W. E. Ketcham has purchased the pasture owned by Messrs. King and Woodfor $1,480.

Mrs. W. J. Pointer has quite a painful bone-felon for which she is beingtreated by Dr. Thompson, of Maple City.

J. M. Bowman is busy with a three horse team and sulky plow, trying toget the remainder of his rich bottom land broken out.

Mr. R. P. Gilliland late of Danville, Illinois, is visiting with hisbrother, Thos. Gilliland. He says but few of the farmers there have theircorn planted, and that there is plenty of mud. He is well pleased with Kansasthat he may conclude to locate here.

Our Sabbath school is progressing finely, attendance is good, and a greatdeal of interest is being shown. We have sent for our organ and shall expectit in about a month. JEMIMA.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.


"A farmer pays $17 for a common suit of clothes. He could take that$17 and buy one of our $40 suits in England. How would it seem for $40 suitsto be as common as $17 ones, and cost no more? Telegram."

The above is a sample of the falsehoods uttered by free-traders. Thereis not a farmer in Kansas or in the Union who pays $17 for a "commonsuit of clothes."

A fine, all-wool, well made suit was offered the writer for $17.50 andthe suit he now wears for Sunday cost only $12. His common suit, used everyday, costs from six to nine dollars. But what of that? It is all the sameto revenue reformers. Let our farmers take the figures of their gentlemen,and go to anyone of our clothing dealers and compare prices.

But suppose the suit did cost $17? Is it not home-made, home-grown, home-woven?If so, the $17 has gone into the pockets of wool-growers, weavers, cutters,fitters, and sewing women. The farmer is able to buy his common suit ofclothes for he has all these mouths to feed. Let him undertake to pay hisEnglish cousins, and with what would he make the exchange? Our Kansas farmercan send no corn; it would not pay to send wheat; and our hogs and cattleare ruled out. Now, where is the common suit of clothes? While the Telegram'sfigures are false, it is true, on the other hand, that our home markets,our mechanics, our laborers in all fields other than agricultural, mustbe fed by our home products. Take this market from our farmers, andruin would fall upon our land like a desolate plague. History shows thatevery Democratic attempt to bless the country by tariff reduction has beenfollowed by hard times, that cursed all classes, except foreign manufacturersand capitalists. GRANGER.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The report of the senate committee on post offices and post roads onthe report of the postal telegraph has been completed by Senator Hill. Itgives a summary of the history of the increase in debts, rentals, capitalstock of the Western Union company, and the value of its property, leasedand otherwise, and the capital stock, $80,000,000, has arisen, nearly thewhole of it, from stock dividends and from purchases made of other companieswhich were paid for by issues of stock. It is evident, the report continues,that the price which the Western Union paid in its stock for competing lineswas vastly in excess of either the cost or earning capacity of the propertyacquired. It was claimed before the committee by the president of the WesternUnion that it had from time to time expended out of its current earningsconsiderable money on construction account, that is to say, in additionto its lines and equipments over and above their maintenance. This may betrue to some extent, but cannot be true to the extent of justifying theenormous stock dividends which the company has made, nor was the appropriationof current income to the construction account sufficient to prevent thepayment of munificent cash dividends to shareholders who received in thatway from 1867 to 1883 both inclusive, $34,000,000 in addition to stock dividendsof $25,807,190. As the process paid by the Western Union in its own stockdoes not furnish even an approximate idea of the actual cost of the lineswhich it has purchased from other companies, and as representatives of theWestern Union company, which alone possesses the information have givenno definite or detailed account of the amounts of money it has itself expendedin the construction of lines, the committee have endeavored to ascertainwhat it would now cost to reproduce lines equal in every respect to thosewhich the Western Union has acquired in all ways. The committee believeit to be a large estimate to assume that the number of miles of wire actuallyused and necessary to its business of transmitting telegrams is $350,000.The committee believe also that with average cost of wire, including poles,construction, and instrument for telegraphing, would not exceed $70 permile, which would make the total cost $24,500,000. The exact success ofthe capitalization of the Western Union beyond the actual cost of its lines,and beyond what it would now cost to reproduce similar lines, cannot bedetermined.

That it is enormous is entirely plain and undisputed. . . .


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

[SKIPPED: article wherein Millington responds to Telegram over performancesof materialization and other wonders of spiritualism as the work of juggleryand prestidigitation. Lots of nonsense caused by Millington saying he doesnot believe in it.]


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

[SKIPPED: Article was interesting but not informative.]


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The Santa Fe will put in effect June 10 the new tariff fixed in consultationwith the railroad commissioners. The new freight schedule is now in thehands of the printers, and will be out in a few days. These rates are materiallylower than those now in force. They will, it is understood, be followedby a reduction on the Union Pacific.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.


The bill granting the right of way through the Indian Territory, andfrom Winfield to Denison, Texas, has passed the house of Representatives,and will probably become a law. The right of way also embraces a route westwardthrough the territory to Mexico.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

We notice by the papers in the 13th Judicial District that Judge E. S.Torrance, of Winfield, was, on the 20th inst., renominated by acclamation.We take pleasure in mentioning this fact because Mr. Torrance read law andwas admitted to the bar in this city in 1870. In November of that year hewas elected county attorney of Cowley County, which position he held severalyears. He was elected judge of the 13th district in 1880. The judge madea nice and feeling speech in accepting the nomination and the complimentimplied. Some months since he was spoken of as a possible candidate fora place on the supreme bench. But this unanimous nomination and hearty acceptancewould indicate that he was going to stay with his friends another four years.Emporia News.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The liabilities of Donnell, Lawson & Simpson are put at $3,000,000,and their assets at $4,000,000.

The total exports of gold from this country since January have amountedto $35,925,497.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Horticultural Meeting.

Cowley County Horticultural Society met in COURIER office, on May 31,1884.

President Martin in the chair. Geo. Ordway elected secretary pro tem.

Mr. Brown cultivates Raspberries till they begin to tip and meets withgood success. Prefer the Doolittle. Has them and Mammoth Cluster in finebearing this year.

Mr. Short has tried the Turner Raspberry. They failed to live throughthe winter and gave no crop.

Mr. Mentch reports seeing Quincy in bearing in Sumner County.

Report of the president that trees are bearing in this county.

G. W. Robinson was selected delegate to the State Horticultural societyat Junction City.

J. P. Short was also elected a delegate to the same.

Voted to appoint a committee to investigate and report to Mr. Smith ofCarlisle Nursery, Ohio, the bad conduct and bad fruit of his agents in thisregion. Committee, J. F. Martin,

F. A. A. Williams, and John Mentch.

Patrons of said nursery are requested to report to this committee anybad fruit in their dealing with such agents. . . . GEORGE ORDWAY, Sec'y.Pro tem.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Star Valley.

As I never see anything in your paper from this sexyun of the kounty,I thot I wood try to rite a fu items, I don't expect I ken do much good,but I will du my best.

Mrs. Russell's health is greatly improved.

BIRTH. And now it is Joel Beaver who smiles when the boys call him Pap.

Mr. Starlings new house is nearly done. Ben Lane is doing the carpenterwork.

Miss Katy Holmes of Rock has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fatout, thisweek.

Mrs. Akers, now in her 64th year, has raised 350 chickens this spring.She has done all the work herself, except set on the eggs.

Rev. C. P. Graham delivered a good sermon at Star last Sunday.

R. L. McGuire has bought a new self-binder. SIN K. NIDY.

[Skipped most of this...he tried to get cute with his writing.]


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

AD. SHORN HORN! Not being able to use him longer without inbreeding,I offer for sale the splendid 4-year-old Bates Bull, "HAWKEYE."He is large, well-formed, a mainly dark red color. Has proved a fine breeder.Will be recorded in Vol. 27 of the American Short Horn herd book.

Will also sell two choice young bulls of his get. For pedigree and pricesaddress me at Winfield, or call at my farms five miles southeast of Winfield,on east side of Walnut River.



Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

RECAP. W. P. Hackney, attorney for plaintiff, sent summons by publication...ElizabethWeakly, Plaintiff vs. Jacob W. Weakly, defendant, to be answered by July8, 1884, re divorce and giving her back her maiden name of Elizabeth Dressell,and custody of her infant child, Caroline Weakly.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

FOR SALE. 550 head good grade Merinos, free from scab, with 250 springlambs, consisting mostly of ewes 1 to 5 years old. Price, $1,500 includinglambs and range for the season. Can be seen at any time 2 ½ milesnortheast of Floral. EDWARD B. SMITH.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Eggs, 10 cents, butter, 10, chickens, live, 5 ½ cents per lb.or $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen; turkeys 10 cents per lb. or $12.00 to $24.00per dozen. Potatoes 75 cents; Hogs $4.25 to $4.40 per cwt. Corn is boomingalong lively and today (Wednesday) is worth, for yellow 37 cents, and forwhite 40 cents. Wheat sells at 80 to 95 cents, which is ten cents higherthan Chicago price.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Everyone go to the social at the Reading Rooms Thursday evening.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The front rooms over the Farmers' Bank are for rent for offices. Applyat the Farmers Bank.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Strawberries and ice cream at the Reading Rooms, Thursday evening, overWallis & Wallis store.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

German Lutheran services will be held in the lecture room of the BaptistChurch next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The new time card of the Santa Fe and Southern Kansas railroads wentinto effect last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Creswell Township voted thirty-five thousand dollars aid to the KansasCity and Southwestern railroad Tuesday. It was almost unanimous.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The Juvenile band made an appearance in its beautiful new uniforms lastFriday. They are on the Turkish plan, red and white, and make a splendidshow.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The Board of County Commissioners met Tuesday and equalized the assessorswork. The real estate in Beaver and Bolton was raised, and that in Dexterlowered. A few items of personal property were changed.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Day light. Start east via Southern Kansas. Parties going east can haveberths reserved in sleeping car without extra charge by applying in timeto me. No change of cars between Winfield and Kansas City. O'Branham, Agent.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

A Mission will be given at the Catholic Church under the direction ofRev. T. Enright, of the Redemptionist Society of Kansas City, beginningJune 15th and continuing for several days. The general public are cordiallyinvited to attend.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

A number of our citizens have united in a call for a meeting at the Courthousenext Friday evening to arrange for a big celebration on the Fourth of July.Let everybody turn out and assist in making our celebration this year onenever before equaled.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Our fire companies appeared for the first time in legitimate parade intheir new uniforms, last Friday. The suits are showy and neat and coveras fine a lot of men as the town contains. Winfield is fortunate in havingsuch active, enterprising fire companies.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

All the district and township vice-presidents of the County TemperanceOrganization are requested to meet on Saturday, June 7th, at 10 o'clocka.m., in the basem*nt of the Presbyterian Church in Winfield for the transactionof business relative to temperance work throughout the county. By orderof Executive Committee.


The Board of County Commissioners met in called session last Thursday,to submit propositions ion the townships of Hickory and Union for the purposeof voting aid to the proposed Kansas City & Winfield Road. One of thepropositions will be printed in the Republican, the other in theDemocrat, and will appear next week. El Dorado Republican.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

A COURIER representative spent a day in Wellington recently. We hadn'tbeen there for several years and the changes wrought in that time were partiallyin harmony with the assertions of the papers of that burg. Notwithstandingthe fact that the Wellingtonian has several times used its Munchausenqualities in deprecating Winfield, to tickle a prejudiced feeling amongits readers, we shall "give credit where credit is due." Winfielddon't gain her prestige by belittling other towns; she walks on her ownpegs, and always "get there." Wellington's most noticeable featureis her fine business buildingslargely the result of the conflagrations whichdestroyed her old rookeriesand when you consider that most of the materialfor these fine buildings was shipped in from the Winfield quarries, it bringsthe enterprise of her citizens into prominence. Wellington should now turnher attention from worldly gain and cultivate the aesthetic. She shouldget more fine residences, sidewalks, and trees, in all of which she is deficient,and then she will be worthy a more favorable comparison with the Queen Cityon the Walnut. Business enterprise combined with a love for beauty, comfort,and convenience are what go to make a desirable city. John Crenshaw, formerlyof Winfield, is one of the landlords of the most popular of the hotels thereThePhillips. Another "formerly of Winfield" man, Charley Hill, ischief salesman in the hardware establishment of A. Graff. It will be rememberedthat Charley married a Winfield lady, Miss Ella Johnson, soon after hisremoval to that place. And we might remark that Winfield has a monopolyover Wellington when it comes to pretty, vivacious young ladies, positiveproof of which we have at hand.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

A caravan passed through the city Monday which forcibly reminded us ofthe pioneer days of Cowley County. Four cows were drawing a low, wide-tread"Arkansaw" wagon, with a man managing the leaders with a linerope. From the edges of the wagon cover peered the heads of a lot of littletroopers who seemed anxious to take in all the sights. Behind were beingdriven the herd of little, squatty cattle. Such was the mode of travel ofmany a family who came here in 170 to make a home. They had seen reverses,their horses had all died with "blind staggers" from eating sodcorn, and nothing could be done but to hitch up the family cow and thusmake a struggle for a livelihood. These same people have come up with thecounty and now look back, as they see themselves surrounded with peace andplenty, to those early days with great satisfaction. All honor to the pioneersof Cowley! They richly deserve the prosperity they now enjoy.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

An accident occurred at John Bobbitt's stable Tuesday evening, whichresulted in the death of a good mare belonging to Reece Stevens, of Richland.He put up his team there during the day and in the evening the horse wasbeing led across the sidewalk from one part of the stable to another whenDave Fitzgerald, of the Territory, careless jumped onto the animal, justfor sport. A large revolver fell from his pocket to the sidewalk and wentoff under the mare, the ball ranging up through her body, from which shedied in a few hours. She had a fine colt and was worth about a hundred dollars,which amount Fitzgerald promptly paid. He is a cattle man.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Our Democratic cotemporary is despondent; in fact, the whole Democraticranks have been getting some tough rebuffs lately, but this one takes thecake. George spied a man coming into town on a foaming steed, bearing allsigns of a ride for life. Thought the reporter: "Ah ha! Sensationalitem!! I'll cage it!!!" With anticipation on tiptoe, he rushed to wherethe man was alighting and with excited countenance caught him by the arm,with the question, "What's up?" The fellow gave a sharp stare,and with the decisive sentence, "None of your d__n business!"hurriedly left the reporter standing in mute disgust.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The scriptural cantata, "Under the Palms, or The Flower Feast,"as presented on last Friday and Sunday evenings by nearly one hundred voices,including Winfield's best musical talent, under the management of Prof.Stimson, was one of the best musical entertainments ever given in our city.The airs of this cantata are new and beautiful and were sung in a perfectmanner. Winfield takes the lead in musical talent. The Winfield orchestra,six pieces, added much to the success of the entertainment. The treasuryof the Baptist Sunday School is considerably replenished by the proceeds.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

On Wednesday of last week Sheriff Heriford, of Mercer County, Missouri,with Deputy Sheriff Tom Herrod, of this county, arrested Tom Burnett forstealing a horse in Mercer County, Missouri, in March, 1883, following himthrough Iowa, Nebraska, and finally after having almost given up the chase,heard that a man filling the description was in this county. They came witha requisition for him. As this is the second offense, he having served twoyears in the "pen" at Jefferson City, Missouri, he will, underthe statutes of Missouri, go up for seven years.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The property of the late Medicine Lodge bank robbers, assassins, andvictims of lynch law, was sold at that place, at auction, last week, thegross receipts amounting to $325. Two of the horses, the ones ridden byBrown and Wheeler, were replevied by the widow of the latter. A "chromo,"or reward of merit should be given to the Wheeler horse, for it was throughits instrumentality that the capture of the assassins was affected. It wasnot able to keep up with the rest of the party, and being sworn not to desserteach other, all were taken.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Owing to a decided break in the abstract world, we herewith give noticeto our farmer friends that we will make abstracts for ten cents a transfer,county property. At this price every farmer can afford to know just howhis title stands, and no one owning property can afford to be without acorrect abstract of title. We employ competent men and will guarantee accuracy.Call on or address Kellogg & Matlack, office with E. S. Bedilion, atthe Courthouse, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

DIED. Once again we are called upon to mourn with friends the loss ofa loved one. Nellie C., the bright little daughter of F. S. and Inez C.Jennnings, passed away on Wednesday morning after an illness of one week.No sorrow which the heart can know falls heavier than when death takes fromthe arms of loving parents one of these little ones. The remains were followedto the cemetery yesterday afternoon by a large number of sympathizing friends.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

G. B. Shaw and Co. have determined to erect a large bank building atBurden for the headquarters of their immense business, and Pete Walton willbe put in charge. This firm now has thirty-five lumber yards in SouthernKansas, besides its coal and grain business, and this bank has become anecessity.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The Udall Sentinel, by Will C. Higgans, made its advent last Friday.It is a very neat and newsy five column quarto and its benefit to the futureof that sprightly little village can hardly be estimated. A newspaper inthese small places speaks loudly for the enterprise and intelligence ofthe people, and Udall now has a splendid representative.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The Womans Suffrage Convention will be held in the Opera House on thenights of the 7th and 9th inst., at 8 o'clock, and in the Park on Sundaythe 8th, at 3 o'clock p.m. An admission of ten cents will be charged atthe Opera House, as a police force, to keep out bad boys.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The folks of Star Valley will give a festival at Star Valley Schoolhouseon Tuesday evening, June 10, for the benefit of the Star Valley Union S.S. Everybody will be furnished with ice cream, candies, oranges, Lemonade,etc., at the lowest prices. Committee.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Mr. Lee claims as his reason for cutting prices on binders to as lowa figure as he has that other towns near are making these prices and takingthe trade away that should come to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The following MARRIAGE LICENSES have been granted by the Probate Judgesince our last issue.

John L. Berkey and Ira Burnell.

James S. Tull and Lizzie Palmer.

Elma Baker and Gertrude Wilson.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Miss Jessie Millington spent last week with relatives in Newton.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Eli Youngheim will return from his European trip about Saturday.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

J. L. Horning and lady left yesterday afternoon for a two months visitin the east.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Frank Raymond is reporting for the Sedgwick County District Court thisweek.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Judge J. Wade McDonald delivered the memorial address at Wellington lastFriday.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

S. L. Gilbert left Saturday on the monthly tour with the State Boardof Charities.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

DIED. Mr. Cary Dale, aged 20 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dale, ofthis city, died on the 31st ult.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Mr. Lon Stewart, of Kansas City, one of the first settlers of Winfield,is here for a few days visit.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Messrs. S. Cure, Chas. Steuven, H. L. Well, and J. H. Finch left Tuesdayfor a Territory trip of several days.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Henry E. Asp and C. M. Leavitt now occupy office rooms in Senator Hackney'sbuilding, opposite the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Mr. Will T. Walker, editor of the Pythian Journal, Indianapolis,Indiana, was in the city last week in the interests of his paper.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

M. B. Shields, J. B. Lynn's chief clerk, is in Chicago this week assistingin the manipulation of the National nominating machine.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

BIRTH. And now comes Harry Foults and presents the cigars and announcesthe advent of a fine, new girl at his home. Harry is to be congratulated.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Spence Miner headed off the National Convention on his way from WestVirginia and nominated his candidate in time to get home Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Mrs. J. Smith, of Greenwood, Missouri, is in the city visiting with herfriends, Mrs. J. A. Smith. She came for her health and has been spendingsome time at Geuda Springs.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

L. L. Beck and wife returned from Atchison Saturday, where they werecalled several weeks ago by the dangerous sickness of their son, Elgie.He was able to return with them.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

DIED. The wife of Hugh Ford, a plasterer living in Arkansas City, gaveher baby laudanum in mistake for quinine last Sunday. It died in a shorttime. The wife is almost distracted over the terrible mistake.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Mr. B. W. Everman, Supt. of the public schools of Carroll County, Indiana,spent a few days of last week with the family of Jonathan Stretch. He tookwith him to the Indiana University some specimens of fish from our streams.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The semi-annual election of Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., occurredlast Thursday evening, when the following were elected:

A. B. Arment, N. G.

M. Zimmerman, V. G.

A. B. Taylor, R. S.

G. D. Headrick, Per.

M. Hahn, Treasurer.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Garlick departed last Thursday, Mr. Garlick to jointhe U. S. Geological and Topographical surveying party in Mexico, wherehe was last year, and Mrs. Garlick to visit different parts of this State.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Messrs. Sam'l Dalton and Will T. Madden have formed a law partnershipand occupy rooms over the Farmers Bank. Mr. Dalton is late of Chicago, isan able attorney, and with one as capable as Mr. Madden, this firm willno doubt be successful.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Mr. G. W. Robertson left Monday for Junction City as a delegate fromthe Cowley County Horticultural Society to the annual meeting of the StateSociety. He will attend the commencement exercises of the Manhattan AgriculturalCollege on his return.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Hon. J. C. Long and Chas. C. Black left for Topeka Monday afternoon toagain confer with General Manager Robinson relative to the extra passengertrain on the Southern Kansas road. They carried with them petitions fromall the towns along the line west of Independence.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

TO BE MARRIED. Mr. Jas. S. Tull and Miss Lizzie Palmer, of Cambridge,will be married in that place this evening at the home of the bride. A partyof young folks from this city will be present, composed of Misses Ida McDonald,Anna Hunt, Jennie Lowry, Leota Gary, and Mrs. Bishop; and Messrs. JamesLorton, Lewis Brown, Will C. Barnes, Frank Robinson, and Frank H. Greer.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor were "at home" to their many friendslast Thursday evening and, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, entertaineddelightfully about fifty couples of young and old. The refreshments, sandwichedin at the proper hour, were unexcelled, samples of which have been leftwith the COURIER. All are universal in their praise of the royal time enjoyed.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Senators Long and Hackney, and Capt. Soward, have petitioned the cityof Winfield for the right to build a street railway. We have been lookingto see our big sister put on street car style, and are not surprised thatour late townsman, J. C. Long, is one of the leaders in this enterprise,as he always had a habit of being active in all things that would provea benefit to his town. Sedan Times.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

TO BE MARRIED. Mr. Roy Stidger, formerly with McDonald & Miner, ofthis city, arrived from West Virginia Saturday last, and will today leadto the altar of matrimony Miss Etta Robinson, one of our most popular youngladies. They will take the afternoon train for Cameron, West Virginia, theirfuture home. Both are most excellent young people and will receive the heartycongratulations of a large number of friends.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Miss Mary Gable gave another of her elocutionary entertainments on Tuesdayevening, at the Baptist Church. Her program contained the best selectionsand was rendered in a perfect manner. The feeling exhibited, the facialexpression, and the graceful gestures show her to be a highly cultured elocutionist,and worthy of a much larger audience then greeted her Tuesday evening. Ourpeople are intelligent and refined, but seem to show a lack of taste forlectures and elocutionary entertainmentsmore through carelessness, we think,than any other cause. More instruction and real benefit can be derived fromworthy entertainments of this kind than from all others. We regret to acknowledgethat our people show them but little encouragement.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The City Parliament.

The regular meeting of the City Council occurred Monday evening.

Ordinance No. 193, providing for the calling of special elections, waspassed.

The two public hydrants were declared to be in non-compliance with provisionsof Ordinance No. 167 and a resolution was passed to erect, with the consentof the Water Company, two drinking fountains and two watering fountains,and a committee was appointed to determine the style and cost of these fountains.

The street commissioner was instructed to have the Atchison, Topeka &Santa Fe Railroad Company make a suitable street crossing over their lineon 12th Avenue leading to the Park.

The Telegram was given the city printing for the coming year.

The following bills were paid:

City officers' salaries for May, $124.40.

Tom H. Harrod et al, special police, $12.50.

Judge and clerks of election, $22.00.

John H. Herndon, taking up pumps, etc., $11.00.

L. C. Scott, room for election, $2.

Wilkinson & Co., room for election, $2.00.

J. C. McMullen, rent fire department building for May, $25.00.

E. F. Sears, crossings, $12.00.

Pauper bill of J. N. Harter referred to County Commissioners for payment.

The Council meets in special session tonight to revise some of the oldthird-class ordinances and to consider the street railway ordinance.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

A Card. On behalf of the Grand Army of the Republic, we desire to thankMrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. G. L. Rinker, and Mrs. J. A. Cooper for decoratingthe M. E. Church on Memorial Daythe ladies of the Baptist Church for thekind reception, and the Rev. Comrade B. Kelly and Rev. J. Cairns for theirsplendid sermonsCol. Wm. Whiting, Chief MarshalThe Fire DepartmentCourierand Juvenile Bands for their musicThe Citizens of Vernon Township for flowers,and the public generally for their manifestation of kind feeling. By orderof executive committee. H. H. Siverd, Chairman; J. E. Snow, Adj't. and Sec'y.of Committee.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Meeting at Akron. There will be a railroad meeting at Akron in FairviewTownship, Friday evening, June 6th. Matters will be presented there of interestto every citizen of the township. Let all turn out.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

If you want to be impressed with the beauty of the Queen City, just takea look at it from the mound east of town. The beautiful residences, theleafy verdure, and the fine business buildings combine to make a picturefit to tickle the pride of any citizen.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

There is war among our city abstracters, and you can now get an abstractof your property at ten cents per transfer.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

The Weather Conquered and the Day Fittingly Observed in Winfield.

Notwithstanding the drizzling rain and mud of last Friday, Winfield PostG. A. R., assisted by many willing hands, observed Decoration Day in a mannertouching appropriate. Early in the morning the people began to gather infrom the country and the streets were crowdeda turnout which fully exhibitedthe loyalty and patriotism of our citizens. The procession formed at oneo'clock, headed by the Courier and Juvenile bands, the Fire Companies andthe Grand Army of the Republic, in uniform. It was fully half a mile long.At the cemetery the Post went through with its beautiful and touching memorialservices interspersed with appropriate music by the bands. The old soldiersthen marched around to the graves and, with uncovered heads, strewed eachgrave with garlands of flowers. The ceremonies were very interesting andimpressive, and many a bereaved heart was made glad on seeing their lovedones remembered by the comrades-in-arms. We earnestly hope that this memorialcustom may last forever. It is a grand thing, and calculated to instilla profound love of country and heroism into the minds of rising humanity,into whose hands the Nation's machinery must soon fall. It impresses themwith the cost of the liberty, happiness, and prosperity we now enjoy andmakes the perpetuity of this grand Union a matter of personal ambition.The old battle heroes are one by one answering the last roll call and lyingdown for the last sleep. When the last one shall have gone to the silentcity of the dead, may those behind revere their memories as did the GrandArmy of the Republic on last Friday. May the mounds which cover the molderingremains of the Boys in Blue ever receive a yearly decoration with the flowersoff May. We append a list of old soldiers whose remains are in the Winfieldcemeteries.

J. Van Doren.

H. H. Park.

A. T. Shenneman.

I. L. Flint.

_. _. Buck.

J. E. McGuire.

James Carmine.

J. E. Mansfield.

N. A. Bailey.

S. W. Greer.

Jacob Riehl.

Geo. Gray.

_. _. Retherford.

Nate Fisher.

_. _. Corkins.

James Runton.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.


A charter has been recently granted to the Geuda Aid Society of GeudaSprings.

Trustee Sinnott has just completed the census of Arkansas City, and finds2,817 inhabitants.

A. T. McIntire had, last Saturday, the thumb and finger crushed fromhis right hand by having them caught in the cogwheels of the machinery atAyers' mill, where he was employed.

An accident occurred at the Arkansas bridge, west of town, last Sunday.The team of a couple from Geuda Springs became frightened, and when lashed,plunged over the embankment, casting the occupants into the mud, breakingthe buggy, and otherwise rendering affairs unpleasant. Fortunately the restingplace of the persons was soft, and they therefore escaped injury.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.


Last week, Friday, W. E. Seaman was exhibiting on the streets a bunchof blue grass taken from his farm, some of which measured four feet twoinches in length. Most of it was three feet long.

Anyone unacquainted with this country would hardly believe that a pie-plantleaf could measure forty-two inches across its widest part, but such isthe case, however. The leaf referred to was grown in the garden of Mrs.John Bilsing, and looked more like a large palm leaf than a common gardenplant.

The prospect for peaches here this season are excellent. Q. W. Carr broughta bough from his peach orchard Thursday, measuring about six inches long,on which were thirty-seven peaches. Another piece of limb, two inches long,held four peaches, which measured 2 ½ inches in circumference toeach peach. We are preparing for a feast on peaches this fall, and believethat we will not be disappointed.

"Come at once, I have parties here you want," was a telegramreceived by Sheriff McIntire of Winfield, from Udall. The sheriff, thinkingthat some murderers or horse thieves had been caught here, drove from Winfieldto his place, fifteen miles, in an hour and twenty minutes, and felt badlysold when he found that he had been called away from important duties todance attendance on the participants of a common street fight. So wags theworld.

A knife and ring game, which the police decided to be a gambling device,was operated for a time on the streets yesterday afternoon. The man, onhis own representation of the modus operandi, secured a license, but someof our old sports thought it a game of chance and made a kick. They havebeen closed and do not propose any outsider shall be allowed to "perform."Topeka Commonwealth.

The same kind of a game was in full blast at Winfield lately, and manywere the dimes and quarters "blown in" by those who thought it"better to be born lucky than rich." The sports of that city donot seem so particular as their brethern in Topeka, although the law shouldbe in equal force throughout the state.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.


Burden has really taken on city airs. If there is not a horse or footrace on tapis, the band will come out and play. When all of these fail,a fight will serve to break the monotony of busy every-day life.

A. P. Brooks has completed his large water tank and run a main as faras the corner of Seventh and Locust streets, where he will put in a hydrantand extend to any point in the vicinity desired by owners of property.

We still say, Cowley County, Southern Kansas, and the whole state againstthe world. Everybody is happy and prosperous, and almost every man datesthe beginning of his permanent success from the day he located in sunnyCowley.

We fear to say much more about the unrivaled prospects for fine cropsin this county. We learn there are several counties in Missouri, Illinois,Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee that re likely to be depopulatedby a grand rush for Sunny Cowley.

W. G. Cates shot and killed a large grey eagle out in Mr. Gafton's wheatfield last Friday evening. The bird was first seen within the corporationlimits. It measured seven feet eight inches from tip to tip of its wings,and was forwarded to Dr. King, Jacksonville, Illinois, who recently purchasedthe antelope, wild cats, English hare, and coyotes of Crabtree and Cunningham.

Base ball is stirring our young men up to painful and protracted activity.Last Saturday the New Salem base ball club came to this city, challengedthe Burden boys, played a game, and beat the Burden boys three to one. Scarcelya player in our city has played a game for the past two years on accountof too much work, but the exigencies of the case demand a club that canwipe out our neighboring clubs, and the boys propose to play anything thatcomes along. Send 'em along.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.


Dexter Lodge A. O. U. W. starts out with a membership of twenty, andmore to follow. It will be one of the most flourishing lodges of this Orderin the state.

Dexter Lodge A. F. & A. M. are contemplating the erection of a two-storybuilding. The upper part will be used as a Masonic Hall, and the lower floorfor business purposes. Still we boom.

One can almost hear the growing grain crack as it comes up. There isno need singing, "What shall the harvest be," for the yield willbe a heavy one. Those poor devils in Northwest Missouri who get drownedout can obtain all the grain they need right here in Grouse Valley. Stillwe boom.

MARRIED. Willis Allen and Miss Anna Hutchinson went to Winfield Saturdayand were married. Will looks two inches taller and the bride is "justtoo sweet for anything." It's all very smooth sailing just now, butthe fun can't last always, and it will get to be an old story before theyear is out. We thought seriously of giving Will some good advice by virtueof our more extended experience, but one optic is very sore. We have beengoing one eye on it all the week, and we don't care to have our remainingorgan of vision permanently or even temporarily closed. However, Will isnow a man, as he has found his missing rib, and all we can do is to wishhim and his lovely young wife a long and happy married life and not overten pairs of twins.

"MR. DAVIS: Your presence is regarded here as a nuisance. As youare young, you ought to make an honest livin and quit gamblin, you teachour sons to gambil and ruin their morals. Be sure I ever find any of mysons goin to your Billiard tables, I will apply the dinamite that same nite.So look out. ONE OF MANY HERE."

This is the product of that curse to any townthe anonymous writer shouldbe very careful lest his identity be discovered. None but cowards, blackmailers,and thugs would stoop to such contemptible littleness. As long as Mr. Davisbehaves himself, his business is perfectly legitimate. We could honor aman who would boldly stand up and denounce this or any other business thathe considered wrong, but the cowardly writer of anonymous letters has noplace among honorable men.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Points Concerning the Agricultural Industry and the Monstrosities
Produced by the Richest County in Kansas.

Owing to the late spring, harvest will be fully two weeks late this year.

Joe Mack brought us in a bunch of rye Monday, grown on the county poorfarm, just six feet and four inches high, and still growing.

Hots are healthy and more numerous than usual, and as we have good breedsin this county, more money will doubtless be realized from this source thanusual.

Mr. R. E. Kelsey, of Fairview Township, has left in the COURIER officea bunch of wheat measuring five feet in height with large and well formedheads. He says it was no picked bunch, but selected promiscuously from alarge field.

A finer prospect for wheat was never seen by even the oldest inhabitants.The stand is good and the heads remarkably large. From prospects CowleyCounty will lead any county under the sun this year in wheatas well as everythingelse.

Corn seems to have come up rather slowly this spring, but the seasonhas been so favorable that it is doing remarkably well. Many farmers havefinished cultivating their crop the second time. It is growing nicely andlooks clean and pretty.

Horses, cows, and all domestic animals are looking unusually well thisspring, and with an abundance of pasturage and plenty of corn and oats inthe country, farm teams will be in good condition to go into the laborsof harvesting and plowing for fall crops.

Peach trees are literally loaded down with young fruit. Despite all predictionsmade about the frost killing the buds, the crop will be so abundant thisyear that the trees must be liberally supported or they will be ruined bythe weight of the fruit.

Prof. E. P. Hickok has left in our office a bunch of blue grass raisedin the grounds of his residence, which forever silences the croaker whosays this in no blue grass country. It is four feet four inches high andthe heads loaded with seed. The seed was brought from Kentucky. Cowley takesa back seat in nothing.

After the Horticultural Society had dismissed last Saturday, Mr. R. T.Thursk, of Tisdale Township, brought in some Downing strawberries, whichwere simply immense, being four and a half inches in circumference. He alsoexhibited Crescents from this spring's planting which were beautiful. Cowleyis prolific in everything.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Pear's Soap for sale at L. M. Williams.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Baden's Headquarters for your canned goods.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

Keg Syrup. Choice at Badens Head-quarters.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

POCKET BOOK FOUND. Between Winfield and the residence of the undersigned,on May 31st, was found a pocket book containing a small sum of money. Theowner can get the same by calling on the undersigned, proving property,and paying for this notice.



Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.



Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.


The property of MR. R. TWEEDIE, foaled May 22nd, 1881. Got by "TamO' Shanter" (861), the first prize horse of the Royal Agr. Societyof England in 1874. His stock have taken more prizes than any other Clydesdaleaired in England. Dam "Nell of the Forest" (6644), the winnerof Forty-three first, nine second, and four third prizes. These prizes includea number of champion cups for the best animal in the show yard.

ALTERATION OF TERMS. The fees are $25 each mare; $15 to be paid to thegroom before the end of the season (September 1st) and $10 more as soonas the mare can be proved in foal or parted with.

From the first week in April to the first of July, if health permits,will stand at home till Friday morning, when he will leave for Winfieldand stay overnight at the Fair Ground, and will return home at two o'clockp.m., on Saturday. For card with pedigree apply to Mr. R. TWEEDIE.

The Forest Clydesdale Stud Farm is situated on Rock and Durham Creeks,six miles from Douglass and seventeen from Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.

PLANO BINDER $200 on two fall time; $190 cash, or one fall time.

Empire, Osborne, Defiance, and Dennett, same price and terms.

$250 REWARD. We offer $250 reward for a Harvester and Binder that willrun as light as the Plano or Empire.



Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

El Dorado contained 3,030 population on the first day of March, and isgrowing rapidly.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

It is reported from Washington that the Kansas City, Fort Scott &Gulf railroad is to be granted the right-of-way through the Indian Territory.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

From March 1st up to last Saturday, there had been slaughtered and packedin Chicago 380,000 hogs, against 372,000 for the corresponding period ayear ago.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

A party of horse thieves and whiskey peddlers were overtaken in the IndianTerritory a few days ago by several officers, and in the attempt to arrestthem, Geo. Briggs, one of the thieves, was instantly killed, and anotherone mortally, and the third slightly wounded. Two officers were also slightlywounded.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

John M. Simpson, a prominent cattleman of Texas, who has just made anextensive tour of the cattle region and some Northern markets, says theoutlook for beeves is very fine. He reports that some advanced herds fromTexas have already arrived at Dodge City, Kansas, and says this season'sdrive from Texas will be larger than for ten years, and will probably reachhalf a million head.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.


We are suddenly reminded that several weeks have already passed sincewe were one of the busy beings of your throng while the red tape of ourfurlough was rapidly unwinding and the additional days of grace from UncleSam's spasmodic generosity gave us warning that it was time to set sailfor the National Park.

Loath as we were to part with Cowley County's varied interests, we tookgood-bye from the hands of many friends, left our best wishes, and spedaway with Mr. Wallace before the cloud of despondency that hung over ourphysiognomy had so thickened that our social inwardness gave language toits depression in the form of a briny shower from the windows of our souland our heroism took the form of a fit of hypochondria and leave an unfavorableimpression upon the panoramic medley of politics, railroad bonds, sociables,etc., together with the general boom as it all faded away in the rear whileMr. Wallace belabored the gray back of his ten year old colt that took thebuck board with its precious cargo towards Douglass, splashing pancake sloughsand bottoms by the quarter-section that would have astonished the nativesalong the road had they not seen the like a thousand times before.

Here we visited friends a few hours and meditated seriously as to thepolicy of leaving the halcyon day among friends plenty and pretty womensimply to become the brave succor of Horace Greeley's advice "youngman go west," and write back that you have been there and make believethat you are the hero that has seen its wonders face to face, and that thepossession of a limited purse and no fixed object to take warning and notdo as we done, go off without getting their "piktur" took andleave with it a lock of hair for ten chances to one they will never seethe states again. Kansas people had better be slow in letting go of goodenough.

To avoid a repetition by going over the same route twice, we booked forthe hog market of Kansas by way of the overland route, and started at 2p.m., and arrived early next morning. Here we concluded to stay for theday to see what might be seen in that length of time, not for the purposeof encumbering this article with any foolishness of the place because thatis a very small product of Kansas City. A careless view of the stock andgrain yards of the place not only shows it to be the hog market, but themetropolis of Kansas, or in other words the safety valve to relieve thegreat resources of Kansans of their over production and thereby ease theever declining frailty of our greenback party.

Early in the afternoon we wended our way back to the Union depot andcontracted for another shipment to the twin metropolis of the great northwest,St. Paul and Minneapolis, via eastern Iowa, a distance of over 600 miles.In thirty hours more we were safely landed as per agreement mutually enteredinto by the parties of both parts and duly paid for in advance.

The most noticeable change thus far is the disappearance of the greatcorn cribs and growing elevators, which are much the largest in Kansas,and long before we reach eastern Iowa, they dwindled down to ugly nothingnessand the cribs look like dissipated old bachelors and elevators like ganglingold maids, being with consumption. Something like Kansas in the spring of1875. But the uninterrupted luxuriant carpet of blue-grass, in our opinion,more than makes up for the sickly difference in the last year's corn crop.This with the thrifty groves of trees and numerous tidy villages has anuntiring beauty that lends the traveler more genuine pleasure than any statethat we have ever traveled over.

The Union depot at St. Paul is reached just in time to be too late totake in other than the immediate locality, so we in cold blood, declinedall omnibus accommodations and by our own conveyance repaired to the ShermanHouse and took quarters for twenty-four hours. The regulations at this depotare such that mistakes are scarcely possible even by the effort of the mosttimid kind and the officials and the employees deserve more than a passingnotice for kindness toward the ever moving throng that never ceases at thisplace. Minneapolis is ten miles distant and a train passes between the twocities every thirty minutes, giving ample facilities for visiting both placesat the cost of very little time. The rivaling cities are both healthy. ThoughMinneapolis is the younger, it has already the ascendency and will eventuallyclaim the bulk of one great city when the two grow into one. In St. Paulwe visited the location to see the foundation of a hotel that is to cost$1,500,000, and another in Minneapolis is to cost $2,000,000.

These and other schemes that naturally came under our observation provesreadily that the tide of immigration and flood of wealth is not southwest,as by some supposed.

From here west the agricultural territory rapidly dwindles away and blendswith the great grazing region we read of. The ungainly sage brush takesthe place of forest trees and the vague effort that the bunch grass makesto hide the poverty stricken soil it will grin through from an unlimitedplain and foot hills for miles and miles around like the pleasant grin ofsolicitation of starvation at your door. Now and then an irrigating ditchis seen, but dull monotony for the first time makes you fully realize theluxury of a dining car and palace sleeper as an indispensable appendageto a train on the western plains. With these on hand eleven hundred milesof unclaimed real estate is spread in the rear of the train with much easeand little pleasure in about fifty hours, all things favorable.

Gardiner, Montana Territory, is now reached, the last town on the YellowstoneRiver. It lies on the very edge of the National Park and is aspiring toimportance as the Denver of Montana, but a Methodist minister would instantlyname it the Sodom of iniquity or iniquity.

Now, Mr. Editor, we do not pretend to have leaked any wisdom, but aftertraveling 2,000 miles with ears and eyes well open, we become so repletethat we could not help dropping a few facts for which we beg your indulgenceand withhold any apology.

Very Respectfully, J. W. W. [WEIMER]


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.






Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

A Winfieldite at Burden.

The writer visited Burden on Wednesday, June 4th, for the first time,and was agreeably surprised with the general appearance of the place. Likeall other young Kansas towns, it bustles with activity and holds forth abundantpromises of future prosperity. We noticed several fine new residences andothers under process of erection. Peter Walton is putting up a stone bankbuilding, which will be a great improvement to Main Street. It is beingbuilt from stone, which is quarried about a mile and a half from Burden,and is, we judge, of about the same consistency as that found in the Winfieldquarries.

Our stay was so limited, we did not have time to note all the improvements.

While meandering down street, we caught sight of the words, PRINTINGOFFICE, in huge letters reaching clear across the top of a building on Main,and at once headed that way, but on reaching the door we found ourselvesupon the threshold of a "tonsorial" estab- lishment, and knowingthe art of "shaving people" was not the legitimate work of thenoble brotherhood, we made a hasty retreat. However, we soon found the Enterpriseman, sanctum and all, in Uncle Sam's "post office." The mechanicaldepartment, especially, is crowded and very much in need of room. Mr. Henthorninformed us there was a prospect ahead of getting in better quarters soon,and for his own convenience we hope such is the case.

We noticed several Winfield ladies there, who were in attendance upona convention of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Societies of Southwest Kansasconference, among whom were Mrs. S. S. Holloway, Mrs. Gridley, Mrs. JohnC. Curry, and Misses Jessie Meech and Ida Byers.

Upon the arrival of the evening passenger train, we noticed many Winfieldgentlemen, whose faces were familiar, but whose names we did not get, who,we understand, intended organizing an Odd Fellow Lodge at Burden that evening.

We were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. Brooks during the dinnerhour, and in the afternoon were greatly pleased to become the guest of Mr.and Mrs. Geo. T. Waltonparents of Tell and Wirt Walton, well known to Winfieldpeople and Kansas newspaper men generallyat their new home. We have rarelyhad time pass more pleasantly. While waiting for the evening freight, throughthe courtesy of Mr. Walton, we were enabled to "Look over" thethriving little city, and we returned home with many pleasant memories ofBurden and Burden people. JESSAMINE.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

I learn a number of farmers have given their names for harvesters andbinders at $225; such men should have their machines at $200. In the firstplace, I took several orders at $255, but when the price was cut, I madethe price the same to all my customers and hope they will give me the creditof this. W. A. LEE.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Eggs 10 cents, Butter, 10 cents; chickens, live, 5 ½ cents perlb. or $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen; Turkeys 10 cents per lb. or $12.00 to $24.00per dozen. Potatoes 75 cents; Hogs $4.25 to $.50 per cwt. Corn is boomingalong lively and today (Wednesday) is worth, for yellow 42 cents, and forwhite 37 cents. Wheat sells at 80 to 85 cents, which is ten cents higherthan Chicago price.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Miss Mary Gable gave an elocutionary entertainment at Cambridge on Tuesdaynight.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Miss Nellie Branham, of Princeton, Indiana, is visiting her brother,Agent S. K. railroad.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The Arkansas River is on its annual tear and is said to have reachedthe average and still rising.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. J. G. Rounds, of Hillsborough County, Michigan, is visiting his brother,Mr. V. G. Rounds of Tisdale Township.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Kellogg & Matlack will furnish you abstracts of titles for 10 centsa transfer. Office with E. S. Bedilion at the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

A package containing two pair of infant's knit bootees were found nearSilver Creek last week. The owner can get them at this office.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Three splendid cornet bands, uniformed fire companies, fire works, illumination,races, and games of every kind will be a part of Winfield's celebrationthis year.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

We notice several dangerous holes in the bridge near the dairy, eastof town. The Walnut Township officials should look after it and probablysave the township a damage suit.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The Southern Kansas train has a Pullman sleeping car through to KansasCity. Parties desiring berths can have the same reserved by applying toO. Branham, agent; also Kansas City east.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

A Union Temperance Meeting will be held next Sabbath evening, at 8 o'clock,in the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church, ten miles north of Winfield. Goodspeakers are expected, and a profitable time is anticipated. Everybody iscordially invited.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. L. J. Evans, after a visit of some weeks with his brother, J. B.Evans of Vernon, returned last week to his home in Illinois. He and J. B.made a prospecting tour of the western counties of the State, but foundnothing to bear comparison with grand old Cowley.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Winfield's building boom seems to show no signs of abatement. New housesare still spring up in every direction, and many of them are large, substantial,and beautiful. At least five hundred new buildings have been erected sofar this season, and yet a dwelling can't be rented for love nor money.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The City Council held an adjourned session last Thursday evening. OrdinanceNo. 194, granting to W. P. Hackney, F. S. Jennings, John C. Long, and T.H. Soward a ninety-nine years street railway franchise, was passed.

The Sidewalk petition of C. E. Steuven, et al, was refused, and a fewminor matters attended to.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

One of the numerous Smith's around Udall has brought the rest of thefamily into disrepute by stealing corn from a car and "licking"a man on the streets. As a result, the whole Smith race is being accusedof this fellow's mean tricks. It is leading to a good deal of protest fromthe innocent, and some have gone so far as to threaten an application tothe Legislature for a change of cognomen.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Our Cemetery.

The annual meeting of the lot owners of the cemetery was held at Dr.Graham's office Friday evening. The secretary's report shows a balance ofabout five hundred dollars in the treasury. This state of the finances isvery gratifying to all. For years the balance has always been the otherway, and the public spirited citizens who formed the directory were forcedto carry it.

The following persons were elected as directors for the coming year:Messrs. R. E. Wallis, Dr. Perry, W. G. Graham, H. Brotherton, H. S. Silver,H. D. Gans, Mrs. J. E. Platter, Mrs. Robert Beeney, and Mrs. Ed. P. Greer.

The directory has gone actively to work formulating plans for the improvementand beautifying of the grounds. In this work they hope to receive the heartycooperation of everyone interested. Our cemetery should be made an attractiveplace and no matter how hard the directory may work to this end, they cannotsucceed unless each individual will take hold and assist by improving theirlots.

The revenues of the cemetery arise from the sale of lots. These are twelvedollars each. There are 228 sold and 475 yet remaining. A regular sextonis employed and the charge for digging graves is fixed at two, three, andfour dollars. The great need of the cemetery at present is water for irrigatingpurposes. They hope to get this in time.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Our Town Clock.

Our City Clock in the McDOUGAL building has at last fallen into goodhands and is now, after being as dead as a door nail for a year or more,running in good shape. The work of fixing it up was done by Hudson Bros.,our enterprising jewelers, and as a result of their skillful handling, itis running "on time," for the first time. It has been throughthe hands of several workmen, but has been getting worse instead of better.Hudson Bros. have put it in first-class order and will keep it so. Theyare now the "official time keepers" of the city.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The different District and Township vice-presidents of the County TemperanceOrganization are getting down to business and temperance meetings are beingheld in nearly every township in the county. Dr. S. Wilkins and F. S. Coons,vice president in Windsor Township, started the ball to rolling in easternCowley last Saturday evening with a rousing meeting at Cambridge. A. P.Johnson, of this city, was present and delivered one of his sound, practicaladdresses, followed by other speakers. Cambridge has many strong, aggressivemen who are not afraid to assert themselves in favor of the right. Mr. Johnsonalso filled an appointment Sunday night at Sheridan Township, and much enthusiasmwas exhibited. An organization was formed for the advancement of temperancesentiment in that township with ex-county Commissioner, E. I. Johnson, President.For true, enterprising men and women of principal, Sheridan is foremost.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Last Sunday was observed as "Children's Day" at the Methodist,Presbyterian, and Baptist Churches. They were beautifully decorated withflowers and otherwise. Cages of pretty songsters were hung here and thereand the music of the birds blended with the innocent presence and prattleof the children in such a way as to inspire everybody with the pleasantreliefs which have been imparted to the world by the Divine Ruler. Appropriatesermons were delivered for the young, and the day offered an agreeable changefrom the usual Sunday exercises. No better thing could be inaugurated tointerest the young in religious work.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

DIED. One of those sudden and terrible deaths which human flesh, in themysterious rulings of a Divine Providence, is occasionally made to suffer,overtook Mr. Abram Darnell, of Windsor Township, on Wednesday of last week.He accompanied his little boy to the pasture to water a bull, which theykept lariated, when the animal attacked Mr. Darnell, throwing him to theground, and before assistance could be summoned, gored him in a frightfulmanner, causing death in a few hours. He was a highly esteemed citizen,about fifty- five years, of age, and leaves a family.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The Woman's Suffrage Convention, which convened in the Opera House lastSaturday and Monday nights, was a decided succe3ss; and drew forth muchenthusiasm and profitable discussion on this question. Mrs. Helen M. Gougar,one of the ablest women in America, addressed immense audiences every evening.No question affords wider scope for discussion than this one, and Mrs. Gougarhandles it in a way which is very convincing.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

W. R. Engle, Wick Hill, and Boone Daniels, on last Wednesday, cut a beetree on the farm of Mr. Engle, on Grouse Creek. This is believed to be thefirst bee tree cut in this county. They found a fine lot of choice honey,and had lots of fun. Everyone who knows Boone Daniels, knows that he ischuck full of life, and that he is a boss fellow for fun, whether at thecutting of a bee tree or surrounding an old soldier's Camp-fire.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Cowley's Pilgrims returned from the Chicago Convention Sunday, tired,worn, and weary, and so hoarse they could hardly speak above a whisper.Every time any of them tries to talk about Blaine and Logan and the enthusiasmat the convention, their arms work up and down like a pump handle. Fromall appearances it will take them ten days more to reach a normal condition.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Miss M. E. Chamberlain, of Humboldt, an old acquaintance of Mrs. A. E.Baird, is in the city and proposes organizing a class in painting. Specimensof her paintings will be on exhibition today and tomorrow at the New YorkStore. Her friends and work recommend her as a highly cultured artist. Shegives a term of twenty lessons for ten dollars.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The finance committee on Fourth of July commenced work Tuesday morning.Their success so far exceeds the most sanguine expectations. Everyone istaking hold and upwards of a thousand dollars will probably be placed inthe hands of the executive committee to carry out the program. This willmake the eagle float higher than he has ever yet done in this country.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The N. Y. and N. E. circus failed to give an evening performance at Hunnewell.One of the employees of that company caused the arrest of a cowboy for carryingconcealed weapons, and a number of his comrades rode down to the groundsand notified the managers to pack up and move on, and to do it p. d. q.They didn't tarry.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

I repair all kinds of sewing machines, making this a specialty. and amprepared to give satisfaction or no charge. Have worked in Kansas for 6years. Shop at Stimpson's Music House or leave word at Constant's BoardingHouse. S. Welty.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cowley CountyFair and Driving Park Association will be held Friday afternoon of thisweek. There is much important business on hand and every director shouldbe present.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Hurrah for a gala day for Cowley County on the Fourth. Winfield's parkis the most beautiful in the state and at present is a very carpet of greencool and pleasant. There is room for everyone.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mrs. Ordway, assisted by her class, will give an Art reception at herStudio, Tuesday afternoon and evening, June 17th. They will be pleased toreceive all interested in Art.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Dr. W. P. Rothrock, of Pleasant Valley, has bought the F. W. McClellanresidence property, and moved to town. He will practice his profession.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Prosperous Cowley!
Her Assets Twenty-three Million, Six Hundred and Sixty-eightThousand,
Seven Hundred and Ninety-Four Dollars!
Our Agricultural, Livestock and Financial Condition as Gleaned
From the County Assessment Rolls.

The assessor's returns of the different townships in the county are allin and tabulated by the county clerk, and we are now in shape to take aninventory of our worldly goods and see how much we have accumulated duringthe past year. We all feel happy when we are prosperous, and as individualprosperity goes to make up that of the county, we will show how much treasureour citizens are laying up. If there are people on earth who deserve thegood times they are now enjoying, they are the are the people of CowleyCounty. That we are now reaping a handsome reward for the many hardshipsand years of toil, these statistics will plainly prove.


There were sown last fall 58,206 acres of wheat, an increase of 7,040acres over the former year. The amount of wheat winter-killed last winter,1,123 acres, was much less than for several years before, leaving as ourpresent acreage 57,083. While last year's crop was not as large as thatof the present year, averaging only about twenty bushels per acre, presentprospects indicate that the yield this year will eclipse anything ever beforeseen in the countyat least thirty bushels to the acre, and many put it atthirty-five. Assuming the lesser of these averages, and that 80 cents abushel (a price which our large flouring mills now make possible the yeararound) will be realized from the crop, we have from Cowley's wheat thisyear the handsome sum of $1,369,992.00. This gives about seventy-six bushels,or nearly sixty dollars for every inhabitant of the county. Vernon Townshiptakes the lead in wheat, with 6,730 acres, and Beaver follows up with 5,911acres.

We now have mills enough in the county to consume our entire crop, andmore, thus making wheat raising much more lucrative and certain than whena foreign market was depended on.


Rye is sown by some of our farmers for a winter pasture, and we findthis year an acreage of 1,109.


We find the corn acreage this year 3,321 less than last112,777. Thiswas caused by the extremely late spring. Up to a few weeks ago, the elementswere very unauspicious for corn, but it is now spring up astonishingly,and through the energy of our farmers, it mostly looks clean and pretty.If nothing further interferes with this crop, it will make the usual average,forty-five bushels per acre. This would make a yield of 5,073,965 bushels.It is almost impossible to get at the worth of this corn. Much of it isfed to hogs and other livestock and in this way is doubled in value. Butputting it down to the lowest market ever known here, 20 cents a bushel,and we have over a million dollars for our corn crop, or about forty-fivedollars for every man, woman, and child in the county. Of this growing corn,Bolton Township has the largest acreage, 7,915, with Vernon closely followingwith 7,032 acres. Besides this year's crop, there was a surplus from lastyear's crop on the first of March of 1,200,631 bushels437,641 bushels morethan the surplus of March 1, 1883.


The oat crop is about 2,000 acres more than last year, 9,537, and promisesan immense yield. Seventy-five bushels per acre is a low estimate from presentindications, making a yield of 706,275 bushels. Estimating these worth fifteencents a bushel, and it gives us $103,791.


We find the acreage of Irish potatoes to be 1,577, an increase over lastyear of 145 acres. This acreage will bring, on a sure average of 140 bushelsto the acre, 220,780 bushels, and at forty cents per bushel our potato cropwill be worth, this year, $88,312.


Our farmers are experimenting on buckwheat to the extent of only threeacres; the acreage of sorghum is 576; of castor beans 102; of cotton 20;of flax 102; of tobacco 1; and of broom corn 551.


The total number of acres in this department is 16,086, about the sameas last year. It has been clearly demonstrated that tame grasses do wellhere and farmers are turning their attention in this direction commendably.


In 1883 our farmers cut 22,856 tons of tame and 33,884 tons of prairiehay. This is an increase over the year before of 9,397 acres and far moretame hay than was ever cut in any one year in Cowley. The lowest averagefor hay is $3.00 per ton, which gives us a value of $170,220. By this itwill be seen that the hay production is no small item to our farmers.


Cowley County ladies are not idle by any means, and while the men arelording it over the fields and fretting about their wheat, corn, oats, castorbeans, and sorghum, the women are at work making a record to be proud of.There is an immense amount of independence and energy about our women. Theyhave made a grand statistical record with 536,846 pounds of golden butter;$39,600 worth of poultry and eggs and, with perhaps a grudging lift occasionallyfrom the men, $19,176 worth of "garden truck." Tisdale Townshipcarries off the cake in the butter line with 42,585 pounds, or an averageof about 135 pounds for every lady in the township. Rock is a close secondwith 39,345 pounds. Vernon is a whopper on "garden truck," takingthe lead with $3,987 worth, and she leads off badly, the next closest beingBeaver with only $1,925 worth. Silverdale gets a belt with $9,021 in poultryand eggs, leaving the other townships almost half. She also walks away withother townships in the sale of $7,617 worth of milk during the year. Thetotal receipts from our gardens, dairy, and poultry were over $150,000.This is an immense showing for the ladies of Cowley.


The livestock interests of the county show an exhibit most gratifying.We have 11,671 head of horses and mules, 32,905 head of cattle, 96,000 headof sheep, 70,559 head of hogs, with enough hungry, howling canines to killevery sheep in the county in one night3,244. Our increase in horses, sheep,and hogs for the year is 39,641, and the increase in cattle alone is 10,784.This increase is mostly in blooded stock, imported and raised. Windsor takesthe lead in cattle with 2,735; Vernon in hogs with 12,400; Bolton in horsesand mules with 831 head. The value of cattle sold and slaughtered by ourfarmers during the year is $605,606, an increase over the year previousof $153,937. There was a wool clip of 302,288, an increase of 36,441 pounds.The value of this wool clip at fifteen cents per pound was $45,353.


Cowley has 52,177 bearing apple trees, 1,253 bearing pear trees, 386,606bearing peach, 28,834 bearing plum and cherry trees, while the total numberof fruit trees, young and old, is 349,320. The total increase in bearingtrees is 95,235.


The following will show just what our farmers have made in dollars outof their year's work.

Wheat crop: $1,369,992

Corn: $1,000,000

Oats: $105,791

Potatoes: $88,312

Hay: $170,220

Garden, dairy, and poultry: $150,000

Cattle sold: $605,606

Wool clip: $45,343

Wood marketed: $3,417

Horticultural: $4,240

TOTAL: $3,454,609

This shows flattering prosperity and that our farmer friends are reapingmost satisfactory results. And the beauty of it all is that our farmersare not hoarding up this money, but, as can be seen on every hand, are spreadingit in valuable improvements.


The abstracts of assessment shows the aggregate value of lands in thecounty to be $1,763,216; of town lots $563,453; of personal property $1,252,454,and of railroads $470,983, making a total valuation of $4,042,837an increaseover last year of $461,692. The assessed valuation of taxable property seldomrepresents more than one-fifth of the real value. It will be safe to placethe total value of our taxable property at $20,214,185. Now add to thisthe value of the year's crops, 3,454,609, and we have as the total assetsof Cowley County twenty-three million, six hundred and sixty-eight thousand,seven hundred and ninety-five dollars, or over nine hundred dollars,for every man, woman, and child in the county. Under a communistic division,the man blessed with eighteen children, would certainly be in luck thisyear.


Notwithstanding the herd law and the youth of Cowley, she makes a goodshowing in the fence line. We have 65,847 miles of stone, wire, and hedgefence, worth half a million dollars. Bolton Township has the largest numberof miles, 11,172, and Windsor comes next with 4,284 miles.


Below we give the population of the county by townships, compared withlast year.


Beaver: 814, 780

Bolton: 1,228, 1,184

Creswell: 963, 763

Cedar: 879, 677

Dexter: 1,129, 924

Fairview: 634, 512

Harvey: 698, 788

Liberty: 758, 716

Maple: 719, 636

Ninnescah: 775, 760

Omnia: 453, 347

Otter: 471, 463

Pleasant Valley: 936, 860

Richland: 905, 923

Rock: 648, 706

Silverdale: 790, 744

Sheridan: 701, 622

Silver Creek: 1,311, 928

Spring Creek: 586, 449

Tisdale: 938, 876

Vernon: 965, 920

Walnut: 1,285, 896

Windsor: 1,097, 936

Winfield City: 3,617, 3,284

Arkansas City: 2,825, 1,882

TOTAL FOR 1884: 26,149

TOTAL FOR 1883: 22,752

It will be seen that Winfield's population as shown above appears tobe only 3,617. At least fifteen hundred of our population reside in whatare termed "proposed additions to the city of Winfield," and insteadof appearing in the city statistics, go to adjoining townships. Add thiswhere it legitimately belongs, and you have Winfield's correct populationover5,000.

Cowley County has 377,824 acres of land in cultivation.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. Ray Oliver and lady spent last Sunday in Wichita.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. H. G. Norton is now employed at the Southern Kansas depot.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

J. F. McMullen went over to Grenola Tuesday on legal business.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Geo. W. Miller left Saturday for the East, on a few days business trip.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Miss Addie Hudson is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Bruce, at Cherryvale.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Miss Alice Dickle is spending a few weeks with relatives in Grenola.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mrs. Charlie Harter and son left Tuesday for a short visit to KansasCity.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mrs. Chas. Hill, of Wellington, is visiting her brothers, W. O. and TomJohnson.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Hon. A. J. Pyburn, of Arkansas City, visited the "hub" Mondayon legal business.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. John Hinds, of New Matamoris, O., is visiting in this city with WillC. Barnes.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

BIRTH. B. F. Darnell, J. L. Horning's elevator man, has a new girl athis house, born Saturday.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Wright came up from the Terminus Monday and spenta day with relatives.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mrs. De Wolf and Miss Robertson, of Des Moines, Iowa, are visiting theirsister, Mrs. W. D. Roberts.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Julius Goldsmith is again with the folks at home. He has spent the lastyear in Huron, Dacotah.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Miss Josie Bard spent several days of last week in Cambridge, the guestof Mrs. J. E. Weaverling.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Henry E. Asp went up to Wichita Monday, on business, and took part ina big ratification meeting there that evening.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

D. C. Beach returned from Washington City Monday, where he attended theannual meeting of the Supreme Lodge of I. O. G. T.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. Isaac Sickles, who managed the Mammoth Clothing House during Eli'sabsence, returned to his home in Cincinnati, Sunday.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mrs. Samuel Waugh brought into the COURIER office, Tuesday, samples ofher new potatoes and beets, which were simply immense for this time of year.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Dave and Joe Harter have about completed two neat houses on the cornerof Eighth Avenue and Platter Street. Dave will occupy one of them as a residence.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Cal. Ferguson and Lou Zenor returned Monday from a trip into the Territory,where they angled for the finny tribe and participated in other recreatingpastimes.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Rev. J. Cairns left Monday to attend a meeting of the Baptist State MissionBoard and the annual commencement exercises of the Baptist University; atOttawa.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Rev. N. S. Burton, of Oxford, will fill the M. E. pulpit of this citynext Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Kelly goes to Sedgwick County to dedicatea new M. E. Church.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

D. B. Lang, Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. of Kansas, assisted by tenor more from the Winfield Lodge, instituted an Odd Fellows lodge at Burdenon Wednesday night of last week.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

A. V. Wilkinson, whom many will remember as having been connected withthe Monitor in this city some years ago, is now editing the CambridgeNews and is greatly improving its appearance and general merit.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

H. L. Patterson, of Kansas City, has been spending a few days here withhis cousin, Lacey Tomlin. He accompanied W. L. Webb to the Territory Tuesdayto see some of the customs and country of the noble red man.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Senator Benedict, of Wilson County, now Government Indian Inspector,spent several days of last week in the city and was an eager observer ofthe COURIER bulletin board while the presidential dispatches came in.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. John Lindsay, of Monroe County, Iowa, spent several days of lastweek in our city. He has sold his Iowa property, having suffered three failures,last year almost total. Having a son near here, he concluded to remove toa land of peace and plenty.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

M. A. Woods, recent telegraph operator at the Southern Kansas depot,left Saturday for Colony, and M. C. Cavenaugh again fingers the wires here."Mike" was popular while here before and the patrons of the officeare pleased with his return.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Eli Youngheim has returned from his European tour and is again figuringin the busy marts of trade. After a visit with his mother and other relativesin Germany, whom he hadn't seen for years before, he can settle down tobusiness again with easy grace, and is preparing to make things lively inthe clothing business.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. Roy Stidger and Miss Etta Robinson, on their marriage atthe residence of M. L. Robinson, by Rev. B. Kelly, on last Thursday afternoon,were the recipients of the heartiest congratulations and a number of handsomepresents. They left immediately after the ceremony for their future home,Cameron, West Virginia, stopping over Sunday in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Dr. S. B. and Mr. J. A. Park received a telegram Sunday, stating thattheir father, Mr. Samuel Park, of Marshal, Illinois, was dying in LincolnCounty, Ohio, where he and his wife had gone several days before to celebratetheir fifty-third wedding anniversary with relatives. The Doctor departedon the train immediately. The father was seventy-five years of age and wasan appreciated contributor to Illinois literature.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. Lovell H. Webb and Miss Florence A. Beeney were marriedTuesday evening. The union is a most happy one. Lovell is one of our mostpromising young lawyers, the junior member of the firm of McDonald &Webb. Of the bride we cannot speak too highly. She is a lovely and accomplishedlady and her circle of friends and admirers is limited only to those whohave enjoyed the pleasure of her acquaintance. Many friends wish the youngcouple unlimited joy and happiness.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

MARRIED. A bright and happy party of Winfield's young people attendedthe marriage of Mr. J. S. Tull and Miss Lizzie Palmer at the home of thebride, near Cambridge, last Thursday evening. Rev. W. J. Tull, brother ofthe groom, came especially from Illinois to officiate at the wedding, andthe ceremony was pronounced at eight o'clock. After hearty congratulationsfrom those present, refreshments were served, the excellence of which areseldom equaled. It was one of those happy occasions which only come to theparties most interested, once in a life time, and true enjoyment reignedsupreme under the agreeable hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and theirpleasant family. The bride and groom are among Cowley's most intelligent,substantial young people and start on the matrimonial journey very auspiciously,with the well-wishes of a large number of friends.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Interesting Items Gathered from our Neighboring Exchanges.

Enos P. Harland has sold his farm near Udall to Wm. P. Gibson. Consideration$2,000.

Miss Mina Armstrong, of Winfield, has a large class here which she isinstructing in instrumental music.

Thee families of the Fitzsimmons were together last Sunday, and the numberedtwenty- four persons.

A subscription paper is being circulated to raise means to build a ChristianChurch here. We hope that a sufficient amount will be raised, as a churchof that denomination would greatly help the growth of the town.

Monday morning's freight train between Udall and Winfield, at a placeknown as the "deep cut," knocked three yearling calves off thetrack, killing one outright, and injuring the other two. The engineer didall in his power, son one of the train men said, to frighten them from thetrack, but without avail.

Udall enjoys a distinction rarely enjoyed by other places; that of beingthe only town of that name in the U. S. and likely in the world. It is pronouncedas if spelled Udall, the "a" being long. P. W. Smith, our merchantand stock buyer, had the honor of naming the place, and from the troubledand restless looks which occasionally pass over his handsome and intellectualcountenance, we are led to believe that he has not yet fully recovered fromthe effects of the strain on his mind occasioned by the herculean task.

Sunday morning, Elbert, the little 3-year-old son of Frank P. Davis,three miles north of Udall, was bitten by a rattlesnake. The child was givena dose of whiskey, and a concoction of the white of an egg, and gunpowderwas applied to the wound. Dr. G. S. Knickerbocker was then sent for, whoadministered necessary antidotes, and at present writing, the child is doingwell. The snake, which was killed, was a small one about eight inches long.If it had been a large one, it likely would have gone hard with the littlevictim, as the bite would have been far more poisonous. We are rejoicedthat the bite did not result fatally.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.


Ike Phenis, who lives south of Torrance, has lost over forty head ofhogs in the last few days, from disease.

L. B. Todd, a few days ago, purchased from J. P. Craft thirty or fortyCambridge town lots. Mr. Todd is the right kind of a man to have in town.

Eleven carloads of corn-fed steers were shipped from this point Thursday.Ben Clover fattened the cattle, but we understand, sold them to other partiesto ship. Mr. Clover realized about $16,000 from the sale.

It will be seen by the marriage licenses in this issue, that a Busselis soon to be married to a man in this county. We have seen many a man thatwas married to a bustle, but never heard of a bustle being married to aman.

P. H. Albright came over from Winfield Tuesday morning. He wanted toreturn home on the evening freight, but reached the depot just in time tobe too late. We wonder how the Winfield fellows will like bumping on theold freight cars now, anyway.

One of the heaviest sales ever made in this section was consummated veryquietly last Wednesday in Cambridge, the contracting parties being H. F.Hicks and I. B. Todd, both well known in eastern Cowley. The former soldto the latter a pig for fifty cents, cash.

Our postmaster, H. F. Hicks, accompanied by his family and his mother,will start for an extended trip to Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois next Sunday,"the master willing." Mr. Hicks says it has been about fifteenyears since he left those old stamping grounds, and he will no doubt enjoyhimself hugely. We wish them all a pleasant visit and happy return.

A few days ago a cat belonging to Mr. N. S. Crawford, who resides justsouth of town, gave birth to a litter of kittens. They were killed, andthe old cat, not to be deprived of little ones, hunted up and brought tothe house seven young, tiny rabbits, and suckled them as her own. But ascats are not intended by nature to raise rabbits, the little ones soon dwindledand died.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.


The Free Masons have decided to erect a two story and basem*nt buildingof stone, 30 x 40. And still Dexter booms right along.

DIED. Barney P. Esch, an old gentleman, made final proof in support ofhis claim last Tuesday, and died that night. The cause of his death wasgeneral debility.

Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, of Winfield, were among the visitors of the Gemof the Valley, this week. They are much pleased with Dexter and Mr. Hendrickscontemplates engaging in the hardware business at this point. Mr. Hendricksis an energetic, enterprising businessman, just such a man as Dexter needs,and The Eye extends a cordial welcome.

A young man came into town Wednesday evening riding furiously and hishorse covered with foam. He dismounted at the drug store and he announcedthat he had been bitten in the foot by a snakeand supposed from its appearancethat it was a copperhead. Remedies were applied and he rode homeward greatlyrelieved.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.


The cattle of Stewart, Hodge & Snyder are being rounded up preparatoryto an inventory. There seems to be a regular three-cornered fight in thisfirm, which is much regretted among their friends, and it is hoped theirdifferences will be settled without recourse to a forced sale or furtherdifficulties among themselves.

Are Indians become civilized? Archie Lawyer, a full blood Nez Perce Indian,has just had some envelopes printed at the Traveler office. Mr. Lawyeris a regularly ordained Presby-terian minister, a man of much intelligence,and an earnest worker in the interests of the tribe. He believes the interiordepartment will take some action soon looking to returning the Nez Percesto their northern home. In the interest of humanity, we hope this changewill be made.

In the police court items of last week was one against one Peter A. Coombsfor assaulting his child. The facts in this case are somewhat interesting.Mr. Coombs was shelling corn at a large bin near the railroad, with a horsepower sheller. One of his boys was driving the horse, and the other one,a little fellow seemingly not more than 10 years old, in watching the operations,became entangled in the cogs of the machine. The horse was stopped beforeany serious damage was done, but the father, instead of being thankful forhis boy's narrow escape, beat him with his fists and then brutally whippedhim with a cowhide until the screams of the lad brought strangers to therescue. The man's punishment was entirely too light. He should have beentreated to a dose of his own medicine, with a coat of tar and feathers.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.


Jones & McCarty sold this week for Judge I. H. Bonsall his lot onthe northeast corner of Summit Street and 3rd Avenue, to A. A. Newman for$1,000. Mr. Newman offered lots near this one, and better situated, a yearago, for $250 each.

Cowley County is one of the best counties in the state. The populationhas increased more than 6,000. We shall have the best crops this year everknown in southern Kansas; real estate is advancing very rapidly; and everythingpoints to the largest immigration ever known.

Cyrus Stevens was arrested by O. S. Rarick, Deputy U. S. Marshal, onthe Kaw reservation, last Friday, for stealing cattle in the Territory,and was taken before I. H. Bonsall, U. S. Commissioner, for trial. He waivedan examination of the charge and gave bond in the sum of $1,000 for hisappearance in the U. S. District Court at Wichita.

A frightful accident befell Mr. J. C. Loveland Thursday at the RollerMills. Working near a cog wheel, his arm was caught on the inside near theelbow. The muscles and tendons of his arm were lacerated and torn from thebone. He was placed in a vehicle and taken to his home. Medical aid wascalled immediately, and the physicians decided that the arm must be amputated.He was placed under the influence of chloroform, and the painful operationperformed. Skill and sympathy combined are doing everything possible toalleviate the pain of the sufferer, and we trust nothing more serious thanthe loss of the arm will result.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.


William Neal, of Diona, Illinois, a successful farmer and dealer in finestock, is visiting his daughters, Mrs. J. T. and Mrs. J. W. Conrad.

A. B. Freeman, an old resident of Cass County, Missouri, passed throughthis city last week with a good flock of sheep, looking for a range.

The circuses have heard of the prosperity in Kansas and are flockinginto the state to reap a harvest. There will be more white elephants inKansas this summer than Siam ever produced.

Mark Bradley, of Cass County, Missouri, is here this week looking fora location. Good a county as Cass is, hundreds of its citizens are lookingwith longing eyes toward "sage brush," "bleeding," "grasshopper,""drouthy," "needy," "republican and prohibitionKansas." This is because Kansas for the past five years has lead theworld in full crops, without a single failure, and has today the finestprospect ever witnessed by a resident of the never failing Arkansas Valley,in which sunny Cowley is located.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Republican Ratification At the Opera House in Winfield, Saturday Night,June 14th.


The Republicans of Cowley County will meet at the Opera House in massSaturday night for the purpose of ratifying the nominations and the organizationof a Blaine and Logan club. Speeches will be made by Senator Hackney, JudgeSoward, M. G. Troup, and others, and Judge Gans may be prevailed upon togive his wonderful and graphic description of the scenes of the county turnoutand make it a night long to be remembered. "Let the boys rejoice oncemore amid the booming of cannon and the strains of martial music."


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

For Sale. About 275 Arkansas cattle, two years old and upwardsnearlyhalf of them steers, have been wintered in the State and will be sold ata moderate price. Apply to Dr. C. Perry, Winfield; or B. K. Melick, GeudaSprings.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Ladies interested in observing the Fourth of July as a Foremother's Dayare requested to meet in the Kindergarten rooms, Winfield, on next Saturdayafternoon at 3 o'clock.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The following MARRIAGE LICENSES have been granted since our last.

Chas. Acker and Addie Pellman.

Leroy L. Stidger and Ettie B. Robinson.

Elmer Baker and Gertrude Wilson.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The Santa Fe Railroad will sell excursion tickets to the Fourth of Julycelebration at Winfield for one half fare, from all points in Cowley andadjoining counties.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mrs. Ordway's class will hold a reception at her rooms next Tuesday afternoonfrom tow to five o'clock and evening from seven to ten o'clock.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

For sale cheap: a 20 horse power engine and boiler. Also an iron millfor grinding corn. Inquire at Kirk's mill on Eighth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The Southern Kansas will sell round trip tickets to the Grand Fourthof July celebration at Winfield at one fare for the round trip.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Wm. Atkinson has removed his tailoring establishment to the third doorsouth of the Commercial Hotel.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Everybody take advantage of the cut in abstracts only 10 cents a transfer,clear up your title while they are cheap. Kellogg & Matlack.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The City Council of Caldwell has advertised for bids on two iron cellsfor the city jail, in which to encase the unruly cowboy.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

BIRTH. A young Blaine Republican put in an appearance at the home ofCharley Ware of Vernon, last Sunday. He shouts long and loud.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Cowley has a new post office named "Eli," three miles southof Dexter, with Eli Thompson postmaster.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

Mr. Lee: I am well satisfied with the Blunt Press Drill I bought of youlast year; would not have any other. It has the right principal for sowingwheat. T. H. GROUP.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

SHEEP SHEARERS WANTED. About fifteen good sheep shearers can find workat my ranch, 2 ½ miles north of Maple City; commencing June 16th.W. L. CROWELL.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

PUBLIC SALE. We, the undersigned, having shipped for our own use a carload of Yearling Bulls from Morgan County, Illinois, and having more thanwe need, we will offer for sale on Monday, June 16, 1884, commencing at2 o'clock p.m., at John Bobbitt's sale stable, 9th avenue, Winfield, thefollowing described property: 10 or 12 high grade short horn yearling bulls.Also 1 thoroughbred exported Poll-Angus bull and one of his get 6 monthsold. Terms: six months time on approved security without interest. If notpaid when due, 10 percent interest from date. HOOVER & THOMPSON, Winfield,Kansas.

Walter Denning, Auctioneer.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

RECAP. Daniel Maher, Administrator, estate of William Maher, deceased,notified he would at the July 7, 1884, term of Cowley county Probate Court,make final settlement.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

RECAP. S. D. Pryor, Plaintiffs, attorney, case of L. D. Randall, Plaintiff,vs. Roy Randall, Defendant, on or before July 26, 1884, petition to partitionreal property: north 2/3 of w h of the west half of the northeast quarterof section 29, township 32, south of Range number three east.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.


Grand, Good and Glorious Gathering of the Masses.

The Proud Bird of Liberty will Flop Her Wings for the Enjoyment of All.

Regardless of Sex, Color, or Previous Condition of Servitude.

An Old-Time Celebration at Winfield, Kansas.

Speeches, Songs, Dances, Music, and Marching.

Come with your Filled Baskets, Come with your Wives and Children.

Come with your Mother, your Cousins, your Sisters, and your Aunts.

Winfield to the Front. Her Business Men in Grand Procession with ActualBusiness.

Military and Civic Societies in Uniform.

County and City Officials on Dress Parade.

Fire Department in Flashing Uniforms.

Bands Playing and Banners Flying.

The Old Soldiers of Southern Kansas the Invited Guests.

Beans and Bacon and Hard Tack.

The Grandest Parade Ever Witnessed.

At Night the City will be a Living Blaze of Gas Lights and Fire Works.

The above is but a dim outline of the doings at Winfield on the 4th ofJuly. Our citizens are aroused and are chuck full of patriotism. Committeesare hard at work, and on the "round up" will give the people ofCowley County the largest and grandest celebration ever witnessed in theState of Kansas. Let the people of Cowley and adjoining counties hold themselvesin readiness to partake of the hospitalities offered. Let this, our 102ndNational Birthday, be one long to be remembered by all.

For full particulars see large and small bills.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

RECAP. William W. Underwood, Administrator, in the matter of the Estateof Miles W. Hart, deceased, on July 7, 1884, will make final settlement,and present his claim for fees.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company has issued a circular announcingthat it will in the future pay no attention to garnishees against the wagesof its employees. Judge McCrary, the new counsel for the company, recommendsthis course.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

It is claimed that during the late financial disturbance, the fortuneof Jay Gould has shrunk $25,000,000.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Next Monday, the 23rd inst., the election is held in Walnut Townshipon the proposition to vote ten thousand dollars in bonds to the Kansas Cityand Southwestern railroad company, and on the same day Richland Townshipvotes on a proposition for twelve thousand dollars to the same railroadcompany, and Omnia for fifteen thousand dollars. It seems to us that thereshould be no need of any argument to show the propriety of voting thesebonds. It seems that we ought to expect that they would be carried in thesetownships by practically unanimous votes. But we understand that there issome opposition in these townships.

The sums asked are so very small that at worst the burden would neverbe felt, while the benefits of the railroad would be largely felt by everytaxpayer. It will by its competition raise the price of every bushel ofwheat and corn they have for sale, of every pound of pork, beef, and otherproducts; it will build up towns and villages, bring in merchants, mechanics,professional men, and other non-producers, and make home markets for everythingthe farmer, gardener, and horticulturist can raise at much larger pricesthan they realize now. The road itself will pay an important part of theirtaxes, and the stock of the company they receive will be well worth whatit costs because its issue is limited by the charter to $20,000 per mile.It is the whitest proposition ever presented in the state and will be worthto these townships the first and each succeeding year, more than it willcost them in all time.

If these townships should defeat the bonds, it will block the game andin all human probability other counties and other communities will get theroad and all these benefits which these townships and this county oughtto secure. Winfield has by a practically unanimous ballot, voted $40,000,the extent of her present ability and Creswell Township has voted $35,000by a similar vote. No one will deny that Creswell people have always beenalive to their best interests. It would be too bad if these townships shouldnot only refuse the benefits they might enjoy but also deprive these othertownships of the benefits they vote so liberally to secure.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

What I Saw in Tisdale.

While roaming about I noticed that the farmers had all the work theycould do in their corn. The wet weather has left lots of weeds, but thecorn is all right and will be a big crop.

Joe Bourdette is a good store-keeper.

Not many farms offered for sale in this part of the county.

Mr. McKibben is putting an addition on his house.

It's about time for more rain, so I will quit for this time.

E. P. Young has a lot of the best calves in the country and some finehogs.

Mr. Myers has a new binder and proposes to cut the wheat in the neighborhood.

We all expect to spend the Fourth of July in Winfield, as great thingsare promised.

Some wedding dresses are being made and things begin to look seriousin certain quarters. "How is it, Caleb?"

It's about time a certain old batch got that housekeeper he has talkedabout so long.

Our long Charley has returned from the west; he says it is n. g. outthere. The girls are at a loss to know who constitutes the attraction here.

The gossips of the neighborhood say that A. T. Gay has a new organ. Sowe suppose Miss Annie will soon be prepared to entertain her friends withmusic.

Henry and James Fry have a brother and sister from Illinois visitingthem and are very much taken with the country. All seem to be satisfiedwith crop prospects and say Cowley is good enough for them.

Wheat harvest is coming on rapidly. Quite a number of self binders havebeen bought and the old droppers and harvesters are laid by. I saw but fewcows on ropes. Wire fence for cattle and hogs is being used quite extensivelyand with profit. Everything indicates that the farmers of Tisdale Townshipare prospering. New houses or additions seem to be the order everywhere.The forest trees that were planted some years ago now afford a gratefulshade and are paying big interest on the investment. One can see more homelikeplaces in Tisdale Township than in many old states east, on the same area.Cowley's farmers have been blessed with good crops for some years and itshows in substantial improvement and happy faces all over the county. Thepresence of so many land buyers show, too, that our fame has gone abroad.Places that sold for seven and eight hundred dollars two years ago are eagerlysought for now at $2,000 and $2,500. What land will sell for in ten yearsis hard to tell. We are waiting patiently for the D. M. & A. railroadand we expect great things when it does come. The general health of thiscommunity is excellent. Malaria is unknown with us. While we can't boastof much bottom land, we have God's pure air in abundance and good healthin consequence. GRUNDY.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.


There were 8 places listed: 80 acres, Dutch Creek; 160 acres, GrouseValley; 175 acres 5 miles from Winfield; 240 acres, Grouse Creek; 160 acresnear Constant; 160 acres, Vernon Township; 950 acres, location not given;1,120 acres, Grouse Creek.



Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Eggs, 10 cents, butter, 10 cents, chickens, $1.50 to $2.00 per dozenand old hens $2.00 to $2.40 per dozen, Potatoes 50 to 75 cents. Hogs $4.25to $4.40 per cwt. Mixed corn, 35 and for white 38 cents. Wheat sells at80 cents per bushel.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Refrigerators in all sizes at Horning & Whitney's.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Women's opera slippers, 75 cents. Smith & Zook's.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

For the best Ice Cream Freezers, go to Horning & Whitney's.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Things have been lively around the gas works during the past week.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The gas company is preparing for a grand illumination on the night ofJuly Fourth.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The Courier Cornet Band discoursed some beautiful music at the ratificationmeeting Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

No one can afford to be without one of those complete refrigerators atHorning & Whitney's. Everything kept cool and fresh.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The writer hereof had the good fortune to enjoy the hospitality of Mr.and Mrs. M. S. Roseberry of Pleasant Valley, Sunday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Lost. A breast pin made of a $2.50 gold piece, with "J. M."on one side. The finder will receive thanks by returning the same to LillyMaddax, Winfield, or leaving at this office.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Our boys got slightly left in the match game of baseball, last Friday,with the Geuda Springs club. The Geuda boys have been "scooping"everything they have tackled.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The consumption of gas will far exceed the expectations of the company.Nearly every business house in the city will use it. Many private residencesand offices are also being connected with the mains.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

A large number of farmers living in distant parts of the county willcome in on the 3rd of July. The Fair Association will throw the groundsopen on that day so that all who desire may camp in the grove on the nightof the 3rd.


The Arkansas City Traveler appeared last week all home print andmuch improved in appearance. They have also put in a spick, spank new CampbellPower press. Brother Stanley is preparing to make things hum.


The vote on the bond proposition in the townships north occurs next Monday.None of the townships can afford to let the bonds be defeated. The roadwill be built at once and will be the best thing for the county that couldhappen.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Nothing has so much influence over a susceptible young man as a pretty,intelligent school ma'am, and we are afraid the managers of the Normal Institutewill find it necessary to put an embargo on the visits of young gentlemenbefore the two month's siege is ended.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The Fourth.

The executive committee on the Fourth of July celebration held a protractedsession at the COURIER editorial rooms Monday evening; reports were receivedfrom the different sub-committees and appropriations covering none hundreddollars were made. The fire- works display at night will be the finest thingever seen in Kansas. The committee on amusem*nts has arranged a splendidprogram, regardless of expense. The committee on speakers are in activecorrespondence and expect to secure some of the leading talent of the countryfor the occasion. The committee on music have secured three cornet bandsand a band of martial music and are still at work. The G. A. R. boys aremaking big preparations to entertain their comrades on that day and theevening preceding. One of the leading features of the procession will bean industrial display by the businessmen of the city. The celebration willbe altogether the biggest thing Cowley has ever seen.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The City Government.

The City Fathers ground out the usual grist of business Monday evening.Curns & Manser and Jenning's and Crippen were granted building permits.

An ordinance was passed allowing Jennings & Crippen to move the buildingnext to Wallis & Wallis grocery to the lot next to Scofield & Keck'slivery barn. These gentlemen, instead of building on the latter lot, aspreviously announced, will erect a large two story brick and stone storebuilding on the lot next to Wallis & Wallis.

Ordinance 196, providing for license taxes, was passed; also a Misdemeanorordinance.

Petition of A. H. Doane et. al. for the location of three additionallamp posts on 9th Avenue, was tabled.

The bills of Black & Rembaugh, printing, $10.50, and Jos. O'Hare,$32.50, expenses of trip to Leavenworth in attending to the bridge caseagainst the city, were allowed and ordered paid.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

A citizen has entered his complaint to the COURIER, in which he aversthat he saw with his own eyes and counted with his own counter the remainsof seven defunct dogs floating in Timber Creek above the water works; thathe has seen wagon loads of garbage thrown off of the Timber Creek Bridgeinto the stream night after night; that land-owners north of town have stoppedallowing the use of their land as garbage ground and for this reason thestuff is dumped into the river from the bridge. This may be a very niceand hand thing for the persons who haul the garbage and carcasses away,but as dead dog soup, has not yet become a favorite or healthy beveragewith our people, we desire to enter an emphatic protest against it. If itmust be dumped in the river, let the dumping occur from the bridge belowthe town. The statute gives our city fathers police power in such casesfor a mile outside of the city. We ask them to take immediate steps to stopit.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

A Curiosity was exhibited on the COURIER tables Saturday, by Mrs. ElderThomas, in a tray of silk worms, industriously feeding on hedge leaves.The silk worm resembles very much in appearance the potato worm. Some ofthose exhibited Saturday were beginning to spin their cocoons. At the ageof six weeks, they begin this work and gravis and spin themselves all away,excepting the embryo of a miller, or sort of a butter-fly, which comes tolife in about ten days, eats through to day-light, lays about three hundredeggs, and dies. Silk is made by unraveling these cocoons and weaving a numberof strands into a thread, which is afterwards woven into silk cloth. Mrs.Thomas has a large room full of these worms, on trays about two feet square,and is very successful with them. It is highly interesting to see them atwork.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

For years people have been complaining of the hilarious air of Kansas,but some inventive genius, recognizing the great want of this country, hasmade something by which this surplus wind can be made a comfort and joyforever. It is a stove that burns air; no other fuel whatever needed. Thisseems incredible, but by calling on Horning & Whitney, you can see thewonder. And it is an immense success. It is made like a gasoline stove,only the tank holds air instead of gasoline. A rubber tube is attached tothe tank; you put it in your mouth, blow the tank full of air, light theburner, and your stove is in running order for the day. It is a curiosityand should be seen by everyone. Horning & Whitney have its exclusivesale.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

A gentleman from Udall informs us that they had a terrific water spoutthere on Monday afternoon. In less than an hour it made a lake two feetdeep of the whole town. Boats could have floated anywhere. Lightning struckBob Ratliff's house, set it on fire, and slightly injured his wife. Thefire was soon extinguished. It also killed a cow for Mr. Ratliff. The windblew like a hurricane and shook things up generally though, strange to say,our informant reported but little serious damage. The spout spanned buta small scope of country.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The celebrated young trotting stallion, "Leander," owned byD. R. Green and valued at ten thousand dollars, is in training at the fairgrounds. "Tom Vance," the splendid iron gray trotter, is alsothere. There are now twenty-two horses in training on the track. Fifteenof these occupy stables on the grounds, and with the grooms and trainerskeep things lively there. The splendid track and grounds are making theCowley County Fair and Driving Park Association famous all over the stateamong horse men.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Some few of the voters of Walnut Township seem to think that the pendingbond proposition would allow the road to come down the Walnut River. Ifthey will read the proposition, they will find that the road must enterthe county "on the north side thereof, east of the center of said northline." This compels the road to come into the county east of RichlandTownship. No voter who considers his own or his neighbor's interests canafford to see the proposition defeated.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

We are in receipt of a circular announcing a State Equal Suffrage Conventionat Topeka on June 25th and 26th, in the Senate Chamber. This conventionhas been called for the purpose of organizing the state in behalf of a constitutionalamendment enfranchising women. Reduced rates have been secured at the DuttonHouse for all delegates.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The ground is being cleared for Curns & Manser's new brick block,and work will commence at once. Jennings & Crippen will also erect abrick building next to Wallis' store. The barber shop will be moved to thelot next to Schofield & Kecks livery barn. As Seaver, of the DexterEye, would say, "still we boom!"


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The Winfield Fire Companies have arranged for a grand ball at the OperaHouse on the night of the Fourth. The best music that money can procurewill be had, and the affair promises to be a fit closing to the most gloriousFourth of July celebration ever witnessed in the West.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association met at the COURIER officelast Friday and arranged for about two thousand dollars worth of additionalstallion and cattle stalls, covered sheep and hog pens. The improvementson the grounds are being pushed forward rapidly.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

This is certainly a world of invention. The latest wonder to come tolight is a glass lamp wick, made of the finest threads of glass. It willlast for years, needs no trimming, and never heats up like the common wicks.Brown & Son have its exclusive sale.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mrs. Chamberlain will begin her class in Painting Tuesday afternoon,June 24th, in the room over Mr. A. E. Baird's store. The ladies of the classare requested to meet at that place at half past two o'clock.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Persons desiring to bid for the exclusive privilege of Refreshment standson the celebration grounds on the Fourth of July, will send bids, sealed,to John C. Long, chairman of the Executive Committee.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Walter Tomlin is again at home after a term in the Fayette, Missouri,schools.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Senator Hackney and Henry E. Asp are having gas put into their offices.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Lovell H. Webb spent the latter part of last week in Wichita.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Jake Goldsmith returned last week from a short visit with Missouri friends.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Miss Maud Kelly, daughter of Rev. B. Kelly, is visiting with her Wichitafriends.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

B. F. Wood has given his home a very aesthetic appearance with an artisticpainting.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Jas. H. Vance has been selected to prepare the race program for the 4th.He knows how to do it.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mrs. E. D. Garlick returned Friday from a month's visit in Emporia andother cities of the state.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Abe Steinberger dropped in on the COURIER, Saturday. He reported hisHoward Grip on the boom.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mrs. Robert Stewart, of Fort Scott, came in last week and is visitingwith the family of Dr. Rothrock.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Senator W. P. Hackney is engaged this week on cases in the ChautauquaCounty District Court, at Sedan.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Dr. Graham has been in attendance upon the supreme meeting of the NationalUnion, at Mansfield, Ohio, this week.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Miss Emma C. Fulton has returned from Petersburg, Illinois, and takenher old position in the Probate Judge's office.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mr. Elijah Frye, uncle of W. L. Rorrick of Walnut Township, has beenvisiting in this county for several weeks.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Dick Chase is now a lonely "Widdy," his wife having departedfor a summer's visit with relatives in Indiana and Ohio.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Misses Anna and Jennie Green, daughters of General A. H. Green, havecommenced a term at the Leavenworth Convent.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mrs. Geo. W. Miller has been enjoying a visit from her brother, Mr. S.B. Carson, of Dayton, Ohio, with his lately acquired bride.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mrs. A. Silliman and daughter, Miss Lola, left on Wednesday of last weekfor a summer's visit at the old home in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Frank Barclay came down from Hastings, Nebraska, last week and spenta few days. He will soon move his family to that place.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Miss Mary Berkey entertained a number of her young friends Tuesday eveningand those present report a very enjoyable time.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mr. F. Scherman, of Neosho, Missouri, step-father of Mrs. J. P. Badenand Fritz and Frank Ballein, has located in Winfield with his family.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Wilber Dever is down from Topeka, visiting among his many friends. Helikes to meander around the old familiar haunts occasionally.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Miss Mary Berkey returned last week from Emporia, where she was attendingthe State Normal School. She is advancing rapidly in educational matters.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

D. Rodocker has been spreading himself lately. He now occupies with hisphotograph gallery his entire building and has arranged it very tastefully.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Irve Randall is doing much for the development of east Winfield. Fourlarge, substantial houses in one block are the result of his work and heis still projecting more.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

T. H. Soward and A. P. Johnson addressed a large audience on the temperancequestion at the Walnut Valley church, in Rock Township, on Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham entertained a delightful party of young folkson last Friday evening, in honor of his sister, Miss Nellie Branham, ofPrinceton, Indiana, who is visiting them.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

County Superintendent Limerick and Prof. Gridley were in attendance uponthe County Superintendents' Convention and the closing exercises of theState Normal School, at Emporia, last week.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mr. J. N. Young of Chicago, President of the Kansas City and SouthwesternRailroad Company, passed through the city last Friday. He is only waitingfor the carrying of the propositions before the work is commenced.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. G. L. Sherrard and Miss C. M. Smith were married at theBaptist Church by Rev. J. Cairns, last Sunday evening. The bride and groomare among our most promising young people and have the best wishes of manyfriends.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

DIED. Messrs. S. L. Gilbert, H. H. Siverd, Joe Finkleburg, and D. C.Beach, from the Masonic Lodge of Winfield, went to New Salem yesterday toassist in the funeral of Mr. W. H. Lucas, a member of the fraternity, whodied there Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Master Joe. Miller, son of Geo. W. Miller, our stock dealer, has returnedfrom school at Richmond, Kentucky, and taken charge of his father's businessin this city, Cliff Wood having retired. Joe. shows more manliness and businessthan many boys very much older.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Mr. J. R. Pugh, of Vanceburg, Kentucky, arrived last week and has locatedin Winfield with his family. He has formed a partnership in the cattle businesswith Mr. F. A. Bertram. Cowley County has drawn, this year, a large numberof substantial, well-to-do men from Kentucky.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

John Himelspaugh, who ran the brewery west of town during license days,came up from Arkansas last week to spend a few days on business. John isone of the brewers who promptly shut up shop and departed for other fieldswhen the prohibition law went into effect. He had no desire to "buck"the law.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

A. B. Sherman, one of the proprietors of the Cambridge News, madethe capital a business visit Tuesday. The change of trains on the SouthernKansas makes it much more convenient for residents of eastern Cowley. Theycan hop on the train in the morning, come to the county seat, have fivehours in which to transact business, and return in the evening.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The following parties have set sail in the matrimonial boat since ourlast issue, according to Judge Gans' record. MARRIAGE LICENSES.

Thos. Shelton and Alba Collins.

Jacob Weisonback and Ella Calander.

Laffeyette [?Lafayette?] Sherrard and Celina Smith.

William Kistler and Eliza Hanlin.

Isaac O. Clary and Nancy A. Campbell.

John W. Wilson and Eliza Carter.

Marian A. Clark and Anna E. Stone.

The first couple named reside in Burden and are aged respectively eighty-eightand seventy-one years. Mr. Shelton enjoyed sixty-three years of marriedlife with his first wife. There is no telling where Cupid's dart will fall.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The County Normal Institute opened Monday with flattering prospects fora successful session. The enrollment is unusually large, and a real, liveinterest manifested in the work. It is conducted by Prof. B. T. Davis ofthe State Normal School, one of the best educators of the State, ably assistedby Prof. A. Gridley and County Superintendent Limerick. The Model Department,under the management of Miss Stretch, is a very attractive feature of thissession. The arrangement of the work was for a session of eight weeks, butshould the weather become hot, and the teachers wearied, the work may closeat the end of the sixth week. Following are the names of those in attendance.

GRADE A: Fannie Ballard, Rosa A. Frederick, S. J. Gilbert, Allie Harden,H. G. Norton, Ella Rounds, Emma Robins, Maggie Stansbury, Fannie Stretch,Nettie Waugh.

GRADE B: Jennie Brengle, Lucy E. Cairns, Antony B. Carroll, Amy Chapin,Clara Davenport, Lida Howard, Emma Howland, Ora Irvin, Jennie Kempton, EllaKempton, Ella R. King, Anna Kuhn, Lizzie Lawson, Angie McCartney, Erma LaMcKee, Mary E. Miller, Josie Pixley, Anna Robertson, Quincy A. Robertson,Chas. W. Roberts, Ed. G. Roberts, Cora Robins, Maggie Seabridge, HattieWiley.

GRADE C: Thornton Baker, Belle Berthram, Thomas W. Bowlus, Hettie Brown,Lena Broadbent, Cora Bullen, Lizzie Campbell, Jennie Cochran, Ira Crane,Alma Elliott, Winttie M. Emery, Lola Fogle, Delia Fogle, Lydia Gardner,Cora Goodrich, Nannie Henson, Fannie Himelic, Edith Holland, Lou Jarvis,Ella Johnston, Julia B. King, Viola Krow, Ida Kuhn, F. A. Limbocker, MattieM. Linn, Idola Moore, Joseph M. Moore, Eva Reynolds, Fanny Saunders, MillieA. Taylor, Codie A. Waite, Leon A. Waite, George Whitson.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Brick. On Monday, June 23rd, we shall open our second large kiln of brick.These brick are all hard molded, carefully burned, and promise to be ofas good a quality as ever furnished in this market. The present capacityof our yard is 20,000 hand molded brick per day. Winfield Stone, Brick &Tile Co.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

An Armory for the Winfield Battery, with a City Hall, Being Projectedby Our Citizens.

The advisability of forming a stock company for the erection of an armoryfor the use of our battery, with a hall above for band practices and othermeetings in which the people are directly interested, was sprung Mondayevening in a meeting of Winfield's representative men. It was proposed toissue stock in shares of ten dollars each to the amount of one thousanddollars, sufficient to put up the building, and allow the battery, the militia,and the bands the free use of the same, these institutions paying the taxeson the property. Over two hundred dollars was immediately subscribed bythose present. This matter has been brought up from the fact that the paraphernaliaof the battery having to stand out in the elements is liable to cause theloss of the battery to Winfield. This is the only fully organized and equippedbattery in the State, and is a big advertisem*nt for the city and county,besides being a convenience on all State occasions. The members of the batteryhave shown commendable enterprise in coming out, unremunerated, wheneverrequested, and our citizens should and will take pleasure in furnishingthem every convenience, and in this way make the artillery one of Winfield'spermanencies. Every man in the city should give this matter a substantiallift. A meeting will be held Friday evening at which this scheme will befully developed.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The Board of Education Locates It in the Southeastern Part ofthe City.

The Board of Education at its meeting last Thursday evening selectedthe site for the new school building in the south half of the south blockof the Courier Place, on Eleventh Avenue, nine blocks east of Main Street.This site is chosen with reference to other school buildings, which thecity's future will undoubtedly demand. The largest number of pupils nowdistant from a schoolhouse are in the east and southeastern part of thedistrict, and of course it is proper that the first additional buildingshould be located there. The proposition to vote $10,000 bonds for the erectionof this building will be submitted soon. The site chosen by the Board ofEducation apparently gives general satisfaction.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Fourth of JulyAttention Old Soldiers.

The Grand Army of the Republic and all old soldiers are expected to assembleat Post No. 85, over Baden's dry goods store, in Winfield, July 3rd, at3 p.m. sharp and march to the Fair Grounds, where a bean supper, dress parade,and grand camp fire and torch light drill will take place with other amusingarmy exercises. The following committees have been appointed by Post No.85 to carry out the programme for the 3rd and 4th of July.

Executive Committee: T. H. Soward, H. H. Siverd, J. H. Finch, A. E. Davis,and Geo. Crippen.

Invitation Committee: C. E. Steuven, J. E. Snow, and A. B. Arment.

Committee on Program: S. C. Smith, W. E. Tansey, and Capt. Wakefield.

Committee on Quarters: J. C. Long, Sid Cure, and C. Trump.

Reception Committee: H. L. Wells, C. E. Steuven, Capt. Wakefield, A.E. Davis, and J. E. Snow.

Torch Committee: H. L. Wells, C. Trump, and Dr. Stiles.

Committee on Police: J. H. Finch, chief police on fair ground, J. E.Snow, and B. W. Stout.

Committee on Music: Geo. Crippen, H. W. Stubblefield, and J. W. Arrowsmith.

Fuel, quarters, and rations free of charge to all old soldiers and theirfamilies. A jolly good time to all old veterans without money and withoutprice. Come.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Our Cemetery.

The directors of the Winfield Cemetery Association, desirous of takingactive measures for the improvement of its grounds, find it a primal necessitythat there should be a supply of water for irrigating and sprinkling purposes.To provide this, they wish to raise by subscription at least $300, withwhich they can procure an ample supply. In the absence of the Secretary,I would request you to give notice, that at a meeting of the directors,Mrs. Platter, Mrs. Beeney, and Dr. Perry were appointed a committee to solicitsubscriptions payable on or before the first of August next. By the termsof our charter, the receipts of the association are to be expended in thecare and improvement of the ground and none of its officers are to receivecompensation for their services. We hope that there will be a hearty responseto our call for aid to make our Cemetery an attractive place and a creditto our city.



Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Art Exhibit.

On Tuesday evening the rooms and studio of Mrs. Ordway were profuselydecorated by the best paintings of her class of art pupils and presenteda very attractive and imposing appearance. Mrs. Ordway is an artist of mostexcellent taste and skill and she has gathered around her several ladieswho have a keen appreciation of colors, love of the beautiful, and culturedtaste, and these she has guided and taught to express themselves on canvasand porcelain in a style of beauty and skill which is wonderful to us, consideringthat their tuition has been of but a few months, scarcely years, duration.Mrs. Ordway merits high praise and encouragement in the cultivation of artin this city.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The Gas Works.

A force of men arrived from St. Louis last week and are now at work puttingup the immense iron holder for the gas works. The first fires were startedin the furnaces last Friday for the purpose of slowly drying them out. Themains are all laid and the gas posts for lighting the city are in place.Prominent gas men from St. Louis have visited the works during the weekand say they have never seen a more complete and substantial job. SuperintendentWhiting states that gas will be turned on by the evening of the 29th.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Nominations Ratified. The Republicans of this city held a ratificationmeeting at the Opera House Saturday evening. The hall was hotter than abake oven, but several hundred were present. Rousing speeches were madeby Henry E. Asp, T. H. Soward, and W. P. Hackney, and one hundred and tenhanded their names in as members of a Blaine and Logan club. The Republicansof Winfield are alive and awake and will make the dry bones of Democracyrattle during the next four months.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Churches and Church Going People.

The Sunday School excursion from Wellington will arrive at the SantaFe depot at half past eight o'clock, this morning.

The Methodist Sunday School of Wellington will excurt to Winfield today(Thursday) and hold a picnic in Riverside Park. There will be about sixcar loads.

The Mission at the Catholic Church is in progress and the exercises arevery interesting. Fathers Enright and Dugan are in charge of the meetings.The general public are especially invited to be present at the evening service.

The Presbyterian Sunday School and church congregation will join in apicnic, Friday, in the Park, and a grand time is anticipated. Nothing doeshuman nature so much good as to hie away to the forest and listen to thewarbling of the songsters.

The new Methodist Church in Beaver Township is a beautiful structureand speaks in unmistakable language of the intelligence, virtue, and moralityof the people. Such institutions are monuments to the good sense and liberalityof our citizens.

The new "Christian Church" building in this city will be dedicatedon Sunday, the 29th inst. Elder J. H. Garrison, Editor of the ChristianEvangelist, of St. Louis, Missouri, will be with the church on thatoccasion, and will preach Friday and Saturday nights before. All are cordiallyinvited to attend.

Rev. J. H. Snyder has begun in the United Brethren Church in this citya course of Sabbath evening Half Lectures. Last Sabbath evening he gaveLecture 1, on The Lost Tribes. He will begin in a few evenings a coursededicated to the young men. A cordial invitation is extended to the youthto attend these addresses.

Rev. J. A. Hyden came in Wednesday and spent a day looking after hisbusiness interests here. He is now located at Neodesha. Mrs. Hyden has justreturned from a visit in the South, much improved in health. Rev. Hyden'swarm friends in this community are numbered by the score and his presenceis always heartily welcomed.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Special Meeting of Horticultural Society.

Society called to order on June 14th, 1884, by the President. Curculo'sat work on the plums, reported by Mr. Rocher. President Martin said thata smudge from coal tar would drive them over the way to your neighbors.Mr. Thirst has tarred his trees and killed them. General discussion on thecherry. Mount-Muncie cherry recommended by several members at state meetinglast winter.

Mrs. Thomas exhibited silk worms on screen, which were the center ofattraction on the COURIER table. Subject for next meeting: Culture and careof small fruits. Sample of fine Dutch Currants from Mr. S. C. Sumpter. Adjournedto meet first Saturday in July.

J. F. MARTIN, President. J. NIXON, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Points Concerning the Agricultural Industry and the Monstrosities
Produced by the Richest County in Kansas.

The COURIER office is beginning to make its usual summer agriculturaldisplay: samples left by the prosperous farmers of the county.

J. H. Curfman, of Fairview Township, left us last Saturday a beautifultwig laden down with cherries which would indeed be hard to beat.

Thos. Isenagle has left us a bunch of magnificent "Fultz" wheat,six feet high. Our farmers are finding the Fultz wheat to be the most successful.

J. B. Evans has left our office samples from his "Fultz" wheat,which have been astonishing all callers. The straws are over five feet high,with immense heads.

Mr. Devore, of South Bend, adds to our agricultural collection a finebunch of wheat, nicely filled and promising a yield that would startle anybut Cowley County people.

Mrs. S. W. Hughes is making an immense success of small farming thisyear. Aside from her fine garden, she marketed last Saturday an array ofgooseberries which would be a credit to even an eastern farm.

H. C. Hawkins, of Vernon, is one of the men whose orchards are beginningto reward them handsomely. He left with us Saturday as a sample from hisorchard a small twig bearing fully a quart of cherries, large and beautiful.

The outlook for farm products is most cheering indeed, hence, our farmersall wear smiling faces and are happy. No brighter prospects for superiorcrops and an abundance of fat hogs and cattle, in large numbers, were everseen in this county than now.

Cowley has fully developed her strawberry proclivities this year. Mrs.Philip Winters, of Tisdale Township, has marketed from a little patch abouttwenty-five feet square, one hundred and eighty three quarts and at lastaccounts was still picking from the vines.

Wheat harvest on many farms in this vicinity begins this week. All thefarmers we have heard from the past week report the wheat in fine condition,grains plump, and heads well filled. Our estimate of an average yield ofthirty bushels to the acre will be about right.

No one but a six footer dare venture into a Cowley wheat field this year.We heard of a little man who wandered around in a hundred acre wheat fieldthe other day for several hours before he could find his way out, and thenhad to climb a stem and take a survey of the country.

No insect has yet poked up its head to harm the bright prospects of CowleyCounty. When one contemplates the grand things in store for our people thisseason, as far as human eye can see, the enthusiasm becomes equal to thatover the nomination of the "Plumed Knight" of Maine. "Everythingis lovely and the goose hangs high."

Mr. John Davey brought us in a bunch of wheat from a field on the Thos.Youle farm, in Walnut Township, that beats everything we ever saw. It containsfour grains to the mesh, round and plump, and Mr. Davy estimates, if nothingunforeseen interferes, that it will yield fifty bushels to the acre. Itwas put in with a roller attachment and is of the "Fultz" variety.

It has been generally supposed that tame currents would not grow in thisclimate, but Mr. S. C. Sumpter, of Walnut Township, has proven this to bea mistake. He left us a twig which was literally loaded down with large,plump Dutch currents, and he says his entire patch is bearing finely. Theywere grown with the same attention given to other small fruits.

Mr. W. W. Limbocker brought in three bunches of clover Tuesday, all thefamous Alfalfa clover, and it was a splendid specimen. Another was the commonred clover, and the third was a new variety called "Alsike" clover.It is a wonderfully rich and nutritious grass and yields heavily. The vinesrun along the ground and take root like a strawberry. It is especially finefor bees. The samples are on exhibition at this office.

Still the magnificent productions of our county keep rolling in and theCOURIER office is becoming a regular agricultural emporium. The latest additionis in the tame grass lineAlfalfa brought in from Rock Township by Mr. A.T. Holmes. It is three feet high and in full bloom, and President Martinof the Horticultural Society, says it is the finest specimen he ever saw.Mr. Holmes has a hundred and fifty acres of it. The man who says this isn'ta tame grass county should come in and look over our specimens.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Winfield's Importation.

A direct importation of queensware from Liverpool, England, will be receivedby A. T. Spotswood this month. This is the first direct importation of goodsever made in Cowley County, and shows commendable enterprise on the partof Mr. Spotswood. He don't ask any odds of "middle men" in conductinghis business.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

EDITOR COURIER. Dear Sir: in your issue of June 12th under the headingof "Prosperous Cowley," you gave as the entire acreage sown inwheat last fall 58,206 acres. Taking these official figures as a basis,I want to show what would have been in all probability, the gain to thesesame farmers if they had all used the Smith Roller Attachment to wheat drills,in putting in their wheat. In the first place, allowing that they averaged1¼ bushels of seed per acre. In the use of this attachment they wouldhave saved ½ to ¾ bushel per acre in seedwe will say ½bushel, the last amount, which would have made a saving of 29,103 bushelsof seed. In the second place their wheat would have averaged from 5 to 10bushels per acre more by the use of this attachmentwe will take the lowest,5 bushels per acrewhich on 68,206 acres would make 291,030 bushels morewheat. Now add 29,103 bushels saved in the seed to the 291,030 bushels increaseand you have the nice little sum of 320,133 bushels of wheat gained to ourwheat raisers in Cowley County by one year's use of the roller attachment(nota press drill at all) can be hooked to any drill. Now 310,133 bushels ofwheat at 80 cents a bushel, your estimate, would make $325,106.45 to addto the profits of our wheat raisers for 1884quite a little sum. Now fourfarmers in Cowley County used this roller attachment in putting in partof all their wheat last fall, viz: Thos. Youle, one mile north of Winfield;A. R. Gillett, 2 ½ miles southeast of Winfield; Dan. Dressler, onS. S. Holloway's place, 4 miles east of Winfield; and Jeremiah Murray, 8miles southeast of Winfield. The undersigned invites all wheat raisers tosee these men and their wheatget the facts from them and their estimateof grain, then decide for yourself whether the estimate herein made as tothe amount of grain for this year (provided Smith's attachment had ben used)is any too high. We are clear in our judgment that it is too low. If, then,we have made a fair and correct statement of facts, it is clearly the interestof the wheat raisers of our grand county of Cowley to secure a Smith's RollerAttachment for their drills this fall. We are sure that every wheat raiserwho uses one will be largely the gainer thereby.

S. S. HOLLOWAY, Agent for Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Omnia Items.

Miss Minnie Butler is trying her hand on poultry raising this season.

Mrs. Elizabeth Henthorn is quilting a very handsome quilt, a renewalof an old time pattern.

Wheat, oats, and corn all look well and present prospects indicate thelargest yield ever given to Omnia.

Strawberries, gooseberries, pie plant, and lots of garden sass go into make up the farmers bill of fare just now.

A two days' rain has caused those that have not got over their corn yetwith the cultivator to entertain fears that they will have to fight theweeds.

Real estate is changing hands at a rapid rate and we predict the nextthirty days will be the most interesting time ever witnessed in Omnia.

Mr. Jenkins, the Baltimore merchant, is experiencing considerable inconveniencein obtaining supplies to meet the demand of his extensive trade.

The editor will oblige the writer very much by inserting an A in oursignature instead of F that appeared in our last. We have no reason forwearing an assumed name and prefer our own.

Is it because Burden entertains a faint hope of getting the K. C. &S. W. railroad to run through that place and thence to Arkansas City, leavingWinfield out, the reason for their making such a desperate effort to defeatthe bonds in Richland and Omnia Townships, or is it the object to defeatthe bonds and thereby hold the patronage of the townships that have contributedlargely to make Burden what it is? Who can tell? AUNT ARY.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.



Office over Farmers Bank.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

[From Neighboring Exchanges.]

Miss Fannie Stretch, of Winfield, spent a few days of last week visitingthe family of J. K. Woods.

The Enterprise received a pleasant call last week from Mrs. J.C. Curry and Mrs. Gridley, of Winfield, and Mrs. G. T. Walton of Burden.Mrs. Curry was formerly a typo in the Winfield COURIER office, and is oneof the most entertaining visitors that has favored this print shop for manya day.

A trip through Cowley County just at this time would upset the localpride of residents of any state east of Kansas, and is a veritable revelationto the thoroughly acclimated Kansan. The acres, fields, miles and milesof wheatso thick that a rabbit could almost run over the even surface ofwaving headsjust beginning to assume the golden hues of harvest; the immensefields of corn knee high and growing so fast one can almost see the bladeselongate and widen; the peach and apple trees beginning to bend with theirwealth of fruit, the fine large plats of strawberries, crimson with suggestionsof cream and sugar; the herds of cattle wading up to their knees in luxuriousgrass and rounding out with fatness; the neat and substantial schoolhousesfilled with bright and healthy children; and the farms and comfortable andsubstantial homes of the thrifty settlers, all help to make up a landscapepicture which no country under the shining sun of the age of this countycan rival.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.


Uncle Robert Hudson, of Winfield, gave us a call Tuesday evening andengaged us in a pleasant chat.

We understand a new style of picnic pants have been invented for thisseason. The color is a cross between a custard pie and a banana peel.

W. Baum, a young man who works on S. M. Falls' farm north of town, hadthe bone in his right leg fractured last Wednesday evening, by his horsefalling down with him. He now hobbles about on crutches.

Evan James, one of our most prosperous farmers, this week sold to a gentlemanfrom Pennsylvania his farm, crops, stock, etc., for $9,000. We understandhe gives possession soon. We hope Mr. James will not leave this sectionbut still remain among us.

Dr. A. C. Jones, of Holden, Missouri, has located in Cambridge. He isan old acquaintance of Dr. Pleasant, whom he will succeed in the practiceof medicine. Dr. Jones is a bright-looking, pleasant young man, and we believeis worthy of the confidence of our people.

Judging by last Sunday's attendance at church, we can say for the peopleof Cambridge that they are good church goers. The room, which will seata good sized audience, was crowded both morning and evening. We are gladto note this. It speaks well of the community. We wish our town had oneor two good church buildings, although our nice schoolhouse, second floor,does first-rate.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.


Harry Bullen, the intelligent looking son of J. H. Bullen, of Winfield,was in the city Monday, and paid his respects to the Sentinel office.

Miss Maude Frazier, of Winfield, the handsome daughter of Geo. Frazier,our jolly grain dealer, plaid her father and the city a visit this week.

Mrs. Jerry Evans, of Winfield, was here last week, the guest of Mrs.H. H. Martin. In company with Mrs. Martin, she made this office a pleasantcall, and is now a reader of the Sentinel.

Some of our highly educated and critical readers caught us up last weekon our assertion that Udall was pronounced as if it was spelled with a long"a," and content that it should be with a broad "a."After a prolonged wrestle with Webster and other "wordy" authorities,we acknowledge our mistake and return thanks for the correction.

D. M. Davis was in the city Monday, and after subscribing for the "wonderof the age," informed us that Sunday, assisted by his brother, FrankP. Davis, and Bob Ivers, he took a calf away from a cow which had two perfectlyformed heads. The monstrosity was dead when delivered. The heads were joinedat the ear, the ear in the middle answered for both heads, the two headshaving but three ears. Each head was otherwise perfect in every respect.A white blaze down the front being marked on both. The cow was the propertyof Bob Ivers. Mr. Ivers intends to stuff the heads of this wonderful freakof nature. If it had lived, Barnum might have had occasion to visit thisvicinity.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.


Mrs. H. P. Farrar and Mrs. C. H. Searing represented Arkansas City'sEqual Suffrage society at the county convention in Winfield last week.

Dodge City is going to celebrate the glorious Fourth next month witha regular old Spanish bull fight. The relics of barbarism are not entirelyremoved from Kansas.

Dr. Fred Quinby [?Quimby?], formerly of Idaho, was in the city Monday.He has lately been appointed physician at Ponca Agency and was on his wayto his new field of work.

Rev. Campbell returned last Friday from attending the general assemblyof the United Presbyterian Church at St. Louis. During the session the subjectof instrumental music came up, but created such a furore that the matterwas left in status quo.

Hic jacet: The Oklahoma War Chief has died, after a spasmodicexistence of four weeks. We understand our long haired and bibulous friendGordon has found a sucker who has furnished him means to start a paper nearHunnewell in the interest of Oklahoma.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.


August Lorry claims that malaria produces Democrats, and offers to proveit. Well, Gus is a queer fish, anyway.

C. M. Leavitt, a promising young attorney of Winfield was in the cityTuesday conducting the defense of L. D. Skinner. Mr. Leavitt is one of thosecourteous Kentuckians whom one is always pleased to meet.

John McMain and John Doe, stole a boat at Winfield, and came down theWalnut to Searing's mill, where they were arrested by Johnny Breene andbrought before our justice, Judge Kreamer, who fined them $10 and cost fortheir pleasure trip. McMain, it will be remembered, was, about 3 years ago,sent to the penitentiary for stealing a pocket book from one of the laborersat the brick-yard southeast of this city.

The growth of Cowley County during the past year has been larger thanany other county in Southern Kansas. The reports of the assessors of thecounty show an increase of six thousand in population, and more than $4,000,000in wealth. With the railroad facilities which we enjoy, and the rich countrysurrounding us, there is nothing to prevent a more rapid growth in the nextyear than the one just past.

Major Searing and Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer returned last week from NewYork, where they have been looking after the interests of their friendsin the way of government contracts. The former gentleman received the contractsfor all the flour to be furnished in the Territory as well as a large quantityof meal, corn, and salt. He also received the flour contract for Lawrenceschool and same for northwestern agencies. Mr. Schiffbauer has the contractfor the transportation for Indian supplies, from Chicago, St. Louis, andKansas City to Arkansas City; and from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,St. Louis, Chicago, and Kansas City to Lawrence, Kansas. This entirely securesthis place the Indian freight this year and will make a home market forall wheat grown in this section of country, and in many ways tend to a continualprosperity.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Santa Fe have issued an order to ticket agents along the line oftheir road whereby expounders of the gospel may be supplied with ticketsat half fare.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Cambridge Crumbs.

There are strong hints of a wedding soon.

Rev. Warren preached here last Sunday night.

Sheep shearing seems to be the order of the day.

J. F. Rowe spent Monday and Tuesday in Winfield.

Duane Foster has had the measles, but is all right again.

Mr. Smith, of South Prairie, is very sick with typhoid fever.

Blanche Palmer has gone to Winfield to learn the milliner trade.

Mrs. G. W. Rowe has been quite sick for the past week, but is convalescing.

Mr. Chandler, living on Otter Creek, sold a car load of hogs one daylast week.

Doc. Craft has sold his billiard hall. This building changes hands quiteoften.

The farmers are busy replanting their corn, the mice and moles have takenit so bad.

The fruit crop in this locality will be small this yearapples few andpeaches "fewer."

Mr. Jas. McClellan purchased 60 head of very fine sheep one day thisweek of Mr. Andy Whipple.

Mrs. Greenleaf is up and around again just in time, for both of her childrenare down with the measles.

The Rowe Cattle Company have purchased a few head of fine thoroughbredcattle. If they continue, they will have a fine herd before long.

Miss Becca Weavling gave her many friends the first social of the seasonFriday night. It was a leap year affair and the way the girls waited onthe boys was not slow. Becca is a lively girl.

J. P. Craft and family, one of the first settlers of this vicinity, willleave here for Clearwater in a few days, where they expect to reside inthe future. We hate to lose them, but wish them success. CLYTIE.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


In answer to a complaint filed by W. A. Lee of Winfield before the Boardof Railroad Commissioners, against the Southern Kansas railroad, the followingdecision was rendered.

On May 30, 1884, Complainant presented complaint to the Board againstthe respondent company, in which he stated two causes of complaint, in substance:

1st. That respondent charged Complainant $10, for switching a car onto the side track for the purpose of discharging part of its cargo at Grenola,the car having been billed through to Winfield, and

2nd. That in place of the discharged cargo at Grenola, Complainant putinto the car four or five wagons to be carried through with the remaininggoods to Winfield, for the carriage of which, from Grenola to Winfield,an extra charge of fifteen dollars was made by the Company. The car of goodsbeingimplementspart of which were "unloaded" at Grenola, had been billedthrough and paid for to Winfield. Complainant claims that the wagons shouldbe carried through to Winfield from Grenola without additional charge tothat levied upon the original cargo.

With respect to the first cause of complaint, above stated. The Boardis of the opinion that $10 is too great a charge for switching a car onto the side track. We find that the usual charge made for a like serviceon railroads is $5, and this amount the board believe reasonable and sufficient.We therefore request the company to refund to the Complainant the excessof charge over that sum, and to hereafter conform to this ruling in similarcases.

With respect to the second, it appears that it is the custom of railroadsfrequently to allow a car to be shipped at an intermediate station and dischargea part of its cargo, where the car load is made up of the same class orkind of freight, by payment of the rate to the farthest point. In this caseby paying the rate to Winfield upon the car load, the shipper was permittedto unload part of the goods at Grenola, an intermediate station. By thisarrangement the shipper derives this advantage. If he ships the whole carload to Winfield, he is under the necessity of paying a local rate, fromWinfield to Grenola, on that part of the freight that he desires to disposeof at the latter place, or if he ships the same goods in two lots undertwo bills of lading, one to Grenola and the other to Winfield, he cannotavail himself of car load rates, but must ship the goods under a higherrate. He, therefore, under this arrangement, secures the most favorablerate, or avoids a return local rate on part of his goods. In this case thecompany undertook in its contract to carry the load of implements to Winfieldwith permission to the shipper to unload a part of the goods at Grenola,the shipper paying the extra cost of making the stop and doing the switching.But the contract did not require the company to transport in addition fouror five wagons from Grenola to Winfield without extra charge, although transportedin the same car.

The rates charged originally covered only the car load of implements,and if the shipper could, in this instance, successfully assert his claims,he would get his wagons carried for nothing. But such a privilege couldonly apply, or be taken advantage of, by persons whose character of shipmentswere similar to the complainants; that is, where he could unload part ofthe car en route and put into the car another lot of merchandise. All otherswould have to pay local rates upon freights, which such shippers would getcarried free. Such a practice would be unjust both to railroad companiesand other shippers, and would result in a system of unjust discrimination.

We are therefore, unable to see anything to correct in this respect.

By order of the Board. E. J. TURNER, Secretary. Topeka, Kansas, June10, 1884.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

It is announced that the State Board of Railroad Commissioners and thevarious traffic managers in Kansas have finally agreed upon a schedule offreight rates, to be uniform on all roads in the State. The new agreementis based on the Beloit division, and makes a general reduction of 20 percent.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


A special dispatch to the Wichita Eagle from Belle Plaine, bearingdate of June 23, says: "The second engineer corps of the Denver, Memphis& Atlantic railway company will arrive here in the morning, when Vice-PresidentBurns and the chief engineer will go over and establish the crossing atthe Big Arkansas. On Wednesday morning they will drive northwest over theline for a distance of twenty-five miles. The survey and location of theline will begin Thursday. The grading will commence at this place next week,a contractor with a large force being now on the way. Fifty miles of thisroad west from Baxter Springs have also been located, and grading on thatsection will also begin next week. We understand three hundred and twenty-fivemiles are under contract."


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

W. F. White, of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road, has issueda circular stating that he will make an excursion rate of one fare for theround trip between all points on their line for the 4th of July. Ticketsfor this purpose will be on sale at the local offices of the company July3rd and 4th, good for return passage till July 5th.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


It is with unfeigned regret that we announce our conviction that St.John has deserted the Republican party and with a most unworthy motive.Our regret is not because of a fear that his defection will decimate theRepublican party of this state or any other, but because it sinks St. Johnin our estimation, and in the estimation of the public, and ends his influencefor good. So long as he was believed to be true, unselfish, and consistent,he was a power and had a host of followers who would gladly have placedhim in any position of power and influence, but now he will have but few,in fact no followers. . . .


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


As the State Convention approaches, the prospects of Judge Torrance asa candidate for Associate Justice become more flattering. It is evidentthat he has a goodly following in every part of the State, and if SouthernKansas will give him the enthusiastic support, which the real inclinationof the people prompts, we believe he will be nominated. We think today,he is the strongest candidate in the field, and there is every reason forhis friends to take courage and begin to stir themselves. Wellingtonian.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


Eggs 10 cents, butter 10 cents. Chickens $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen, andold hens $2.00 to $2.40 per dozen. Potatoes 50 to 75 cents. Hogs $4.00 to$4.25 per cwt. Mixed corn, 35 and for white 38 cents. Wheat sells at 75cents per bushel.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The skating rink on South Main begins to loom up and will probably beready in August to shake up the brains of our young folks.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Presbyterians have their monthly congregational social Friday evening.Seasonable refreshments will be served and a good time is expected. Allinvited.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

On account of the dedication of the Christian Church, next Lord's day,there will be no preaching in the morning at the Baptist Church. S. S. schoolat 9 ½ o'clock in the morning, and preaching in the evening as usual.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

A telephone message was received Tuesday evening, stating that Mr. Luckton,a partner of T. H. Grow, of Pleasant Valley, in the cattle business, hadbeen dangerously gored at the ranch in the Territory and requesting assistanceat once.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

A street melee between a couple of Paddies caused a little excitement,but no damage, Tuesday evening. The parties made the usual contributionto the city fund. This is the first disturbance of the kind which has occurredin Winfield for many a day.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Charley Fisher, who is serving out in the county jail a fine for contemptof court in non- appearance as witness in an Arkansas City whiskey case,has got deeper into the toils, from late developments. In an unguarded momenthe let out the secret of his having stolen a hundred and fifty dollar horsenear Sedgwick City, some three years ago, and also turned his unruly memberloose enough to give Sheriff McIntire an inkling as to where the horse was.Fisher evidently thought his theft was so covered with the dust of the pastas to be unfathomable; but not so. Sheriff McIntire went to Sedgwick Countyand interviewed A. K. Hargett, from whom the horse was stolen, and got aminute description of the animal. He then went to the farm in Sumner Countywhere he surmised the horse was and found the identical one. The owner wastelegraphed, came with persons to identify the animal, and took it home.The sheriff of Sedgwick County has made arrangements to take charge of Fisheras soon as we are through with him. Fisher acknowledges having stolen thehorse, and says he has lately experienced a great change of heart and wantsto become a Christian. Retribution is slow but sure.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Normal Institute is progressing finely and receiving recruits everyday. The writer happened in Tuesday and was highly pleased to note the interestmanifested in the different departments. . . . The Model Department is asplendid adjunct, affording teachers a keen insight into the modes of primaryinstruction. About fifty of the children of the city are attending thisschool and receiving valuable instruction under Miss Jessie Stretch. Therecitations are witnessed by the Normalites in classes of six, and theyare required to take notes of their observations. Thus is the vexing problemof how to interest the young in school work solved in a manner beneficialto every teacher of the county. Everything pertaining to school work ishaving a thorough rehearsal in the Institute.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

M. L. Read's Bank, of this city, have the authority of the Secretaryof the Treasury to organize the First National Bank of Winfield, Kansas,with a paid up capital of $50,000.00, with an authorized capital of $250,000.00.The stock has all been subscribed and paid for, and the organization completed,and as soon as the necessary preliminary steps can be completed the FirstNational Bank of Winfield, Kansas, will open for business, and with theaddition of a National Bank to our already large and conservative banks,Winfield will be as well supplied with sound and reliable banking facilitiesas any city in the State. Surely we are putting on metropolitan airs withour gas works, street railway, National Bank, etc.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

This vicinity was visited yesterday morning by a severe wind and rainstorm. It continued from four to half past six and did considerable damagein lowering wheat fields and breaking limbs from heavy laden fruit trees.Just the damage sustained by the wheat we have been unable to ascertainup to going to press, but we think the wheat was hardly ripe enough to makeit very ruinous. These heavy rains make it impossible for harvesters toenter the field, and if the rains continue, the little "dropper"will be in great demand.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

DIED. A very sudden death occurred in Rock Township Saturday evening.Mrs. Eliza Kessler, wife of Golden Kessler, had been ironing all day andin the evening went upstairs. Soon after Mrs. W. H. Grow, at whose houseshe was stopping, went up and found her lying dead. Heart disease is supposedto be the cause. She was married to Mr. Kessler only a week ago. The shockis severely felt by the whole community and falls with especial severityupon the young husband.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

On the evening of the 20th of the present month, a goodly number of friendsassembled at the residence of Rev. Lacy, to surprise them, this being the15th year of their marriage, and Mr. Lacy being absent, the Crystal Weddingcould not take place. They desire to thank their many friends for theirkindness, and the beautiful presents left.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The election to fill the vacancy in the City Council from the SecondWard came off Tuesday. There was no opposition to speak of and, therefore,little interest manifested. The candidates were Joe Harter and George Crippen.Mr. Crippen received a good majority. He will make an excellent councilmanand his election gives universal satisfaction.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Geuda Springs Herald tells a confiding public that there aretwo Taylor sisters at Winfield, two at Arkansas City, and two at Geuda Springs,and strange to say, but nevertheless true, they are in no way related toone another and are all engaged in the same vocationmillinery and dressmaking.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The annual weeds-along-the-side-walks complaint is beginning to reachour ears. It is almost impossible for the ladies to travel our walks inwet weather without having their beautiful dresses completely drabbled,and if property owners won't have this nuisance removed, the marshal shouldtake hold of it.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

There seems now to be no doubt but that the narrow-gauge will be built.From a special dispatch to the Wichita Eagle, in another column,the graders are now at work both east and west of here. When Winfield getsboth of these new roads, the Rocky mountains couldn't hold her down.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. L. C. McRoberts has left a bunch of keys at this office which hefound near the Tunnel mills last Saturday. Several house and other keyswith a penny of 1869 are on the ring. The owner can get them by callingand paying for this notice.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Six of Cowley County's boys and girls were enrolled this season as studentsof the State Agricultural College, at Manhattan: Will B. Files, Chas. Klingman,Amoy G. Robertson, Daniel Robertson, Maggie Stansbury, and Henry C. Stolp.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

We present in another column a splendid campaign song, prepared for theCOURIER by one of Pleasant Valley's patriotic musicians, Mr. Jake Miller.The air, language, and substance are such as command interest and denotestalent. [I SKIPPED SONG.]

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

BIRTH. Mrs. T. S. Morehead presented her husband with a bran new daughter.Mr. Morehead is at present away organizing his engineer corps for work onthe Kansas City & Southwestern, so has not yet learned of his good fortune.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents in Vernon Township,June 18, 1884, by Rev. J. H. Snyder, Mr. Marion A. Clark and Miss Anna E.Stone.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of Mr. Sloats, in Winfield, June 18th,1884, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Isaac O. Clary and Mrs. Nancy A. Campbell,both of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Southern Kansas will sell round trip tickets to the Chicago conventionfor $21.40. On sale July 4th to 8th, inclusive, and good until the 15th.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a lawn social at theresidence of Col. J. C. McMullen Tuesday evening, July 8th.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The wind storm yesterday morning scattered the frame work of the newskating rink over the adjoining lots.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Telegram has put in a new two-revolution Campbell power press.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Henthorn were over from Burden Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Will Parker has returned from a visit to his home in Nebraska.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Miss Nellie Cole is again at home after a protracted visit in the South.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

F. M. Webber and lady, now of Elk Falls, were in the city Friday.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Miss Oliver Suess has come to spend the summer in Winfield, with friends.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Hudson Bros. have contributed to the new Christian Church a beautifulclock.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Dr. Emerson is again in his office after a severe tussle with typho-malarialfever.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

J. T. Dale, one of Udall's prosperous businessmen, visited the "hub"Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Miss Minnie Greenbaum, of Junction City, is visiting her sister, Mrs.A. Burgaur.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Miss Rose Rounds returned from the Lawrence University last week, tospend her vacation at home.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Frank Manny and family have arranged to start in a few days for a threemonths' visit in Germany.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mrs. E. P. Hickok left Tuesday evening for Ottawa to attend the Inter-StateSunday School Assembly.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Miss May Halyard is again at her post in the real estate office of H.G. Fuller and Co., after a month's illness.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane are enjoying a visit from his aunt, Mrs. Holmes,of Topeka, with her son and daughter.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. G. W. Smith, from Denver, an old acquaintance of Mrs. C. Strong andfamily, is spending a few days in our city.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Bi Wagoner, one of the Arkansas City Republican force, spent Sundaywith his aunt, uncle, and cousins, the family of D. Berkey.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Jim Fahey's fine new residence on East Ninth Avenue begins to loom up.It will be a big addition to that part of town.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Homer W. Pond, of Fort Scott, Department Commander of the G. A. R. ofKansas, spent a day in our city last week.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss left Tuesday for the inter-state Sunday schoolmeeting at Ottawa. They will remain two weeks.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Miss Lida Tyner entertained the Good Templar Mite Society Tuesday eveningand a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all present.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

E. C. Stretch came up from Vinita, Indian Territory, Monday, and is spendinga few days at home. He is in the cattle business in the Territory.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Jim Conner is whooping it up lively on the Myton block on North Main.This will be one of the finest buildings in the city when finished.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

F. M. Freeland is getting things ready to rush his hotel up immediately.The plans indicate that it is to be a fine and convenient structure.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

J. B. Haworth and family intend to start next week for Cuba, RepublicCounty, Kansas, where they will make their home in the future.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Ben W. Matlack went down to the Terminus Saturday, returning Sunday withhis mother and sister, who took a look over Cowley's capital and returnedthat evening.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

We challenge any place in Kansas to beat our rhubarb leaf. It measuredforty-seven inches across and stood fifty inches high. It was furnishedthis office by Ed. Pate.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Dr. Bishop, of Salina, who has figured largely in the educational arenaof Kansas, will deliver a lecture to the Normalites and the public at theMethodist Church this evening.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Forrest Rowland has closed out his novelty store and will open a similarestablishment in Cherryvale, where he has a splendid opening. Everybodywishes Forrest success wherever he may be.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

R. E. Wallis has put a telephone into his residence, and the groceryestablishment of Wallis & Wallis also sports one of these importantadjuncts and can now fill orders by telephone with neatness and dispatch.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

J. L. Horning has returned from his tour through Michigan and the north.Notwith- standing he has for weeks been rubbing against millionaires andlumber monopolists, he is still "Old 76" to his many friends athome.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Charley Beck came down from Eureka last week, and will remain till tomorrow.He came owing to Elgie's sickness, who has now recovered sufficiently towalk around a little. He has had a severe tussle with lung hemorrhage.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dickie, of the Central Hotel, accompanied by her brother-in-lawand sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith, of Shelby, Ohio, who are visitingthem, spent several days of last week in the wilds of the Indian Territory,returning Sunday.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. B. F. Randolph, of the boot and shoe firm of O'Meara & Randolphof this city, came in from Illinois last week and spent a few days. Thiswas his second trip to Cowley and our grand prospects were astonishing tohim, when compared to those of Illinois.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mrs. Emma Smith and Mrs. E. D. Garlick organized a promising Woman'sChristian Temperance Union at Cambridge last Sunday. A Temperance meetingwas held there Saturday evening at which Profs. B. T. Davis and A. H. Limerickwere the speakers.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. L. D. Latham, of Chicago, one of the directors of the Kansas City& Southwestern railroad, has been in the city several days. He leftTuesday, accompanied by Mr. Baker, a well known contractor, for Burlington.They will ride over the route from Burlington northeast.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

A 4-year-old daughter of J. J. Rudd, seeing a black spot on her knee,rushed to her mother and said: "Mamma, my knee is sanctified."The little treasure was not old enough to understand the difference betweensanctify and mortify, but was bound to get in the big word somehow.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Trobridge, of Rutland, Illinois, accompanied by theirson-in-law, Dr. Evans, arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. Trobridge is abrother-in-law of James M. Stafford, and a minister of prominence in Illinois.We hope to be able to hear a sermon from him before his return, but, betterstill, we hope we may yet secure him as a citizen.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Points Concerning Agricultural Industry and Monstrosities Producedin Cowley County.

Cowley's fast fields of waving wheat have taken on their gold hue andthe hum of the busy harvester is abroad in the land.

Mrs. M. C. Tucker left the COURIER, Monday, another illustration of thecounty's currant proclivities, in a lot as red, plump, and luscious as couldbe wished for.

Mrs. Mary Bariclow sends us in a twig from her orchard eighteen incheslong and bearing twenty-seven nicely shaped peaches. In spite of the earlyprediction of a few chronic croakers, Cowley's peach crop this year willbe immense.

Will Allen, of Vernon, has added to our serial display a bunch from histimothy field with straw four feet tall and heads over twelve inches inlength.

A stalk of corn raised by John Fleeharty, on Silver Creek, left at ouroffice, is eight feet high with a tremendous body and beats anything yetbrought forward this year.

And now Mr. J. M. Barrick comes forward with a fine demonstration thattame currants can be raised in Cowley as well as everything else. He leftus two twigs perfectly loaded down with fine Dutch currants. They were raisedon the north side of a picket fence and Mr. Barrick says their growth andyield couldn't possibly be beaten. He also left a twelve inch twig bearingsixteen nicely formed Balls' Janet apples. A twig 25 inches long, from thesame orchard, bore 45 fine apples.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

The Whirlpool Near the Tunnel Mill Ushers Another Soul Into Eternity.

DIED. Our community was shocked Tuesday afternoon by the drowning, inthe whirlpool near the Tunnel Mill, of Frank G. Willson, one of the mostpromising young men of the city and a member of the real estate firm ofHarris & Willson. He and C. C. Harris went to the river to bathe aboutthree o'clock that afternoon and had been swimming in the water for sometime when the accident occurred. The water in this pool is very deep andswift, though, with a little care, is not considered dangerous when theriver is in a normal condition. It has several currents in a depth of fifteenfeet and flows with a whirling motion, the current continually eddying aroundthe pool. Frank and Mr. Harris had started down the current to swim around,the latter considerably ahead. When Frank got about half way through, hecalled for help and immediately went under. The current prevented Mr. Harrisfrom swimming upstream to his rescue and the only thing to be done was tocircle around and come down to him. But the body was held down by the undercurrentand only rose once after the first submersion, making all efforts at rescuefruitless. The alarm was immediately given and in a few minutes many willinghands were searching for the body. The swift, deep, and eddying water shiftedthe body in such a manner as to prevent its recovery until it had been submergedfifty minutes. Drs. Wright, Pugh, Taylor, and Wells were on the ground andeverything within human possibility was done to resuscitate the body, butin vain. Its spirit had flown to the inevitable and voiceless Eternity.It is supposed that cramp or strangulation by a back-water wave caused theterrible result. Those acquainted with the water at this place don't attributeit to the suction, though this undoubtedly increased the helplessness ofthe victim. It is hard to estimate the number of persons that have beendrowned in this poolfifteen or twenty. This alone is sufficient to brandthis place as dangerous, and should warn people to go elsewhere to bath.

Frank G. Willson was about twenty-five years of age. He came to Winfieldsome seven months ago and associated himself with T. J. Harris in the realestate and loan business. During his short residence among us he won theesteem of all with whom he came in contact. His only relatives here arethe family of his uncle, Mr. W. H. Thompson. His parents reside in Jacksonville,Illinois. They were immediately telegraphed the fate of their son and answered,requesting his remains to be sent home for interment, which was done yesterday.The father is a prominent banker of Jacksonville. Frank was one of thosebright, progressive, and substantial young men whose future indicates greatusefulness and advancement. The writer had many pleasant conversations withhim and found him possessed of those finer feelings which indicate moralityand refinement and are always agreeable. Nothing is sadder than the snatchingaway of a life buoyant with bright hopes for the future. Truly "inthe midst of life we are in death."


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Visit from Wellington Excursionists.

Last Thursday was anything but an auspicious day for a picnic excursion,though overhead it was bright and fair. It had rained heavily the nightbefore, making pedestrianism rather unpleasant. However, arrangements havingbeen made for an excursion, six car loads of Wellingtonians, with theircornet band, under supervision of the Methodist Sunday School of that place,pulled out for Winfield over the Southern Kansas at 8:30 a.m. They weremet at the depot by our prominent citizens and the Courier and JuvenileBands and escorted to the Opera House, Riverside Park, of course, beingtoo damp for their reception. Here the three bands furnished a grand concertduring the forenoon and produced some of the finest music, drawing heartyapplause from all listeners. Our Wellington friends picnicked for dinnerin the Opera House, after which they took in the city, the Park, and adjoiningplaces of interest in carriages and otherwise. Our smooth stone pavements,beautiful residences embowered in leafy verdure, with attendant attractions,received high praises from the visitors, many of whom were with us for thefirst time. . . .


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

A most youthful start on the road to robbery was brought to a halt inthis city Monday. Last Sunday Mr. Yearger, of the agricultural firm of Caldwell& Yearger of Oxford, went away from home with his family and accidentallyleft his pants, containing over two hundred dollars, hanging in the closet.Harry Love and Geo. Richards in some way knew of this. They went aroundto the house and while one kept watch on the outside, the other went inand relieved the pocket of one hundred and thirty dollars of its contents.They then took the evening train and came to Winfield. Harry Love is a deafand dumb boy, and the other is a son of the notorious Richards, of Oxford,who has been accused of numerous deviltries at that place. The boys, youth-like,were displaying their possessions here on Monday, buying jewelry and makingan immense spread for twelve-year-olds. This was noticed by our officersand they at once surmised that something was wrong. The attempted to "takein" the boys, but the little fellows took leg bail at a rate to astonishthe natives. The deaf and dumb boy didn't appear to understand the necessityof rapid action and soon came under, but the other out-distanced Frank W.Finch, Tom Herrod, and others, and was soon sailing over the hill acrossthe river. He was caught about seven miles from town and taken to Oxfordby Tom Herrod. About a hundred dollars was found in possession of the deafand dumb boy, who is now in jail here. These boys will doubtless be consideredgood subjects for the reform school at Topeka.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

I take great pleasure in announcing to the people of Cowley County thatI am Sole Agent for the above makes of Pianos for the counties of Marion,Harvey, Sedgwick, Cowley, Sumner, Rice, Reno, Barton, and Ford, appointedso by Messrs. Conover Bros., of Kansas City (general agents). I will bein Winfield about July 5th. Orders for Piano Tuning can be left at the BrettunHouse. For further information address permanently, Ion Arnold, Wichita,Kansas.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Railroad Elections.

The elections for voting aid to the Kansas City and Southwestern railroadcompany were held Monday in Walnut, Richland, and Omnia townships. The bondswere carried in all of them by large majorities. In Walnut the propositionhad ninety majority, in Richland thirty- one, and in Omnia forty-five.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Lieutenant Governor Finney, Mr. Walker, and other citizens of WoodsonCounty were in the city Wednesday to consult with officers of the KansasCity & Southwestern railroad company relative to securing the locationof the line through that county.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Mr. S. R. Marsh, a son of Dr. Marsh of Tannehill, returned last weekfrom completing his medical course in Cincinnati. He will shortly locatewith us and begin practice in Winfield. His office will be over the postoffice, in the two front rooms.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


Jas. F. Baxter and Ella Keely.

Jas. B. Stevens and Mary Clark.

The above have been engulfed in matrimony since our last, according tothe Probate Judge's record.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

[From Neighborhood Correspondents.]

Oat crop will be fine.

J. H. Bowman has the boss corn field.

V. Baird has built an addition to his residence.

Corn plowing is a thing of the past in this vicinity.

BIRTH. A. C. Monforte is the happiest man in the neighborhood; it isa girl.

J. W. Curfman has finished his new house and is living right at home.

W. J. Orr and J. F. Curfman will have a fine lot of timothy hay to putup.

I will name a few who have purchased new self binders this harvest: H.Smith, J. W. Curfman, Thomas Larimer, W. M. Limbocker, and many others toonumerous to mention.

G. W. Prater and O. Fuller have just finished a large, substantial kitchenfor Arthur Orr.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


Some corn "laid by."

Joe Ashworth has "gal" on the brain, so says the boys.

Jim Kennedy says she has gone back on him "all for nothing."

S. Guthrie is hauling lumber preparatory to erecting a fine residencefor himself.

Cedarvale is quite a metropolis. It has a new bank, a newspaper, anda boot block all at once.

Hosmer and son and Jesse Kennedy and sons have each invested in self-bindersand will do the wheat up in good style for their neighbors.

Hy Sarten was arrested, last week, at Cedarvale, for violating a cityordinance: selling pork on the streets without license. How does this sound,"Judge Marsh?"

Rev. Meeks, of the Baptist Church, and Rev. Jacobs, of the Christiandenomination, will hold a four days debate at Cedarvale in the near future,relative to baptism, etc.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


The gooseberry days are almost over.

Mr. J. E. Hoyland is having his house painted.

Harvest has commenced with some. A busy time with lads and lasses.

Mr. Samuel Tull, of old Salem, is visiting relatives and friends in Indiana.

Messrs. Wells, Bectal, and Teters have bought an engine to run theirthresher by steam.

Messrs. L. Downs and James Ford are the happy possessors of a steam threshingmachine.

New Salem school is out and Mr. Lucas, the principal, is enjoying domesticlife at present.

Mr. Ralston and wife are missed by the Watsonberger family with whomthey have been boarding.

Miss Ella Randall of Winfield was the guest of her sister in the homeof J. W. Hoyland last week.

The corn is exerting itself and grows very fast. Most of the farmersare actually through it the third time.

Mr. Murray has his well drilled one hundred and five feet, making it130 feet deep. Has plenty of water now.

Mr. S. A. Chapell has disposed of his old spring wagon and he and hisloving helpmate now ride around in a nice top carriage.

Miss Della Whetstone is among the number that have left Salem. be a goodgirl, Miss Del., and favor Salem with your presence some time in the future.

The busy chigger puts in its days and nights seemingly without rest.Wish they would go off on an excursion to the Hot Springs and never comeback.

I'm invited to ride out in a fine new covered carriage, new harness,etc., this evening; the owner of this new rig is Ward Hoyland, and I'm promisedmany a ride if I live long. Long live the Salem bachelors.

Mr. McClelland Hutchison left some time ago as a festive agent, but mostall those that depart come back again to get a Kansas airing or to enjoyour breezes, and they almost invariable find a hearty welcome.

Rev. C. P. Graham preached a memorial sermon on the late Cyrus H. McCormickfor his subject on Sabbath the 15th, and a quiet and appreciative audiencelistened to an excellent discourse about this good man.

Mrs. Dalgarn was happily surprised on seeing her brother, Mr. Wm. Watson,driving up with his family to her house. They came from Missouri and arepleased with Kansas and intend to stay and make a home in our sunny land.

Miss Davenport has gone back to Winfield and her numerous little friendsmiss her. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by those that were present thelast day to hear the declamations and singing, also to help eat the candy.

Mr. McMillen treated himself to a new harvester and Messrs. J. A. Shieldsand J. E. Hoyland have done the same. The beautiful waving grain will soonfall a victim to their bright, new binders. Success attend them throughharvest.

I had the pleasure of forming several new acquaintances at the social,and among the number our County Superintendent and his amiable wife. Theyseemed to enjoy Salem festivities and went home well ladened with beautifulbouquets.

Where are you going to spend the 4th? is the question of the day. I presumeI will spend it in quiet at home. Salem is invited to Burden, and our livelycity, Winfield, invites everybody there. May all have a pleasant time andrejoice on Independence Day.

Grain and stock are shipped at a lively rate. But the profit is not muchif the buyer gets on the train and forgets to water "the hogs he leftbehind him," and when a telegram arrives, behold a number are dead.Business before pleasure, but when business presses at home and abroad oneforgets to water hogs sometimes.

The Burden Band with their teacher favored New Salem with some excellentmusic on the 14th inst., but alas, I failed to be present at the hallamtold they executed some difficult but lovely musical pieces. I'll wait tillthey serenade "Olivia" in her quiet corner and then I'll givethem a puff. I'll not hold my breath till they do (as the boys all say).

DIED. Mrs. James Chapell is again called to mourn the death of a son,killed away in the mines with several companions. This is the second sonshe has lost within the last year. Could they have been at home and soothedin their last sleep by a good mother's presence and love, it would be asolace to her. But the silent messenger comes when least expected sometimesand takes our loved ones away.

Mr. Edgar and family came home from Harper in time to meet all theirSalem friends at the social. Mr. Shadden also came, but another fellow wasahead of him. The social was indeed true to name and everyone seemed toenjoy that evening. The ice cream and cakes were perfect, the strawberriesdelicious, the girls neat and lively, the boys cleaver and jolly, whilethe senior members left the young men in the shade for fun, they ordereda jug of lemonade and the merriment indulged in while passing around thetwo gallon jug came from our worthy representative and the gay gents ofhis age or near it. Over forty-seven dollars were cleared above all expenses.Pretty good.

DIED. The father of our respected friend and neighbor, Mr. W. H. Lucas,arrived in his home some time ago very sick. His time on earth seemed short,but medical aid was procured and all that love and thoughtfulness coulddo was done, but it could not keep the spirit from departing; and on the17th inst., the life of Grandpa Lucas was ended. The funeral sermon wasdelivered by Rev. Graham in the Salem hall and a very large concourse ofneighbors paid their last respects to the silent sleeper. A goodly numberof the Masonic fraternity of Winfield and Burden were present and they interredthe body with the solemn Masonic honors of their order. We extend to thebereaved ones our sympathy.

Within our quiet church-yard a weary one now sleeps.

Within a lovely Salem home the stricken mourners weep!

The patient wife now walks alone and naught disturbs the rest

Of her life's partnerGod knoweth what is best.

And thus the weary tortured frame has passed beneath the rod,

And those that loved him most and best placed him beneath the sod,

And patiently are toiling on till they are called to rest.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


Making a young man a clerk in a dry goods store, it is said, knocks allthoughts of matrimony out of his head. He not only learns what it coststo dress a woman, but he realizes how they can talk.

DIED. Cam. Rittenhouse, a son of James Rittenhouse, of Torrance, diedat that place last Thursday morning of heart disease. Mr. Rittenhouse hadbeen in Kansas only a few weeks, from Urbana, Illinois, to which place hisremains have been sent for interment.

DIED. Dempsay Elliott died at his home one mile south of Torrance, Wednesdaynight, and his remains were taken to Dexter by the Free Masons, of whichorder he was a member. Mr. Elliott had been ailing for about four years,and at one time visited Colorado for his health. He was an old settler andused to deal quite extensively in livestock in eastern Cowley County. Hewas a well known and highly respected citizen, and his death is mournedby a multitude of warm friends.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


Nearly all the corn has been cultivated three times and is clean. Thefields present a waving mass of green, far as the eye can reach, variedby spaces of ripening wheat that waves in the breeze like huge sea billows;this is a daisy country, and don't you forget it.

We would advise our readers to patronize home as far as it is practicable.Keep the money circulated within the communitylet not a dollar be spentaway from home for goods that can be purchased in our own town. Doubtlessyou have at one time or another been accommodated by our home merchants,and it is reasonable that you should spend your money with them.

W. F. Taylor, a young Tennessean of this city, while attempting to boarda morning freight at Torrance one day last week, fell across the rail betweenthe cars, managed to get off in time to save his life, but had his bootand two of his toes cut off, and was otherwise bruised. It was a very closecall and one that will probably teach him not to monkey with a freight trainwhile it is in motion.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


DIED. Last Tuesday morning the little 7-year-old son of Mr. John T. Yourt,of North Creswell, went out to the pasture to drive in the cows, and wasknocked down and frightfully gored by a vicious bull. A physician was immediatelysummoned, who did all in his power to relieve the sufferings of the littlefellow, but his injuries were of such a nature that there was no hope ofsaving his life, and in about two hours he died. The sorrow stricken parentshave the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community, in this, their sadaffliction.

The first month of summer is almost to a close. Kansas never had fourmonths of better weather for crops. In this county there has been scarcelya day of high winds, there has been an abundance of rain, but not too much,not one hot sultry day. Corn neck high, wheat and rye is being harvestedand promises the best yield ever known in the state. Cowley County is aparadise with no flaming sword. Blue grass and clover everywhere. They coverroads and fields and more is being sown displacing a rank growth of weedsin ten thousand places. The gardens are fine, peas, potatoes, beans, andall other kinds of garden sass in the market. Yes, crops are immense andour farmers are independent and happy.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


The Bank of Udall has sold out to the Bank of Commerce, so that now Udallboasts of only one bank.

W. W. Matthews made us a present of a turnip of this year's growth, whichmeasured 14 inches in circumference.

As soon as the metes and bounds can be ascertained, a petition for theincorporation of Udall will likely be circulated.

A. D. Penland has twenty acres planted in onions on his farm near Udall,and expects to raise 300 bushels of sets, and 5,000 bushels of large onions.That quantity of onions would do our family some time.

The most wonderful freak of nature we have heard of for some time wasthe birth of a calf with two heads, one body, four ears, one tail, and seveneyes. This monstrosity was the property of John Appleby, of northwest Creswell.The calf lived only a short time, which is to be regretted, as the introductionof this new breed might have been of incalculable value to stock raisers.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


Fifteen Kiowa Indians on horseback rode into town one day this week.To the stranger, they present a curious and interesting spectacle.

An addition to the Chilocco Indian school is now being built. It willbe 20 x 70 feet, and two stories high, and will be used for bath rooms,laundry, and kitchen.

The Arkansas River has been unusually high for the past few days. Thisis one of the severest tests the dam has experienced, and it has withstoodthe pressure without the slightest harm.

Someone has asked how small fruits pay in this vicinity. In reply wewould cite the profit of J. E. Arnett from four young cherry trees. Thecherries hung in clusters and were large and finely flavored. From thesefour young trees he sold cherries to the amount of fifty-threedollars. Truly, Southern Kansas is the garden spot of the west.

The country of Cowley County has kept pace with her cities. Everywherecan be seen elegant and commodious farm houses. Wheat for the past two yearshas been excellent. Our farmers obtain the highest market price for theirwheat, because our mills grind more than the county can produce, and muchgrain, both corn and wheat, is hauled or transported by rail to this greatwheat and corn market. If the growth of wheat has been remarkable, cornhas done equally as well. No better country lies out of doors, for cattleand hogs than Southern Kansas. Our farmers can either sell their productsto the mills or feed it to stock, as they choose, either way brings thema splendid profit. The present wheat crop is the heaviest ever known; thecorn crop will be one of the heaviest ever gleaned.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


It makes us smile to hear Eastern parties talk about drouthy Kansas,and just now it is making the farmers hump themselves to keep ahead of theweeds, which have profited from the abundant rains, and are doing themselvesproud.

Mr. J. J. Estus, one of Silverdale's most thrifty farmers, dropped inlong enough to report fine crops and lots of them. Mr. Estus is one of thesystematic farmersa man who attends to his farm with the same care thata merchant bestows upon his business. One rule in his farming is especiallyworthy of attention just now among that class of farmers whose weeds areas high again as their corn, and that is, never pass a co*ckle-bur, or apatch of them, even if it takes half a day to extricate them. He has a manemployed as a general farm hand the entire year, and his instructions areto pull this weed up wherever it is seen, whether crops are growing thereor not, and as a result just half a dozen co*ckle-burs were found last weekin a fifty acre lot of corn. This is only one of the many items that needcareful looking after on a farm, that it shows what perseverance and steadywork will do. Too many farmers become shiftless, or at least do not carrytheir warfare against weeds any farther than the ground in cultivation,when the only true way is to not allow these rank growing enemies of goodcrops to obtain a foothold in the remotest part of a farm. To do this requiresconstant watching, as much in the fall and winter as in the spring; butit will pay 100 percent on the outlay of labor and money necessary to keepyour fields clear. Another thing: it cultivates a habit of thriftiness inthe farmer which will show itself in the general improvement of his farm,not to mention the increased value thereof.

For several months Searing & Mead have been missing grain from theirbins, but have been unable to detect the guilty parties. Last Sunday morning,however, William Burroughs, a drayman in this city, was seen coming froma Santa Fe car with a basket of corn. This car was about half loaded forshipment, Searing & Mead being the consignors. Burroughs was arrestedMonday morning, and acknowledged the theft so readily that further searchwas made about his premises, resulting in finding a lot of carpenter's tools,which had been taken from a Mr. Pond, his tool chests having been brokenopen a week ago last Friday. He was also charged with stealing a saddle,bridle, and whip. In Burroughs' cellar were found about 100 whiskey bottles,which told too plainly the story of his downfall. He has been in the habit,we learn, of buying straight alcohol and diluting the same to satisfy anappetite that has drowned all instincts of manhood and literally ruinedhim. A few years ago, he was a hard working, industrious man, and managedto buy a house and several lots; but of late he has given away to the desirefor drink, which has brought him to his present condition. It will sweepaway the earnings of years to get himself out of this scrape. Burroughs'trial was held before F. P. Schiffbauer and he was found guilty, on threecounts, each petit larceny. For stealing corn, he was fined $5 and costs;for stealing the tools, $10 and costs; and he was sentenced to sixty daysin the county jail for stealing the saddle, bridle, and whip.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


The procession will form on Main Street at 9 o'clock a.m., sharp, withright resting on 12th avenue, in the following order: Burden Cornet Band,Grand Army of the Republic, Old Soldiers, Courier Cornet Band, City Officialsin Carriages, President of day and Speakers, Juvenile Band, Fire Department,Tony's Circus, Citizens in Carriages, Secret Societies, Citizens on Foot,Calithumpians.


The procession will move east on 12th to Millington Street, north onMillington Street to 7th, west on 7th to Main, south on Main to 10th, weston 10th to Mansfield, south on Mansfield to Riverside Avenue, thence west,arriving at the Fair Ground at 11 a.m. Music at the grand stand by the Courierband. Address of welcome and introduction of speakers by the President ofthe day.

FIRE WORKS. In the evening the city will be illuminated with a blazeof gas lights and the grandest display of fire works ever seen in SouthernKansas.

Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association,

No. 1. PACING.

Mile heats, 1 in 3. Purse, $75.00.

$45.00 to 1st; $22.50 to 2nd; $7.50 to 3rd.


Mile heats, 3 in 5. Purse, $90.00.

$54.00 to 1st; $27.00 to 2nd; $9.00 to 3rd.


½ mile heats, 2 in 3. Purse $60.00.

$45.00 to 1st; $15.00 to 2nd.

In all the above races 5 to enter and 3 to start.

Entrance fee 10 percent of purse.

JAMES H. VANCE, Com. on Races.

Stalls will be furnished on the grounds free of cost to those who desireto use them for speed purposes for a few days preceding the races.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.

Backastow & Crampton are prepared to fill orders for ice cream onshort notice and in any quantity.

Backastow & Crampton have reduced ice cream to ten cents a dishthefinest in the land.

For the most delicious soul-inspiring, health invigorating ice cream,go to the parlors of Backastow & Crampton.

The neatest ice cream parlor in the city is that of Backastow & Crampton.Take your lady and enjoy their delicious cream.

$10 REWARD. STRAYED. From my farm 2 miles east of Oxford, on Sunday,June 22nd, one sorrel Texas mare pony, 5 years old, had one white hind foot,had a rope about 30 feet long tied about the neck, reward of $10 will bepaid for its return. J. E. DUNN.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


The associate dispatches of last week announced that General Hatch hadmade a report covering the entire situation in the Territory. Monday nightthe paper was informed that General Hatch received his orders touching thesettlers. The general went through this city yesterday morning. From U.S. Deputy Marshal Williams, who accompanied the General down to Caldwell,and who, in company with United States Commissioner Shearman, returned lastevening, we learn the following facts. Mr. Williams says that Gen. Hatchsaid that his orders were positive and mandatory. He will proceed with suchforce as he may deem necessary to remove every man now within the Territorywho is without a permit to remain, after which no one will be permittedto cross the line except such as are armed with a proper passport. Campsare to be established at Caldwell, Hunnewell, Arkansas City, and Coffeyville,and a full company of soldiers stationed at each. The general further saidin case there was any armed or other forcible resistance, it would not bewell for those concerned, as such an attitude would be attended with thegravest results, even though not a single shot was fired upon either side.So far as Marshal Williams could learn, it is the intention of the departmentto absolutely prohibit any further attempt to settle the Territory untilcongress shall have taken some definite action, either sanctioning the settlementor prohibiting it all together. General Hatch was asked what would be donewith reference to the Texas border. He replied that there was no dangerfrom that quarter; the settlers down there lacked the enterprise or werewanting in that spirit of adventure which characterized the boomers.

If there is any mistake in the facts as set forth above, then Mr. Williamsfailed to understand the import of the general's conversation, for it isjust as given to us.

Wichita Eagle, 2nd ult.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The civilized tribes of the Indian Territory are exceedingly hostileto the allotment of lands in severalty among the savages, on the groundthat it would demoralize the tribal organizations. Bushyhead, the principalchief of the Cherokees, has filed at Washington a protest against the bill.The Pawnees have leased 128,000 acres to cattle-raisers for five years atthree cents per acre.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


There is great consternation at Chetopa, this state, among those havingranches in the Indian Territory. The sheriff of the Cherokee Nation, witha squad of Indians, has been taking down all the wire fencing that enclosedlarger tracts than fifty acres, that being the limit allowed by the actof the Cherokee council. The sheriff confiscates all the wire he takes down.The sheriff began work south of Coffeyville, and is taking it down as hegoes east. Thousands of miles of fencing have been removed. The Indiansseem to mean business, and evidently mean to eject all intruders.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


The bill granting the right of way to the Gulf, Colorado & SantaFe railway company has passed both houses and goes to the president forhis signature.

The line of the road is to begin at a point to be selected by the companyon Red River north of the northern boundary of Cook County, Texas, runningthence by the most practicable route through Indian Territory to a pointon the southern boundary of Kansas, the line to be approved by the secretaryof the interior before the work is begun. The right of way is to be onehundred feet in width with a length of three thousand feet in addition tothe right of way, is granted for stations for every ten miles of the road.

The bill says: Congress hereby reserves the right to regulate the chargesfor freight and passengers on the railway and messages on the telegraphand telephone lines until a state government or governments shall existin the Territory within the limits of which the railway or a part thereofshall be located, and then such a state government or governments shallbe authorized to fix and regulate the cost of transportation of personsand freights within their respective limits by the railway; but congressexpressly reserves the right to fix and regulate at all times the cost ofsuch transportation by the railway or the company whenever such transportationshall extend from one state into another, or should extend into more thanone state; provided, however, that the rates of such transportation of passengers,local or inter- state, shall not exceed those above expressed.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

RECAP. W. P. Hackney, attorney for plaintiffs, Victor B. Buck, SylvesterT. Buck, and William F. Fahs, partners doing business under the firm nameand style of "Victor B. Buck & Co." Plaintiffs, vs. WilliamD. McClintock, Defendant. Petition to be answered by August 13, 1884. Plaintiffshave attached a certain stock of groceries, dry goods, and general merchandise...judgmentfor the sum of $152 and costs of suit. . . .

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

RECAP. Hugh H. Siverd, Assignee, notified all creditors that a dividendof 4 percent has been declared in the matter of the assignment of Goss &McConn.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

RECAP. W. P. Hackney, attorney for plaintiffs, Peter D. Ridenoir, HarlowW. Baker, Alden A. Baker, Edward P. Baker, and Samuel Ridenoir, partnersdoing business under the firm name and style of Ridenoir, Baker & Co.,plaintiffs, vs. William D. McClintock and E. A. Wilson, Defendants. Petitionto be answered by August 13, 1884. Plaintiffs attached a certain stock ofgroceries, dry goods, and general merchandise as their besold to satisfy such judgment.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

THE WINFIELD MARKETS. Eggs 10 cents, butter 10 cents, chickens $1.50to $2.00 per dozen and old hens $2.00 to $2.40 per dozen. Potatoes 50 to75 cents. Hogs $4.00 to $4.25 per cwt. Mixed corn, 40 and for white 42 cents.Wheat sells at 70 cents per bushel for old and 60 cents for new.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Fireman's Ball, Friday evening, July Fourth.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The fire-works for the Fourth arrived Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Get your ice cream at the Reading Room tomorrow evening.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Just received by Cairns & Reynolds, a carload of "Enterprise"Windmills.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Richland is the first township to hold their primary for the coming convention.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The Tisdale township Republican primary will be held on July 5th, atTisdale.

J. H. Sparrow, Trustee.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Before the end of the week nearly every acre of wheat in the county willbe harvested and in excellent shape.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The skating rink on south Main Street is rapidly nearing completion.It is a mammoth building and will be all the rage as soon as it gets torunning.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Be sure and visit the spacious residence of Col. McMullen next Tuesdayevening, for it is to be the most enjoyable as well as novel entertainmentof the season.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

For cheap round trip tickets to Chicago, Illinois, Minneapolis, Minnesota,Madison, Wisconsin, and east, call on W. J. Kennedy, agent A. T. & S.F. R. R., Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The Winfield Reading Room Association will furnish the public with deliciousice cream at the Reading Rooms over Wallis & Wallis' store on the eveningof the Fourth.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Many of our citizens have acted on the conclusion that a hedge fencehanging over the sidewalk is a nuisance. Every front hedge fence in thecity should either be massacred or kept neatly trimmed.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The time of year has arrived for our health officers to look after thesanitary condition of the city. There are a number of highly scented alleysand corners all around that need attention. The Marshal is after the hogpens and will cleanse the city of this nuisance at once.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The Southern Kansas railroad has a gang of men at work putting a switchon Mr. Kellogg's place in Vernon Township seven miles from Winfield andthree miles from Oxford. The town of "Kellogg" is already laidout and a lumber yard and several stores will be started. They are alsomoving for a post office.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

A Complete Art Gallery.

Amongst all the great and beneficent improvements in Winfield, our completedsystem of water works, gas works, our prospective street railway, and first-classbuildings going up to accommodate our continually increasing business, noneof these improvements reflect greater credit than the re-fitted and greatlyenlarged Art Gallery of D. Rodocker. His parlors are all that taste andrefinement could desire, and his increased facilities for business giveshim great advantage over his former gallery. Mr. Rodocker recently wentto Milwaukee, Wisconsin. to attend the Photographers Association of America,of which Association his certificates shows him to be an honorable member.There he acquainted himself with all the recent improvements of the Art,and he is now in possession of all the facilities to insure work equal tothe best done in the State. He has recently secured one of the best workmenin the west in the person of George Dresser, who, for four years, ran afirst-class gallery in Independence, Kansas. Copying, enlarging, and painting,with all that pertains to the business are promptly attended to. We wouldcall special attention to the enlarged crayon portraits of the late Rev.J. E. Platter and the Hon. Senator Hackney, now in the gallery for a fewweeks. Our citizens will do well to investigate his work in all its departmentsbefore they go further and fare worse. It is a matter that interests parentsand children, that they have each others' likeness so true to nature tolook upon when the spirit has gone to the God who gave it. O, how much comfortthere is in a complete family group; we may secure it today, but tomorrowit is broken forever.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

An Accession to the Winfield Bank.

Mr. H. B. Schuler has purchased an interest in the Winfield Bank andwill immediately move to this city and attend to business in the bank. Mr.Schuler has a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, which he will bringto this city, and invest in bank stock and other property and help buildup the interests of the city and county. He has been in the banking businessfor the last thirteen years, ten years as cashier of the First NationalBank of Lincoln, Illinois, and three years as cashier of the Laclede bankof St. Louis. He comes here because he has a son to whom he expects to leavehis business in a few years and prefers that he shall be located in a smallertown than St. Louis, where he may have an equal chance with the wealthiestand grow up with the country. Mr. Schuler is recommended by the best menand financiers of Chicago, Lincoln, and St. Louis as a man of a high orderof intelligence, honor, and business sagacity. He will be a very valuableacquisition to the business of this city and his family a very pleasantacquisition to Winfield society. Mr. Schuler came here in April last whileon a trip of observation to find a location to suit him, and he concludedthat Winfield suited him best, all things considered. The proprietors ofthe Winfield Bank encouraged him and concluded to sell him an interest,which was concluded Tuesday. There will be no change in the organizationof the bank other than Mr. Schuler will be one of the directors and officersin the bank.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The "Glorious Fourth."

From all over the county comes the news that everyone, with their cousinsand their aunts are coming to Winfield on the Fourth. Wichita, Wellington,Independence, and other towns will come on special trains and enthuse withus. The Burden band will assist in furnishing the music. The oration ofthe day will be delivered by Judge J. Wade McDonald, which means that itwill be one of the most polished and eloquent addresses ever listened toby our people. Immediately after dinner an address will be delivered byHelen M. Gougar, the famous lady orator of Indiana. During the afternoonwill occur the amusem*nts, which will be first class, including three racesfor purses. A number of horses to go in these races are now on the grounds.In the evening the committee on Fire Works will set things to going witha line of fire-works heretofore unsurpassed. After the fire-works comesthe Firemen's Ball in the Opera House, to which all are invited.

At daylight on the morning of the Fourth the battery will begin to playfrom Alexander's Mound at the east end of Ninth Avenue.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The Winfield Stone, Brick & Tile Works are running at full blastand working a small army of men. They are making twenty thousand brick perday, all hand-made and the finest ever turned out in this county. The largequarries on the Southern Kansas northeast of town are also being operatedand immense quantities of stone for local use and shipment are being takenout. The price charged for rubble is $2.50 per cord, or $4.50 delivered.The company also furnish cut stone of all kinds, blue or white. The stoneindustry is growing to be a most important one to our city and we are happyto note the continued activity in this branch of business. Heretofore thesupply of brick has been light and has retarded building. The large facilitiesof the company insure a full supply at all times from this on.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

We are in receipt of a letter from the parents, at Tallula, Illinois,of Frank G. Willson, whose sad end by drowning we chronicled last week,a part of which says: "Please express our sincere thanks to the goodpeople of Winfield for their many acts of kindness in caring for and returningthe remains of our dear son, Frank. The mementoes of flowers and lettersof sympathy, from strangers to us, will ever live in our memories as wethink of our loved one. Their reward will be in heaven." The letterstates that Frank's age was twenty-one years and four monthsjust enteringupon the bright morning of hopefulness and manhood.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Some gentleman has left on our table a mammoth cucumberyes, a regulardeadly, night-blooming cucumber, the original of which was found on theclassic shores of Gretna. Our first impression was to have it carved forthe platter, but we were soon otherwise persuaded by remembering the parentaladmonition: Beware of the festive cucumber when it showeth itself on thetable; for at the last it swelleth like an accordion and biteth like a steel-blueserpent.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The managers of the Normal Institute have decided to close the sessionat the end of the sixth week, July 25th, owing to the heat. The enrollmenthas reached one hundred and thirteen and everything is running along pleasantlyand successfully. Dr. Lippencott, Chancellor of the State University, willgive a lecture to the Normalites and the public in one of the churches onnext Wednesday evening.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Some of the Winfield bank stock was sold this week for sixty percentpremium. This is a record that the officers of that institution may wellbe proud of. Beginning with the early history of the town, the WinfieldBank has grown and prospered until it is known all over the west and bybanking institutions everywhere as one of the soundest and most conservativebanks in the country.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, on June 25,1894, by Rev. W. R. Kirkwood, D. D., Mr. Walter L. Crowell, and Miss MaggieWalters, both of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union has arranged for a temperancemeeting in the Park on Sunday, July 13, at 4 o'clock p.m. Good speakerswill be present.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The Cowley County jail contains several horse thieves, raked in fromdifferent sections by the Sleuth-like tactics of Sheriff McIntire.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

For rent, a room over Wallis & Wallis' grocery. Inquire of W. J.McClellan, at the post office.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Miss Jennie Hane is visiting relatives in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mrs. W. W. Andrews is off for a visit to her mother in Syracuse, NewYork.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Miss Fannie Headrick was visiting in Argonia, Sumner County, last week.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Will Kirkwood is now an assistant at the lumber yards of Jas. H. Bullene& Co.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mrs. Maxwell came in from Leavenworth Monday and John is now as happyas a clam.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Miss Mary Treadwell left Tuesday afternoon for her home in SheboyganCounty, Wisconsin.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

DIED. Richard Snyder, aged twenty-four years, died in Pleasant ValleyTownship on the 25th ult.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Judge Tipton has again entered the law business in Winfield, with roomsover the post office.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

A. H. Jennings has commenced the erection of a neat law office next tothe drug house of L. M. Williams.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mrs. A. T. Spotswood is enjoying a visit from her nieces, Misses MattieMcCoy and Sallie Bass, of Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mrs. Frank Woodruff, of Chanute, has been in the city during the pastweek visiting with her many friends.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mr. Michael Maher has returned from St. Mary's College, St. Marys, Kansas,where he has taken a three years course.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Brown & Son are always up with the procession. The latest improvementis the artistic painting of their store-room front.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Will Holmes, cousin of A. H. Doane and late of Topeka, has taken a positionin the grocery establishment of John C. Long.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Fred Blackman has returned from a two months sojourn in New York andis again dispensing electricity at the Santa Fe depot.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Elder M. T. Hough, of Flora, Illinois, will fill the pulpit of the newChristian Church on Sunday, July 13th, morning and evening.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Sam Kirkwood came in from Kingman last week and stayed till Monday. Heis employed there in the lumber yards of Jas. H. Bullene & Co.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Misses Kate Patterson and Anna Waugh, two charming young ladies of KansasCity, are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. John Tomlin.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Dr. Bishop, of Salina, delivered a lecture to the Normalites and thepublic at the Methodist Church last Tuesday evening, on the "EducationalOutlook."

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Miss Minnie Limerick, sister of our worthy County Superintendent, arrivedfrom Boonboro, Iowa, last week and will spend the summer in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Misses Mary and Anna Martin, of Jacksonville, Illinois, are enjoyingthe balmy atmosphere of Southern Kansas in a visit to their aunt, Mrs. M.L. Robinson.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mr. J. O. Willson, brother of Frank G. Willson, whose sad drowning occurredlast week, arrived Tuesday to close up the financial affairs of his deceasedbrother.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Messrs. Doud and Clogston, of Eureka, were in the city last Friday. Mr.Clogston is a candidate for Lieutenant Governor and is a very popular andintelligent gentleman.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

R. J. Brown has again returned to Winfield after nearly a year's meanderingin search of health and fortune. He will visit a few days and probably againlocate with us.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mr. J. Hollister of Ninnescah enlarged our vegetable collection thisweek with two mammoth squashes as large around as a plate. Cowley growsanything better than anywhere.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

H. P. Standley, who does the giant act on the editorial tripod of theTraveler, was up from the Terminus Monday and reported his paperand the city in general in a flourishing condition.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The Gilstrap farm of one hundred and sixty acres on lower Grouse Creekwas sold this week through Kellogg & Matlack for nine thousand dollars.It is one of the best farms in the county.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

We received a pleasant call Tuesday from Evan James, of Windsor Township.He takes a great deal of interest in the coming campaign, as all the old-timeIndiana Republicans always do.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

S. D. Pryor and family left yesterday afternoon for a six weeks visitin Watertown and other cities of New York. Quite a number of our peopleare preparing to spend the heated term abroad.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mr. W. L. Burton, of Fairview, has favored us with a sample bunch ofwheat heads from his field. They are five inches long and have four grainsto the "mesh." The yield will be very heavy.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bliss' little child swallowed a sewing-machine "hemmer,"last Monday. The parents were very much alarmed about it, but the childseems to be doing as well as could be expected.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Will C. Barnes is erecting a neat house on East Ninth Avenue. We havethought for some time past that Will would soon need such an article andare now looking for the early unraveling of the proof.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Dr. F. H. Bull leaves Sunday for a month's visit at the old home in Iowa.The Doctor has been sticking down to business for four years and has atlast determined to pull himself away for a little recreation.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Rev. Dr. Hendy, President of the Emporia Presbyterian College, and oneof the ablest ministers of the State, will fill the Presbyterian pulpitof this city next Sunday. Dr. Crinkshank, of the same place, may also behere.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

J. P. Baden shipped two car loads of butter to New Orleans, Louisiana,last week. The Southern Kansas railroad has built a lot of refrigeratorcars for him in which Cowley's butter and egg crop will be transported allover the south.

[Note: I do not know the correct spelling of block. Have seen McDougle,McDougal, and McDougall. MAW]

J. P. Baden is arranging to remove his entire business under one roofin the McDougle block about July 14th. He will occupy lots of room and whenhe gets the different parts together, will have the biggest institutionin Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Sid Majors has sold his interest in the Central Hotel to his partner,Mr. Dickie, and has again retired from active business. Sid can't be "retired"very long at a time, however, and we expect to chronicle some other ventureof his before long.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Charles Greiser, of Beaver, had his team run away with a binder lastweek. They struck a bumble bees' nest, which proved too warm for them. Thebinder is almost a wreck and some of the horses are injured. Charley himselfbarely escaped severe injuries.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

M. J. O'Meara leaves Saturday for an eastern tour, combining businessand pleasure. He will witness the Chicago comedy of July 8th. George Headrick,assisted by the veteran shoe man, R. E. Brooking, will manipulate the establishmentof O'Meara & Randolph during "Mike's" absence.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

A. B. Arment is spreading himself like a hen with twelve chickens. Hehas almost finished a 25 x 40 two story stone addition to his furniturestore and will soon have one of the largest and most complete establishmentsin Southern Kansas. Winfield is doing herself proud on every hand in valuableimprovements.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Mrs. Sarah Morgan of Walnut added to the collection on our table theproduct of two hills of potatoes grown this year, that are very fine. Thereare 33 potatoes in the lot, the smallest larger than a teacup. They nearlyfilled a half bushel measure. We have never seen finer potatoes anywhereand venture the assertion that the yield can't be beat.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

DIED. N. Edwards and George Bourdette were drowned last Sunday in theArkansas, about twelve miles below Arkansas City, while swimming a herdof cattle across the river. The stream was high and swift and swept thehorses under, compelling the riders to take the water with their clotheson. The bodies have not yet been found. George Bourdette was a brother ofEd. and Joe Bourdette, well-known to Winfield people.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Judge E. S. Torrance and Frank Raymond left the law-dispensing machineat Sedan Sunday, drove twenty-three miles to the railroad before daylight,and came home to spend six hours and take dinner. They made the same routein the evening, arriving at Sedan in the middle of the night. Men who willride one hundred and fifty miles to get a square meal and a peep at "thefolks at home" deserve chromos of the highest merit.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. M. L. Garrigus and Miss Sarah Hudson were married Sundayafternoon at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. T. M. McGuire, by Dr.W. R. Kirkwood. The groom is one of the gentlemanly salesmen of the hardwareestablishment of Horning & Whitney, while the bride is well known toall our people and a favorite among the young folks. They have before thema future of much promise. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bruce, the latter a sister ofthe bride, came over from Cherryvale to attend the wedding.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Another Step in the Progress of Winfield Which Makes her a ModernCity in Every Way.

From month to month and from year to year during the last twelve years,the COURIER has chronicled as faithfully as it could the growth and advancementof Winfield. Beginning with the erection of the first brick building ina column and a half article under a screaming eagle and a booming cannon,it has come down through the successive steps of the first railroad, thesecond railroad, then the water works, coupled with so many enterpriseson every hand that it has grown to accept these steps in the city's advancementas a matter of course, and things that, in its early history, would haveresurrected every old wood cut in the office, now pass with a five linenotice. As it is with the COURIER, so it is with our people. For the pastthree months the Winfield Gas Company has been piling up brick, mortar,and stone, laying mains and erecting machinery without creating any particularsensation, and at eleven o'clock Saturday evening, President Fuller andSuperintendent Whiting threw into the furnaces the first shovels-full ofcoal that set the works going for all time to come.

The ordinances granting the rights and franchises to Col. Wm. Whitingwere passed by the city council last September. Soon after the WinfieldGas Company was organized and chartered. In the organization Mr. J. C. Fullerwas chosen President; J. B. Lynn, Treasurer; and Ed. P. Greer, Secretary.To this company was assigned the franchises given by the city to Mr. Whiting.In the month of March the task of erecting the works was begun. The completedworks will cost about forty thousand dollars. They are first-class throughoutand have a capacity sufficient to supply the city until it contains twentythousand inhabitants.

From the time the first charge was put into the retorts Saturday eveninguntil the present writing, not a leak has been found, nor mistake in arrangementor the placing of complicated machinery detected. This is a record heretoforeunknown and due to the mechanical skill and high honor and ability of Mr.John Maxwell, under whose direction every section of pipe and every pieceof machinery was placed. Of Mr. Maxwell's ability as a workman and integrityas a contractor, we cannot speak too highly. Suffice it to say that boththe Winfield Gas Company and the Winfield Water Company (whose works healso put in) will back him "to the uttermost ends of the earth."He is one of the few men we have met thus far who fulfill the spirit aswell as the letter of his contracts.

About forty connections to stores, offices, and residences have beenmade, in addition to the sixty street lamps, and most every business houseand a large number of private residences will be connected as soon as theplumbers can get to them. The consumption guaranteed the Gas Company insuresthe financial success from the start.

The gas will probably be turned on next Friday.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Visitors from Abroad.

Our city was visited last Thursday by a party embracing the entire citygovernment of Independence, with some of her prominent citizens, composedof the following gentlemen:

B. F. Masterman, Jno. McCullagh, J. H. Concannon, J. W. Price, H. F.Grant, B. I. Armstrong, E. S. Foster, A. A. Stewart, D. S. Lockwood, E.P. Allen, G. A. Stevenson, J. F. Autt, and John Truby. The party were herefor the purpose of getting facts and figures relative to the success andmaintenance of our Water Works system. Independence, though older than Winfield,is as yet without the telephone, water works, gas works, street railway,etc., but is beginning to crowd for a position in the front ranks. The visitorswere taken in hand by our waterworks officials and other citizens and showneverything pertaining to our waterworks and other enterprises of the city.Several hundred feet of hose were attached to a hydrant and an exhibitionof the reservoir pressure given. The visitors were enthusiastic in theirpraises of Winfield's waterworks system and Independence will likely adoptthe same system and have water works in the near future. Most of these gentlemenwere with us for the first time and expressed superior appreciation of thebeauty of our city and the energy and public spirit of our citizens in securingso many of the modern improvements.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


Richland Republican Primary convention met pursuant to call of townshipcentral committee.

Meeting called to order by J. R. Cottingham, chairman of committee. Afterstating the object of the meeting to be to elect four delegates to the conventionat Winfield on July 12, 1884. Capt. A. Stuber was then elected chairmanand N. J. Larkin Secretary of the convention. Then the following delegateswere elected: S. W. Phoenix, T. R. Carson, J. R. Cottingham, and T. D. Giveler.It was then voted that the delegates select their own alternates, and thefollowing were selected: D. C. Stevens, H. H. Hooker, J. P. Groom, and Capt.A. Stuber. No further business to be done, the convention adjourned.

A. STUBER, Chairman. N. J. LARKIN, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


Weather warm, and still growing warmer, with frequent showers. Mr. Lowewill soon have completed his harvesting and be ready for the new steam thresher.

Miss Ida Crane has gone to Missouri on a visit with her mother, sister,and brothers.

Lafe Brown is still carpentering at Dexter, while Mrs. Brown with theaid of a hired hand and girl manages affairs at home.

Messrs. Baker and Miles began their harvesting with high hopes and abran new Buckeye self binder, but their hopes soon began to languish, forthe said self binder refused to perform the appointed work. So it was succeededby a Plano, which promises to give satisfaction if properly dealt with.

The Reading Club at Prairie Home is not very well attended at presentowing to the short evenings and the failure of the district board to purchasebooks as yet. Parents and friends aid your young people in this worthy undertaking.How much more commendable and elevating some useful recreation like this,than the frivolous amusem*nts so much practiced, and often just for wantof something better. Then neglect not to assist and encourage in every goodwork and that too by your presence whenever possible.

We understand the Methodist people of New Salem are intending to builda church as soon as practicable. Rev. Wesley was in this neighborhood notlong since soliciting subscriptions from the people. It is a cause worthyof patronage in a Christian community and we sincerely hope they may besuccessful, for it seems strange there should not be one church edificein a country like this where are built so many substantial school and dwellinghouses. One can hardly help thinking that the cause of Christianity is impelledto stand aside for other things of far less importance. Such ought not tobe the case.

Mr. Marling's folks were rather unceremoniously aroused from their slumberslast Friday night by a large and happy throng of friends and neighbors,who had by previous arrangement met at Mr. Gardner's, and marched en masseto their premises and succeeded in getting possession ere they were aware.Mrs. Marling and the children had retired for a good night's rest (whichwas soon to be broken) while Mr. Marling sat reading his paper, unconsciousof all else; when suddenly the tramp of approaching footsteps and voicessinging, sainted his ear and simultaneously the door was opened and themystery solved. There they stood, and wasn't he surprised for once? Youngand old people, with their baskets and pails of provisions, entered thelarge and commodious new kitchen, pulled out the table, which was soon madeto sigh with its great weight of edibles, such as pies, cakes, pickles,sauce, etc. After an hour or two spent in singing and conversation, thecompany repaired to the table where the attention of all was called fora season to the task set before them, and it is a notable fact that thispart of the work was in nowise slighted but each performed their part willingly.This company proved to be only a crowd of explorers that had heard sometime ago of the new house being built, and were determined to test its capacity.The result of their investigation was that Mr. Marling has a fine new residence,a story and a half high, three rooms above, and three below, all good sizedrooms, and arranged for comfort. No more love in a cottage for them, butthat love may ever crown them, and their days be happy, prosperous and manyis the wish, we dare say, of all their friends.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The New Christian Church Building Dedicated to the Worship ofGod
Free of all Incumbrance.

Winfield has already gained the proud distinction of being widely knownas "the city of church spires," and it was with no little pridethat our citizens turned out en masse last Sunday to witness the officialaddition of another beautiful, commodious, and comfortable church buildingto the enviable list. The interior of the church, with its bright, new furnishingsand tasty floral decorations, was very pleasant and attractive. Elder J.H. Garrison, editor of the St. Louis Christian Evangelist, conductedthe ceremonies, assisted by Elders, Piatt, Yard, Trobridge, Longfellow,Irwin, and Frazee, from abroad, and the ministers of Winfield. In the morning,after the usual opening ceremonies and a very entertaining sermon from ElderGarrison, the report of the building committee was submitted, showing anindebtedness on the building of about two thousand dollars. Our people exhibitedcharacteristic enterprise by liquidating this debt in a hearty, zealous,and ambitious manner. The liberality of the citizens of Winfield in mattersof public interest is never excelled. The ladies came forward on this occasionwith a record which should down in history, a record which exhibits manysacrifices, much labor, and an energy in the cause of religion which shouldreceive the highest commendation. From their indefatigable labors, the Ladies'Aid Society of the Christian Church have splendidly furnished the new buildingthroughout and donated, Sunday, nearly four hundred dollars in clearingthe building debt, making over a thousand dollars which they have contributedto the erection and equipment of this beautiful place of worship. This buildingis another monument to the intelligence, good character, and public spiritof our citizens. The members of the Christian Church, headed by such menas Rev. H. D. Gans and Mr. T. R. Bryan, have been unfaltering in their effortsto obtain this creditable structure, and the consummation of their laborsshows a result worthy the personal pride of every member of that denominationand is an honor to the city of Winfield. The final dedication services tookplace Sunday evening, when a sound, practical, and eloquent sermon was deliveredby Elder Garrison. The Elder is a very able man and through his personalinfluence and the columns of his paper has done much for the Great Southwest.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Attention Soldiers. All who contemplate attending the National encampmentof the Grand Army of the Republic at Minneapolis, Minnesota, which beginson July 21, 1884, are requested to send their names to either of the undersigned,on or before July 10th, 1884, in order that arrangements may be made fortransportation.

C. E. Steuven, Post Commander; J. E. Snow, Adjt.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Remove Your Hogs. Notice is hereby given to all persons keeping hogswithin or adjacent to the corporate limits of the city to remove the sameat once, or suffer the penalty of the ordinance governing such cases. B.F. Herrod, Marshal.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Wheelbarrow Festival.

The W. C. T. U. will give a wheel barrow festival at the residence ofCol. McMullen, on the evening of Tuesday, July 8th.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the Baptist parsonage in Winfield, July 2, 1884,by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Elnathan W. Allen and Miss Mary F. McClung, of VernonTownship, Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of T. F. McGuire, June 29, 1884, byRev. W. R. Kirkwood, D. D., Mr. Milton L. Garrigus and Miss Nannie Hudson,both of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

A good family pony for sale. Inquire of Fred Barron.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


Two druggists of Geuda Springs were arrested a few days ago, on the chargeof violating the prohibition statute. They plead guilty to the charge andwere fined $100 and costs, $50 apiece.

Another addition to the newspaper fraternity of Cowley County has beenmade. The Geuda Springs Herald has moved across the street, and thusbecomes a resident of our county.

A. T. Cooper, of West Bolton, one day last week had his barn struck bylightning, and torn to pieces. Fortunately, a short time before, he hadturned his horses into the pasture lot. This is an argument for the lightningrod men.

W. A. Lee recently sold for $2,950 the lot he purchased for $1,800, threeor four months since from T. H. McLaughlin. Mr. McLaughlin a few monthsago, gave $950 for this lot. This gives the stranger some idea of the appreciationin value of property in Arkansas City.

W. S. Hilliard, of Geuda Springs, called upon us yesterday, and informedus that the first issue of the Geuda Springs News will appear nextWednesday. Mr. Hilliard will be editor and proprietor. This will give Geudatwo papers and will help to enliven the town.

The peach crop of Southern Kansas promises to be the largest ever gatheredfrom the trees. Every twig, branch, and limb are fairly groaning under theirweight of fruit. It will not be long until the owners will be compelledto place supports under the trees. The importance of the yield will be understoodwhen it is known that the peach crop further north is a failure. The latefrosts injured or destroyed the crops in most points north of thirty-eightdegrees. This insures for our farmers good figures for their crop of peaches.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


The eagle is being fattened while the Goddess of Liberty is having herholiday dress made to order.

One would be surprised to see how much business some of our young peoplehave at Winfield. We fear some of them will be troubling Judge Gans beforelong.

This city has eleven organs, one piano, five violins, three guitars,thirteen harps, eighteen brass horns, one silver cornet, three drums, andseveral other musical instruments all in use very nearly all the time.

DIED. At the residence of A. W. Fry in this city, Monday morning, June23, of consumption, L. B. Walters, aged 37 years. The deceased was a nativeof Ohio, who came here two or three weeks ago from Warrensburg, Missouri.Although among strangers he was cared for as well as though at home. Theremains was enclosed in a casket and sent east by the G. A. R. Post of thiscity, who attended them to the train.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


Capt. H. H. Siverd, the irrepressible and rustling constable of Winfield,was in the city Thursday afternoon. He made this office an agreeable call.

It has been hinted that Udall was hurting Winfield, and that even Chicagowas having a set-back. We are sorry to hurt neighboring cities, but bantamsmust give way to Plymouth Rocks.

We had the pleasure last Saturday of meeting Dr. W. P. Rothrock of Winfield.He was in this vicinity as a guest of Mr. R. Freeman. The Doctor is a pleasantgentleman.

Dr. Banta is quite a naturalist, and has a large collection at his drugstore of petrifications, Indian relics, gold and silver bearing quartz,and many other things of a curious and interesting nature.

The damage done to the residence of Robt. Ratliff last week by lightningwas almost a total loss. He though he was insured against lightning; butupon examining his policy, it was found that the clause in regard to lightninghad been omitted, and that we was insured against fire only.

Last Sunday, while O. L. Jewett was calling upon his girl, a fine horsebelonging to him fell into the well and broke his neck. The horse was valuedat $200, and will be quite a loss to O. L. This is a lesson to young mento stay at home and "care for the stuff," and let some other fellowvisit their girls.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


A movement is on foot to organize a lodge of the Independent Order ofOdd Fellows at this place.

Engineer corps No. 2 of the D. M. & A. has been set at work locatingthe line from the Arkansas River to Clearwater, in readiness for the graders.

The A. O. U. W. lodge will dedicate their new hall by giving a musicaland social entertainment as the hall is ready for occupancy.

Dexter society has received quite an addition in the person of Miss FrankieCole, daughter of our lumber merchant. She is a bright, handsome, and highlyaccomplished young lady.

The project of building a new and commodious schoolhouse should not beallowed to fall through Dexter needs a new schoolhouse, the district isrich enough to afford it, and it should be built.

The contract for grading between Chetopa and Coffeyville and from theArkansas River to Clearwater, was let on Wednesday of this week. The contractfor grading twenty miles from Baxter to Chetopa was let some time ago andwe understand the grading force is now at work there.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


It is said all the dudes in town are learning to skate on rollers now,preparatory to making a mash. We dread the consequences if one of them wouldhappen to fall and mash himself.

We understand there have been two or three cases of sunstroke in thepast week. We hardly think it sunstroke, but the parties, having overexertedthemselves, suffered severely from the severe heat.

I. D. Harkleroad says he fired his first vote off as a Democrat, andhas been firing in the same direction ever since, but has not hit anythingup to date. But it doesn't seem to interfere in the least with his goodnature.

Government troops are to be stationed at Coffeyville, Arkansas City,Hunnewell, and Caldwell, with instructions to keep all the intruders outof the Indian Territory and to eject those already in. Capt. Payne's colonysouth of Hunnewell will please take notice.

Mr. D. D. Keeler, of Kaw Agency, was in the city last Wednesday. He reportsthe Kaw school progressing finely. The Kaws have strict compulsory laws,which exclude an entire family from annuity benefits if any children ofsuch family, between the ages of 7 and 16, are withheld from school. Thislaw works most satisfactorily, with a few exceptions, keeping all childrenof the prescribed age in school.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


Nearly every town in southern Kansas has a base ball club.

Zed Craft this week sold his farm adjoining town on the west, to J. Sanborn.

Two car loads of young cattle were unloaded at this place Tuesday. Theywere shipped from Missouri, but we did not learn who they belonged to.

It would not surprise us if Cambridge should be incorporated soon asa city of the third class. Our citizens are talking of incorporating. Goodstep, gentlemen, go ahead.

Henry Dyer is the happiest man in town. He steps higher and laughs louder.He is now the owner of a youngyoungdeer. It was captured three or four milessouth of town.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


By virtue of correspondence between the officers of the M. E. SundaySchool of this city and some of the authorities of Winfield, it was arrangedfor an excursion under the auspices of M. E. Sunday School to Winfield forthe purpose of spending the day in the Riverside Park, one of the most beautifulparks in the State. Accordingly, through the courtesy of the Southern Kansasrailroad, a merely nominal rate was secured for transportation and DivisionSuperintendent Messinger placed at the disposal of the excursionists ninecars, which on last Thursday morning were crowded with between four hundredand five hundred citizens of Wellington. Supt. Messinger kindly conductedthe train in person and paid every attention to the comfort of the passengersen route. The Excursionists were met at Winfield by a committee consistingof Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. M. L. Robinson, and D. L. Kretsinger, headed by theWinfield Juvenile Band, composed of twelve members, led by Ed. Farringer,the youngest member being Master Carl Farringer, six years of age. Theywere escorted to the opera house by the committee and a long concourse ofthe citizens of Winfield, where the Courier Band, led by Mr. George Crippenwere awaiting them. Riverside Park, the Opera House, the Fair Grounds wereplaced at the disposal of the guests, and, in short, the freedom of thecity ws generously tended them. On account of the heavy rain the preceedingnight, the park was not in a condition to be occupied, and Mr. T. B. Myers,manager of the Opera House, was untiring in his efforts to render theiroccupancy of that commodious building pleasant. Mr. Ed. P. Greer, localeditor of the COURIER, was active and unremitting in his attentions; andindeed the businessmen and citizens generally took especial pains to renderevery assistance to make their stay pleasant. Boats had been brought tothe landing of the Walnut River, that the visitors might enjoy a boat ride.Ice water and refreshments in abundance were gratuitously furnished by thecitizens of Winfield. To be short, we will say that everything was donethat kindness, hospitality, and exquisite good taste could suggest to makethe day one long to be remembered by the people of Wellington, and we canassure our good neighbors of Winfield that Wellington only waits an opportunityto reciprocate their generosity.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

The banks of this city will all be closed on the 4th.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m., and 8 p.m.Sabbath School at 9 a.m.; Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. J. H.SNYDER, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching at 11 a.m., and 8 p.m.; Prayer meetingWednesday evening at 8 p.m.; Young Peoples' meeting Thursday at 8 p.m.,Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Deacon B. F. Wood, Supt. J. CAIRNS, Pastor.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

Strayed or stolen Four head heifers. One mooley heifer with H brand onleft hip. The other three if branded have the same brand. A liberal rewardwill be paid for the return of cattle to my place three miles east of Winfield.F. H. CONKRIGHT.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

C. H. Doomes, of Chicago, has opened a studio over McDonald's store,3rd room. He does portrait work in oil, crayon, and pastel, making portraitsdirect from life or from photographs. The public are cordially invited tocall and examine his work at any time.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

BRICK. The Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company is now making twentythousand brick per day. These brick are all hand moulded and are pronouncedby masons the best ever made in this county. They can be seen on Main Streetin Jenning's office building. Prices low.

STONE. We have re-opened the quarries on the land northeast of Winfieldand will furnish at the quarries the best Rubble stone from $2.00 to $2.50per cord of one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet, and will deliver anywherein the corporate limits of Winfield for $4.50 per cord.

These quarries are closer and more conveniently situated than any ofthe Winfield quarries.

We will furnish cut stone of any kind, either blue or white, at low prices.

We invite a visit to our saw-mill and brickyard in the southwest partof Winfield.

J. E. CONKLIN, President.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

RECAP. W. P. Hackney, attorney for plaintiff, Wm. B. Grimes' Dry GoodsCo., vs. William D. McClintock, Defendant. Petition to be answered by August13, 1884, re suit for $596.00 and costs, together with 7 percent interestfrom May 10, 1884. Plaintiff has attached a certain stock of groceries,dry goods, and general merchandise. . . .

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